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Valérie Roy Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Valérie Roy Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Valérie Roy Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Charlène Gilbert Photographe

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Valérie Roy Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022.

Full name: Valérie Roy

Title/Year: Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022

Pageant System: Miss Canada Globe Productions (MCGP)

Age: 38

Education Level: University administration degree

Zodiac sign: Aries

Hobbies: Dancing, Drawing, Painting

Platform: Psy’Chien International

Years competed: 2021-2022

Countries visited: USA, Cuba

Likes: Beach, Ocean, Sun, Swimming

Dislikes: Snow, Cold weather, Bugs

Status: In relationship and mother of 2

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself?

I am a 38 years old mother of two awesome kids. I have a daughter, Loralee 10 and a son, Milan 7. I’m also the step-mother of Danaëlle 15. Three years ago, I got really ill and I had spent weeks in hospitals. I was diagnosed with frontal lobe atrophy and an electrical slowness in my left temper lobe. Combined with conjugal violence, I have developed severe anxiety, a conversion problem (neuro-functional problem), post-traumatic shock syndrome and memory loss. I lost my hair, got so weak that I was in a wheelchair and had a few scares of not surviving. This past year, I have been recovering and started to live again. I enjoy every single minute of my life with my wonderful partner and our kids.

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about your education?

I had been in my career for 13 years as a paramedic before I had got injured. I then decided to go back to school. I attended University at the age of 31 and was also 7 months pregnant with my son. My studies included administration, accounting and human resources. Upon graduation, I was able to obtain a job in a Court House as a Court clerk in Cree and Inuit communities from northern Québec.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?

Women Empowerment means the world to me! It’s the equality between men and women. We are strong human beings with so much capacity yet unique in our own ways. Women are brilliant and can manage different situations like no other. We also get to be mothers. I have always compared being a mom to being an octopus, we have 8 arms to do everything we want and need to do. I regularly say that I do not need a male figure to support me in my life; I have one because I choose to.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history?

I discovered pageantry 8 months ago. Where I come from, pageants are perceived as runway shows to select the most desirable woman on international television. When I heard about the opportunity at Miss Canada Globe Productions and that it was not only based on exterior beauty, I jumped to the occasion. I thought to myself, what are the chances that it would happen to me, the small-town girl who does not fit the stereotype body shape. I was so impressed that I could be part of the pageant and I have learned so much and grown as a person to levels I could never expect.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

My inspiration was not a what, it was who. That person is my mentor, Maya Caron, Miss Teen Canada Globe 2019-2020. Through the sisterhood mentorship program, she explained how pageantry changed her life in a positive way and I could feel it deep inside my veins from the way she explained her journey. I already knew that I had to try. I wanted to glow like her, be proud of myself and prove myself wrong that I could not accomplish.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I chose to compete in the “Ms” category, which includes women from ages 27 to 40 years old, married/separated/divorced and/or with children. I wanted to send a message that age is just a number. Even though I am not 20 years old anymore, I could show that it was still possible! We are never too old to shine! My body may be older, but my heart and soul are still young.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system, please tell us what is it about?

People think that pageants are only based on beauty but actually, they are not. I was one of those people and I proved myself wrong. Of course, beauty is part of it, but the bigger focus of the pageant is judged on who you truly are, from the inside. Miss Canada Globe Productions chooses their Queens on what they have to say, how it’s said, and it how it is applied in everyday life.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

During the whole pageant, we were judged based on our talent and skills on stage, our confidence levels, and our daily behaviours and interactions. When a Queen is crowned, she will represent the title for a whole year. That title will stick to you through your everyday life. Having the crown is a job responsibility that you become accountable for not only during events or on stage. You become a public figure and a role model to other women. Your real personality must reflect and shine just as bright as your crown!

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition?

It was such a great experience for me! I got to meet amazing ladies and bond with them. I gained so much confidence and I was accepted for who I am. People do not know you at all so they cannot form opinions based on preconceived ideas. I had so much fun and I could be me, just me. I went there without any expectations. I just wanted to enjoy every single moment and grow from it and this is exactly what I did.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for?

My platform is called Psy’Chien International and I actually benefit from their services. They are specialized in training psychiatric assistance dogs for people that, like me, live with an invisible handicap. Their mission is to help people live a normal life as much as possible. Similar to people who are blind, psychiatric assistance dogs help us to get out of our house and integrate into society. Missy, my dog, follows me everywhere I go. She even was part of the pageant in Toronto, Ontario in September. Because of Psy’Chien, I got to train my own dog to a certain standard level and they are always there for us. They even advocate people to save shelter dogs before buying a puppy.

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

I have not done appearances yet since I got crowned such a short period ago, but I have planned to be part of festivals in my hometown. I have planned appearances in fashion shows and I want to raise money for my platform through different activities in my community and throughout my province of Quebec. Some other events lined up including being a guest speaker at an adult school in Quebec, and also a guest speaker on a peer’s podcast. If possible, I would love to present at conferences about how we can change our life when we change our priorities.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

I would say that the biggest achievement I’ve accomplished was to leave a previous toxic relationship. Violence, control, and narcissistic character traits became the reason I decided to exit. This was the best move I could have ever made, not only for myself but also for my kids. I now support other women in getting out of these toxic situations and to live the life they deserve.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I would say that because I am a mom and worked as paramedic and court clerk, I advocate health, wellbeing and justice for everyone. I am always there for everyone whether it is to listen, to comfort or provide healing. I am always the first one to help every person that needs it and that is why I also received the title of Ms Congeniality.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner?

I could not believe that it was happening for real. I was now crowned as the representation of Canadian Beauty as an Ms. I was there to grow, learn, enjoy and take time for me. It made it way more special when I heard my name. I was competing with such amazing ladies so I was grateful just being there with them. I was so proud of myself, all these beautiful emotions came out and for once, I got rewarded for being only me.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

To be a Beauty Queen means something very important to me; being a role model for every girl/woman or any person to live to their fullest potential. I want to show the real beauty of a person which comes from the inside. When this is present and true, outside beauty comes naturally. It is not only about the envelope but about the whole package.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

Because of my history as a victim of violence, I developed severe anxiety and I have always been terrified of peoples’ opinions. I had experienced verbal abuse constantly diminishing my worth, so to appear on stage, in front of people and judges, it was a huge challenge. To win my crown and title for being who I am made me believe in ME! I now can be proud of who I am.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?

Like I said earlier, my self-esteem was reduced to non-existent. The fact that I could win such a title seemed impossible to me, but my wonderful partner encouraged me to do it and supported me all the way because he believes in me. Now that I have won, I feel way more confident about myself, my capabilities and my appearance. I do feel beautiful now, inside and out, even though he reminded me every day, now I know he was right, the pageant confirmed it.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

It feels so great! I have always been looking up at others and now that people are looking up at me, congratulating me, telling me that they are proud of me was unexpected and I love it. If I can make a difference in only one girl’s life, that would feel like a huge accomplishment.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

As simple as being myself, have fun, enjoy, and being grateful to be there, I think that this is what they are looking for. Be natural, be yourself because if you are fake, they will see it sooner or later. I had no expectations except for them to see me and judge me for who I am.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

Preparation was chaos! I was so afraid to forget things back home, afraid that my dresses wouldn’t make it on time. I had so much stuff that I had to drive instead of taking a plane. I made so many check lists that I even had a check list for my check lists! For the mental preparation, I tried to anticipate every event, simulate my own Q and A, but it was useless because as soon as I got there, I forgot everything. I had to face it and do my best and it paid off.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

Practice, practice and practice. I still can hear our coach saying « Girls, practice, you need to practice! Head up, shoulders down, chest up!». That was the most popular word, P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E! I can still hear Kim’s voice weeks after we were done and went back home.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

I would say that first, you need to get dresses in which you are comfortable because if you’re not, it will show. Try different models, look at other pageants if you need inspiration but the dresses have to represent you, you are wearing the gown, not the opposite.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

Breathe! That is the most important point. Then, listen carefully and make sure you understand exactly what they are asking you. Your answers should be short, clear and concise. If you talk for too long, people will lose focus and won’t hear what you have to say. Finally, make sure that your answers are coming from your own thoughts. Do not answer what you think they want to hear, stay true to yourself.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

My biggest mistake was to anticipate everything that people would think of me and give people bad intentions towards me to protect myself. I realized that everyone is not like previous toxic individuals in my life, and people can have a positive opinion of me. I would leave some space in my head and in my heart to let people coming in and let them make their own opinion about me before I tell myself that they won’t like me. It took me few days to do it and I regret I didn’t do it from day one.

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

I would say that some were so nervous that they would explode in tears, panic attacks and even aggressive behaviour. We need to remember that yes, it is a competition, but it is also a learning experience and a once in a life time journey. If you let stress or anger get the best of you, rely on one of your pageant sisters, relatives or close friends to help you clear your mind. Take a few minutes to remember that we are all in the same situation even though some don’t show it. You are not alone and will never be.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?

The only stage experience I had was through dance. I have been a dancer for 24 years and dance teacher for 10 years which helped the model portion of the pageant. Even though the walking is different, it was easier for me with heels because I dance in high heels. My balance was easier to find.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021/22 as a Queen?

My plans for the next year as a Queen are to spread the joy I feel inside, keep gaining confidence and hopefully inspire others. I want to take opportunities that I would not have taken before and I want to elevate myself on a positive path. I want to keep becoming a better mother to my children, improve and become a better version of myself every day.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want people to remember that even if your life has been falling apart, if you hit the bottom, you can only go up from there. Last year, I was in a wheelchair, bald, fighting for my life and look at me now! I have become so much stronger, I discovered that the positive is always somewhere, waiting for you and YOU have to find it, it won’t come to you. Stand up, look up and walk forward!

National Director: Mias Pilar Alcantara

Pageant website:

Thank you to DJ Vox and Fernando Balbontin of Genesis multimedia, Kim Mahistrado of Mahistrado Fashions. Thank you to Charlène Gilbert Photographe for the amazing portfolio and the most important, my family for supporting me through that amazing experience.

Thank you to my sponsors: Eska Water and Boucherie Veillette inc.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine.

Valérie Roy Ms Canadian Beauty International 2021-2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Charlène Gilbert Photographe

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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