World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Sharen Chester Ms. Illinois America Nation 2021.
Full name: Sharen Chester Title/Year: Ms. Illinois America Nation 2021 Pageant System: America Nation Age: 46 Zodiac sign: Moon child – I was born on the cusps of Capricorn and Aquarius Hobbies: I enjoy crafting and creating one-of-a-kind items Platform: Food Insecurity – awareness of issues that effort elderly which includes food insecurity and being an advocate for those that's less fortunate. Years competed: 2 Countries visited: Have not really been outside of the country by air. But I have taken cruises to Belize, Honduras, and Mexico Likes: I like being creative and servicing the community. Dislikes: There's not much that i dislike. Status: single World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself. I am a single mother of three amazingly gifted young ladies. I am the founder and CEO of family last CL foundation. World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you? Women Empowerment has so many meaning for me. To be a women that leads by example, letting my actions step louder then my words. Be a cheerleader to women, cheering their accomplishments, successes, and good deeds. Be a educator, mentor, and motivator. As a women that empowers other women I wear a variety of hats and have and open heart and compassionate ear. World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history. My pageant history is very brief. This will be my 2nd year competing. I started competing by entering the American Elegance Pageant system. I held the regional title of Ms. Midwestern US Lady 2019 and later Ms. Great Lakes US Lady 2020. Though I was a novice in pageantry I advanced to Nationals and placed as 2nd runner up for the National Title. Determined to win that title the next year 2020 I entered the state competition of American Elegance as Ms. Chicago IL 2020; I failed to place and my journey to Nationals came to an end. At least that is what I thought, several weeks after competition I was invited to attend national competition as an At Large Delegate with the title of Ms. Great Lakes US. During this time, I received and email for Dr. Krystal Okeke inviting me to Multicultural Fashion Show and National Competition. I accepted the offer and came with my A game. I was more than shocked when I was crowned with the title of Ms. Illinois America Nation 2021. I cherish this title and have been enjoying my reign. Competition of American Elegance and cheered on my friend. Who actually won the national title as well as several other titles during the competition. Watching her on stage made me look at myself and say Hey I can do that. That can be me. World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? I choose to compete for my title of Ms. IL because having this title gives me a bigger platform to begin awareness to my platform. It was helps me to show young girls and women that no matter what you have been through, no matter what anyone thinks or says about you, all things are possible if you believe in yourself and have a positive support system. I want to shatter the stereotype that pageant queens are all about makeup, sparkly gowns, and prefect hair. I want to show that queens are involved in the community, fight for causes and bring awareness to serious issues. I consider myself a working queen because aside from all glitz and glamour of pageantry you can find me putting in work in and for the community. World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? The Mission of America Nation is to provide the tools necessary which help women to be their personal best and to assist them personally and professionally by instilling skills that will last them a lifetime. Whether developing public speaking skills, interviewing, or writing a resume, each contestant embarks on this journey to empower others. We encourage them to get out of their comfort zone, by being themselves, and continue to define what it means “Defining Beauty And Beyond” World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition? Though I did not compete in 2020 National competition of America Nation I know that those that competed were judged on community service, cultural attire, and evening gown. World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition. I have not had the full experience of competing with America Nations yet, but I got to experience it as an ambassador. Even though it was not for competition for National Title I very enjoyed the experience. It helped me to get an understanding for what national Competition will be like. It showed me what I need to work on, it was like a prep test. I am excited to take what I learned and bring it to Nationals competition 2021. World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. My platform is food insecurity and advocating for the elderly. 7 to 10 families in the US do not have adequate nutritional food due to lack of access, low wages. World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title? With my title of Ms. IL, I have made several appearances at grocery giveaways and food drives. Recently my self along with several America Nations queens walked downtown Chicago for Lupus Foundations Walk to End Lupus. That same day passed out groceries at 34th Ward Relief Community Giveaway. As Ms. Illinois America Nation 2021 is have traveled to Miami in a community service tour where I've met with public officials and celebrities talking about Family1stCLFoundation and what I do in the community. From this tour I gained knowledge and advise from processionals that will help me to grow personally and professionally. World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements? I have had several achievements over the years but the two that I am most proud of is helping bring a dream court to my westside community. What is the dream court? It is NBA regulation size state of the art basketball court. The #ChicagoDreamCourt changing the game on the #Westside . A brand new, state-of-the-art play space for young people and police officers to play together so they can work together on more peaceful neighborhoods. The young people are the real MVPs Two Legends: #NancyLieberman Everybody wins! #ChicagoDreamCourt #BridgingtheDivde Chicago Police Department Thanks to donor Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation Nancy Lieberman Charities Chicago Park District Over the pass year I have received several awards for my commitment and service to community during pandemic.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over? I do not really have a strategy to win over judges I am just going to be myself and be real and honest. Being a host of a podcast and radio show I will probably act like I am on my show and be myself cool crazy funny self. World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? I think the fact that I am 6 feet tall makes me stand out. Lol. You cannot miss me. No matter how I try to hide in the background you are going to see my long legs and 6’2 body. People tend to think that I am much younger than my age of 45 as well. Who is not going to notice me? World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. The moment my name was call was very emotional for me because for the first time in my life I was getting something that I thought I could never be. I grow up being bullied for being tall and slender now I was being appreciated. Not just because of my looks or popularity but because someone saw the real me. The shy quiet self-conscious awkward skinny Minnie. World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? Being a Beauty queen means the world to me. I want to be the example to show young girls and women that you do not have to be or fit in what others think a beauty queen should be or what she should look like. I am a hard-working real beauty queen, and I won my title being me. World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life? With this being my 2nd year competing what I have learned is that you can’t have wear your heart on your sleeve and that you can’t trust that people that say they are you friends and support you will be there for you. Pageantry is extremely competitive and to some this is their life and the minute you do not fit into or disrupt their lives you will be left out in the cold. Competing has taught me to more selective in how I chose to be in my circle but it personal or business. World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image? I would not say the being in pageants helped my self-esteem or body image all it has done is brought out the supermodel in me. The person that I credit with bringing out that supermodel is Dr, Krystal Okeke the CEO of America Nation Pageant. She has given me tips on walking the runway, posing for photos, make-up choices and even wardrobe styling. She has a vision and has helped me to bring it to life. Like she helps me to see my Beyonce. World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? I enjoy being an inspiration. I have three teenage daughters and for them to see their momma on tv and in magazines is amazing to them. They know the struggles and all the things that I have been through and have overcome. They call me every time they see a picture of me on social media and tell me how proud of me, they are. Their friends even call me. I want them to see my life as an example of what hard work and dedication gets you. World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk? For me I had to learn how to slow down and be graceful during my pageant walks. I also would say stand tall with head reached high and most importantly SMILE. One of my good friends Shakila Stewart tells me often "you are the supermodel of your life and don’t ever forget it!!"
•Chin Up!
•Shoulders Back
•Happy Face
•You Got This!
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress? For me I picked gowns that fit my body type. I am tall and slender, so I chose gowns that were mermaid style and have a little sparkle. I also picked colors that complimented my skin tone. I also picked a gown that would make the judges remember me, something that would have them thinking wow that gown looked good coming down the runway. World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview? For interview I would has be yourself and expect any kind of question to be asked. I kind of look at it as if I were being interviewed by a reporter. One tip I would say is slow down and even though you may get excited about something make it quick when you answer question. World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition? I usually send the few days practicing my walk, doing mock interviews, and lastly making sure my wardrobe is together. And mediate, listen to words of inspiration and positivity. World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you have done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it? I am an extremely hard critic on myself, so I second guess myself think why I did not do this, say that, wear this etc. I just have to learn to relax and trust that I did my best. World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? I have not had the experience of looking for mistakes in others, I try to stay to myself and if I see that other queen needs help, I will assist them. I am not one that will see another queens gown is unzipped and just let he go on stage I’ll tell her or just go and zip it up for her. Everything is not always a competition. Building a relationship/friend is a better reward then a title. World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience? I had model in the past in several runaway shows and photoshoots. I am not a professional actress, but I have been on several television series like Chicago med, Chicago pd, APB, Empire. But my proud was having a feature role on the show Fatal Attraction World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Queen? As a 2021 queen I want to make the most of my reign by traveling the US talking about my platform and foundation as well as inspiring other young girls and women to try their hands at pageantry with America Nations World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? A little bit about me and my duty and commitment to uplift my community I have to tell you the I didn't get here by chance or on my own I standing here from a shadow of legacy of great many women. Service has always that was committed to help the community back then it wasn't called community service it was called lending a helping people and that goes back way back to my great grandmother Ida Dean Chester who raise 12 kids on the sharecropper budget but took in five more kids that became our family , my grandmother Lucia Gibson Who had a passion for youth development she took in runaways; she fed strays and she one of the founding members of the Westside youth booster organization that started on the West side she also was a founding member later on of South Austin Coalition .my Grandmother Juanita Chester who tirelessly Marched in the civil rights movement with Martin Luther King in Selma and in Cicero, with that same commitment she helped to organize communities to advocate and fight for fair housing, better schools And equable wages in the workplace. My mother Ida lee Chester is the VERB in my life she is Action, act on it, act for it and ACT out about it. Before NIKE famous “just do it” That was her call. So, you see I stand in the legacy of women giving, caring, sharing so it is only natural that I follow in the footsteps of these mentors before me. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Sharen Chester Ms. Illinois America Nation 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Eva Flis
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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