World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Sasha Star Junior Miss diamond UK 2019.
Full name: Sasha Star Title/Year: Junior Miss diamond UK 2019 Pageant System: Miss Diamond UK Age: 14 Zodiac sign: Leo Hobbies: horse riding, dance, swimming, fashion and modelling. Platform: #embrace, volunteering and feeding the homeless project Years competed: 3 years Countries visited: 4 Likes: swimming, helping the homeless and modelling Dislikes: bullies, Status: single World Class Queens of England: Please tell us about yourself. Hi, I’m Sasha Star I’ve just turned 14, based in north west England, I attend a collage currently studying beauty, I love art and have a slight shopping addiction. I love to to live life to the full and enjoy each day as it comes. World Class Queens of England: What does women Empowerment means to you? Women empowerment is something I really believe in I’ve been lucky enough to be around such incredible woman who pride themselves in confidence and really stand up for what we believe in. It’s something my family have always encouraged me to use, we have a voice. The way we all Support each other is incredible in the pageant world is honestly the most incredible feeling. World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your pageant history. I’ve not been competing in pageants long but have fell in love with the pageant world, it’s honestly the best thing I’ve done especially for me as a person. My first title was pre-teen galaxy uk. My current junior miss diamond uk. World Class Queens of England: What inspired you to do your first pageant? It was my sister who entered me into a pageant, she asked me if I would like to try one. I lacked in so much confidence because I was badly bullied in school, after I did my first pageant I was inspired by the woman and people around me, the way they supported and loved every single girl on stage was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I remembered my smile from cheek to cheek. World Class Queens of England: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? After being encouraged by a lot of amazing queens we decided to try diamond out, honestly I felt so lost as it was such a new world to me but I met incredible woman. The woman was supporting, so kind and everyone enjoyed the whole experience and for me I was very fortunate to have won the junior title. World Class Queens of England: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? Miss diamond uk is a system that goes to internationals (Las Vegas) representing the uk in miss regency internationals (Terri). The system is run by Tina and danni-de bear. The system loves and encourages new girls and old. The system is like family we all go out of our ways to help each other. We scream and clap for every girl because everyone is unique in their own beautiful way. World Class Queens of England: What are you being judged on during the competition? When competing in miss diamond, I was judged on interview, fashion and evening. I was honestly so nervous about everything but after it was done I was ok, I honestly think it’s all the nerves that build up and you can’t control yourself. World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your experience during the competition. I was lucky enough to go to internationals with miss diamond, and we had the most incredible time, we laughed, we cried and most of all we enjoyed everything. we enjoyed sight-seeing, a helicopter ride and most of all I loved seeing my sister queens winning their dream titles. Las Vegas is something I’ve never experienced and to long to put into words. World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. My platform is #Embrace is something I created when I first started pageants it’s an anti bullying group. Where people from all over can talk about their experiences, what’s happening in their life and where we all encourage each other to speak, stand up and remember we are important. I volunteer at local charity shops and I love meeting new people and really enjoy helping out where I can. I also feed the homeless often weekly as this is something I have done before pageants. I hate knowing that I’m lucky enough to be able to have a bed, food and they are cold and hungry. World Class Queens England: What appearances have you done with your title? Aww this is such an amazing question as honestly I love my appearances since winning in April 2019 I’ve honestly done so many appearances I can not keep count, I’ve done lots of charity and community work. As well as attending nearly all the pageants across the UK, I love meeting new people and really enjoy being able to help as much as I can. Since lockdown I still strive my self to come up with new ways to help others. World Class Queens of England: What are some of your achievements? Since winning I’ve learnt how to save lives by voluntary life guarding, I’ve continued my charity and community work, I won volunteer service platform, visibility platform, Academic award and most inspirational of the year (natural beauty awards) honestly I have been the most luckiest girl. I have been so fortunate with everything that has been given to me that I could cry. They all truly mean a lot to me. World Class Queens of England: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? Honestly I don’t think I do, the woman and girls I’ve met are truly inspirational, I can’t tell you what makes me stand out because I feel everyone stands out, it’s honestly such a tricky question. World Class Queens of England: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. I was so nervous as I had never been in top 2 I didn’t know what to do, it was such a surreal moment and I still can’t believe it happened. I think I was crying more for my sister queens it’s sounds silly but seeing there faces seeing what it meant to them made me tear up. World Class Queens of England: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? I think the definition of beauty queen is so different to what it’s stands for, the amount of people that assume a beauty queen is the most beautiful girl is so entirely wrong. I’m certainly not the most beautiful, it is honestly a feeling to be a beauty queen for me because you have a passion for what you believe in, it’s not just about the work you do it’s for me how you do it. Why you do it and will you Continue to contribute in the cause you once truly wanted to change or help. World Class Queens of England: How did competing in pageants helped your life? For me I’ve always believed in helping others it’s just something my sister taught me throughout my life, I feel pageants have helped me grow in confidence, I’ve still got a lot of work to do but they have helped me learn to know who I am and what I want. Something I have been struggling with for years. I hope that I can further grow and be able to continue with what I love. World Class Queens of England: How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image? So this is something I’ve struggled with and many times still do, I feel that this is something so many girls and boys go through. What we see on the internet and what is seen as beautiful, If I did not enter pageants I honestly know this is something that I would struggle with! Meeting woman of all shapes, sizes, heights everything is differently beautiful and that is why I love pageants we all support each other. My self worth was so little before pageants growing up being bullied really made me wonder if I deserved it and pageants helped me realise that I am somebody and I can do more in my life and others. World Class Queens of England: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? Honestly I don’t feel that I am inspiration, my mum always tells me kindness is free, and if we can’t be kind what else can we be? Inspiration is such a important role and I truly hope that I can help as many people as possible. If I can do just a little be of good each day then for me I will truly be happy. World Class Queens of England: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over? Aww I don’t know honestly. I’m not sure how that would work! For me I’m working hard towards a pageant all I can do is work work and hope that the judges be able to see how much I would love to represent my area and town in the current title but always remember that they may be another 100 girls that want this more too. All you can do is try and try again, remember everything happens for a reason and is another incredible girl wins cheer and be happy because her dreams came true and yours will too. World Class Queens of England: How did you prepare for your competition? I worked hard with my appearances and charity work. I pre-pared by meeting other queens. Working hard, and always checking that I was ready it’s so easy to panic and forget so much. So preparation is key. World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk? I know so many get training and help with pageant walks. I've not had training yet but hope to in the future, I would just practice my walks and getting my family or others to see if they like it. I would definitely seek help but also how you walk is your walk and you have to own it. World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress? So choosing the right pageant dress for me is check what style suits you, I always love a dress but many times I’ve not chosen the right one. It’s important you feel comfortable in your dress because if you feel uncomfortable it really shows. I want a dress that I feel amazing in. World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for winning interview? I would say if you could just be yourself and be able to talk about some of the key things you want your judges to know. Don’t stress if you don’t get asked what you wanted to be asked don’t cry or be nervous, there is no better interview that talking to the real you. World Class Queens of England: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it? Honestly I’ve made so many, but I don’t think I would want to go back and re-do them because everything happens for a reason and how can we learn if we want to change the past. But also we are taking away from another individual. I want to be able to own my mistakes and be able to learn from them. World Class Queens of England: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? I haven’t been competing long so I’m sure I’m probably like this. But I think try and do some research, encourage each other yes it’s a contest but remember they are a person too. If you need help or advice don’t be afraid to ask this is something I’ve always done. Never asked for guidance. World Class Queens of England: Any modelling or acting experience? Yes I’ve done lots of modelling works this is something I love, I’ve always been from lucky to film for Disney world and I just signed a current contract to film in LA for a tv series which unfortunately I may not be able to attend because of the current pandemic has stopped the UK entering the USA! World Class Queens of England: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen? I was handing over in April 2020 but unfortunately due to the current pandemic it was pushed back to February 2021. But I have been lucky enough to have made so many appearances but also learnt how me can help in new ways. I am so excited to see the finals in 2021 as I’m sure the directors will make it amazing World Class Queens of England: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? If I could leave anything behind I really would love to leave behind kindness this is something I do everyday a smile, a wave goes a long way and my charity work I stride myself with my platform and my work for the homeless so I would love to see this grow and grow! International Director: Terri National Director: Tina and danni de bear Pageant website: missdiamonduk.com Photographed By/Photo Credit: Charlotte Clemie World Class Queens of England Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview. Interview by Emma-Jay Webber Editor In Chief || World Class Queens of England Magazine
Sasha Star Junior miss diamond UK 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Charlotte Clemie
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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