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Rosemary Lloyd Mrs Universal Empire Star 2023/24

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Rosemary Lloyd Mrs Universal Empire Star 2023/24.

Full name: Rosemary Lloyd  

Title/Year: Mrs Universal Empire Star 2023/4

Pageant System: Mrs Universal Empire "The Empire On which the sun never sets"

Age: 31

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Hobbies: Modelling, singing, Ballet dancing, restorations, volunteering and writing poems as a published poet.

Platform: ‘Lady of Visionary Class's a mission to make etiquette finishing school classes accessible to all women especially ladies who are  underprivileged marginalized through financial barriers, For the first time ever, I have incorporated finishing school practices and pageantry which has never been done before through voluntarily teaching and passing on my knowledgeable skills within this field.  

Years competed: 2011-2024

Countries visited:  France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Portugal, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Czechia, Luxembourg, Serbia, Monaco, Montenegro, Albania, Hungary, Lichenstein, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova Kosovo, north Macedonia, Spain, Denmark, Egypt, America, Indonesia, New Zealand, Wales, Scotland, Ireland.

Likes: Being an artist and uplifting others 

Dislikes: Negativity

Status: In a relationship

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about yourself and what makes you unique?

Hi Im Rosemary! Born and raised in Great Britain, in the beautiful capital city ‘London’. I am the current international titleholder of Mrs Universal Empire star 2023/24. A  pageant girl, model, digital creator,  singer, Co Author of Women Anthology ll best seller book,  a debutante of lady etiquette,  a psychology & Neuroscience Graduate, Pageant Got Talent overall vocal winner, a Global Kidney Foundation Ambassador, a Government coat of arms awardee saving our marine life from plastic affecting our oceans. For my hobbies, I like to model, sing, Ballet dance and write songs and poems as a published poet. I studied at 3 different universities such as ‘University of London’, ‘Harvard university’ and ‘Cambridge university of continuing education’. Where I was selected to be featured on the Cambridge university website. Alongside gaining 5 diplomas such as Dental nursing, business and jewellery making. I occasionally love to play the violin. For my voluntary service, I was awarded a charity chairperson for ‘ladies of all Nations organisation’, helping turn women survivors into leaders and helping transform lives. I spend my time in helping mentoring women in finishing school etiquette and teaching pageantry. As a former lady debutante, back in 2014, I was trained in waltz and polonaise dance for the opening ceremony of Billingates Ball. My God mother taught me finishing school etiquette manners for modern ladies’ practices, this equipped me to be a well-rounded woman and gave me a passion for humanitarian causes. My Beauty Pageant history has been ongoing since the age of 15. I was a finalist for ‘Miss Universe Great Britain’. I won titles such as ‘Miss Earth Air’, ‘Miss Worldwide International’, ‘Miss Great Britain Elite’,  Miss Great Britain central London Sponsors choice, ‘Pure International Miss United Kingdom’ and many more. I am an all-time family girl . My Grandma was a messenger the age of 14 during World War 2. So, it only feels natural to continue the tradition in helping others whenever possible. What makes me unique is my congenial nature. As a digital creator I have an ability to incisively connect with my audience on a level that makes people happy. My Unique achievements I was awarded a government coat of arms in Indonesia for my charity work representing the United Kingdom. Helping ban the use of plastic affecting our oceans and marine life worldwide. At University, I won my place 3 times as a student representative president of my year, helping improve the services of my year’s educational services and equipment. Throughout the duration of my career, I have earnt over 100 awards in charity service, modelling, short student films, education, and beauty pageants. For the future, my aspirations is to publish my music that I been working on for years but never had enough courage to release it, I hope it can enlighten many. 

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Can you tell us more about the platform and any future volunteer/charity work you are planning to do?

Mrs. Universal Empire International Beauty Contest, is a luxury, high society exclusive pageant for Middle aged ladies.  It serves as a company  for empowerment and education. Through presenting the true narratives of there Queens as inspirational role models. there aim is to represent the marginalized women who are inspirational congenial women, to feel perfectly accepted, understood, and celebrated. Nobody’s perfect so let’s celebrate genuine, empowered, and strong women.

As for future charity work, 

My volunteer work as ‘lady of visionary class's mission, I have organised teaching etiquette finishing school classes in person to women who felt like finishing school was inaccessible to them. I have also been giving free English etiquette language education and making it accessible to all backgrounds, at the Bavaria institute in Germany, I been honoured as a native English speaker to be teaching Indonesian students and aspiring NHS nurses from underprivileged backgrounds English, etiquette language whilst exploring the rich formalities and culture of Great Britain. Who, wish to work in the UK. In total I have been teaching 450 students every Sunday for one hour. It’s been an honour enabling a steppingstone to their dream. I also been featured on an online Indonesian press news about my volunteer work. 

Other appearances, I attended Houses of Parliament supporting Ladies of all Nations Charity, London fashion week show, attended a podcast, supporting and representing British fashion community by attending the official book launch of model diaries that represents inclusive fashion from all vibrant cultures.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience in Mrs Universal Empire International Beauty pageant?

My experience with the Mrs Universal Empire International Beauty pageant was such an unforgettable experience that I will forever treasure in my heart. From the moment I signed up, I was shown unbelievable kindness and hospitality as a contestant with all the attached details I needed for the international finals day. It was held at the beautiful prestigious London's Caledonian club where we were greeted by the director and team. We were then given a beautiful Queens limousine ride all around London promoting the pageant, combined with a red carpet interview and photoshoot. All of us Queens representing our countries around the world made beautiful friendships and were dancing and singing in the limousine together, To me that was just such a incredible moment that women around the world uniting together as one. We were then given a 3 course gourmet dinner complimentary from the team before going on stage which was so delicious.  I then was ready to embrace the beautiful stage filled with very respected professionals around the world, business owners, celebrities, public figures, sponsors, judges, families and friends. We were  cheered on and so supported throughout. I completed my National costume round representing my Country Great Britain, Evening Gown round and Question and answer round where we had to demonstrate we were worthy for our titles, I loved every moment because it gave me a reason to connect to the judges and audience through telling my story. It was now time to announce the winners. I was amazed to hear my name called out, I was in shock and couldn't believe that I was blessed with the title Mrs Universal Empire Star 2023/4 not only was I crowned onstage, I also received a trophy for being an inspirational woman overcoming advertises. The whole night was so magical and after we all got to be part of an after party where we sang and danced together. I have been so honoured to win the Mrs Universal Empire star title and like to wholeheartedly thank director, the judges, my family and friends for the amazing support. 

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you look for in a queen?

Thank you for the Question. For centuries, Queens have ruled their kingdoms and used their reign to serve the people. Therefore, what I look for in a Queen is selfless humanitarian with a genuine smile to express emotional connection and positive attributes of their unique character. A Queen needs toe the whole package, kind, intelligent, a natural born leader that represents the connection and relatability of the people and brand. Overall, one who accentuates confidence, inner beauty, and the celebration of women sisterhood.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are the main differences between national and international pageants?

Thank you for that question. The difference between national and international pageants are, 1. The national pageant are contestants that have been recruited from the same country but within different regions. They are competing for a national title to represent their own country. Some pageants only go up to nationals and do charity work within their own country only. Some National titleholders go on to compete internationally as the next step. On the other hand, an international pageant is when you represent an already national title such as your own country and you are competing amongst other national title holders from other countries, to overall win the international title. Winning the International title enables you to represent for one year as a Queen. where they focus on charity missions on a global scale.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you do to be a good role model?

Thank you for that Question. Role models have played a huge role and a fundamental importance in the way young women seek their inspiration and overall aspiring Pageantry. A role model determines a Queens reign, to set the standardised example of how young women should inspire themselves and the communities around them. Whether that is in education, pageantry, or society. Furthermore, representing the message of a sisterhood through volunteering and emotional intelligence. What makes me a good role model whether that is in pageantry or in everyday life, is the ability to have emotional empathy for others, to listen, to be trustworthy and to help those in need. To demonstrate through my own achievements that young women can fulfil their dreams too. Most importantly, it is to be loyal to the system or friendship I have committed too. Hence why my advocacy is in helping women survivors become leaders. The best gift as a role model is bringing value to people’s lives through setting an example that every Pageant Queen should prosper in.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your top pageant tips for other contestants?

Thank you for that question, over 15 Years’ Experience in Pageantry. I have written below my top tips on bettering your chances of winning!

Stay true to yourself no matter what is in fashion, Trends come and go, but the heart & personality is what continues to influence not only yourself but others too.

Many pageant contestants buy off the rail latest season dresses. Only buying the latest fashion. But to truly stand out, evolve your own unique style, be unpredictable, take inspiration from past fashions and incorporate it into your own identity. keep your formal wear style, regally classy. Classy never dies. A Contestant is on trend, A Queen is the ultimate trendsetter

Every interaction starts with a smile not only just the stage. Your smile is infectious to the room. Ignite, your fire. Be the best you can be.

A crown is placed on your head, to make impactful changes in your communities not to collect dust, be the crown! Time to make an impact!

Pageantry etiquette is 24-hour job, come always ready, with an emergency makeup bag, hair done and sophisticated clothes. Always have a case packed of outfits for last minute bookings. Channel your inner Goddess. You got this.

What makes a winner is not a woman with just a pretty crown on her head. A winner is a woman who can walk into a room and acknowledge not only the CEO millionaire, but also the cleaner, the janitor, those who genuinely are forgotten. It is your job to include people and bring communities together. Not be excluded.

A Queen never outshines another Queen, instead she stands beside her and helps to fix her crown. Always show your dignity.

Good Sportsmanship is communicating healthy with each other, uplift the room around you. People need an energiser.

You will have your supporters all the way and you will also have those who want to crash you down. I know it hurts. Build anyways and prove them wrong. You will have to battle very hard for the dream. Trust the process.

the most controversial thing you will ever do is to last and still be here when many doubted your abilities. Your relevance stems from not giving up to early. Demonstrate growth then teach it through implementing it in your community service, partnerships, and Collaborations.

Always carry spare Bobby pins and safety pins. There is always someone who needs one at shows. Be that girl who can help a girl out in need. Learn leadership development.

You’re not just a crown, you are a platform, Create the empire you were born to do. Once that crown is on your head, it is not only about you it’s a big responsibility to entertain your audience and to better people’s lives through community service.

Evolve but never change who you are inside. Remember who you are, and when in doubt think about how far you already come not how much you got to go.

Commit to one pageant at a time, focus and give your 100%. Never sign up to multiple pageants you want to show you are serious about the pageant platform you are promoting.

A Queen is a giver, promoter, teacher, impactor, influencer, charity fundraiser and the face of the brand. Represent it with good intentions always. You have little girls looking up to you, see the world through their eyes. Mirror what they like to see in a role model.

Be well spoken, articulate, be always ready. Never use inappropriate language on social media and in real life.

Stay humble never forget where you came from. No matter how many titles you won. It boils down to whether you are a Genuine human being, instead celebrate your achievements, don’t be afraid to show your confidence and be a sharer to your following.

When you are competing, you are a contestant giving a show. Let me entertain you, so give to your audience, the judges, and organisers. The victory will be your achievement. But keep giving, they bought tickets so give them a good show.

Know your worth don’t undermine yourself if complemented. A Graceful thank you is always met with kindness. Make friends, bring communities together and above all, don’t forget too always be friendly.

Don’t forget to have fun, be in the moment, take it all in, the best feeling is when you can dust your shoulders and say I achieved this.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you think is the biggest problem facing woman today?

Thank you for that question. Women for centuries have demonstrated strength bravery and intelligence through leadership motives. On the other hand, the biggest problem women are facing today is the lack of safety on our streets. Women should be able to walk down the street feeling safe and not have to keep taking accountability for the wrongness of other people’s actions. I dream of the day where women can walk down the street freely and safely.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Have you experience criticism from competing in pageantry and if so, how do you cope with it?

Thank you for that question. No matter what you choose in life, you will have amazing supporters and you will have those who criticise you. When I entered pageants, there was a stereotype that all women who were in pageantry were not educated. However, that couldn’t have been further than the truth. All the women I have met have been intelligent, successful, beautiful, and kind. They are women coming together because they all wanted to make a difference and change their lives through missions and advocacy.

The way I have always coped with criticism is do not focus on the negatives, people will always have something to say.  However what people say about you is a projection of there own insecurities and has nothing to do with you, only surround yourself with people who will uplift you in heart, spirit, and overall support. protect you energy and your inner circle. To those who judged you feel free to show them kindness and continue to be a good role model regardless, through demonstrating results through your hard work and Graft. you don't need t prove yourself to those who don't see your value, just focus on giving back to the community, your own development becoming a better version of yourself everyday, Educate the masses through sharing your reign with others. Sharing is caring. 

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What question would you like to see asked in the interview stage?

Thank you for the question. The question I would like to see asked into the interview stage is

‘How do you make girls who felt excluded, feel included through your Congenial skills? Describe a scenario how you would make this possible?’ The reason I chose this question, it is because congeniality is one of the most noble titles in pageant history. Being congenial, genuine is what pageantry is all about, influencing, helping, and inspiring the women around you. Forming friendships and developing a sisterhood network one can depend on when in need of help. It is about dedicating yourself and time to make impactful changes to people in society. Most importantly, the pageant families we make along the way. It is about being a platform and a voice to the voiceless, it is about expressing high emotional intelligence and understanding those around you to the highest degree

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to take part in Mrs Universal Empire beauty pageant?

Thank you for that question. Being crowned an international title Mrs Universal Empire star 2023/4 Queen has been a dream come true! Not only is it a prestigious title that has acted as a pioneering gateway to making positive change and influencing many of my  audience through charitable causes , it has given me the ability to be able to teach with my lady of visionary class mission. That is women who dream to have access to etiquette manners teaching classes in which I have for the first time  incorporated that in pageantry, this has never been done before.  Etiquette finishing school is very expensive and many women do not have access to this education due to a financial barrier. However, I have made that possible through teaching my debutante finishing school skills and passing on the knowledge to others. 

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you think is the best and worst parts of pageantry?

Thank you for that question. Throughout pageant history there have been pros and cons to the pageant sector.

Therefore, what I think is best about pageantry is it enables a woman to develop all areas of skills through leadership development, poise, entrepreneurship, humanitarianism, talent, intelligence, personality, charity, advocacy, community services, platforms, congeniality, partnerships, sponsorships and above all make an influential difference. Pageantry has celebrated all the skills and essences of a woman and shown the world, that we are multidimensional and highly faceted in all areas of our lives. When many women were doubted, pageantry gave women a voice and a platform to show she is unbeatable.

On the other hand, as much as I speak highly about pageantry, I also see areas that can be improved. For example, In times of progression I believe Age, marital status or having children should no longer be a restricted rule. A women’s age, marital status, or her choice to have children does not make her any less of woman and should not restrict her in choosing to go for her dream title. It is those very women that need to be shown as role models too. Times have changed and more than ever people want to see all women celebrated. Since the suffragettes’ women have paved the way for the right to vote, Let’s continue in advocating for woman’s choice.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What has pageantry taught you about yourself?

Thank you for the question. It was once said by Einstein, that if you want to be happy, don’t tie it to things, tie it too a goal. Pageantry taught me that being goal orientated can enable a ripple effect in making impactful changes in someone’s life for the better. Also, perseverance, hard work on fulfilling dreams and goals always pays off. No matter how hard it seems, never give up your dream title. It has also taught me gratitude for already what I have achieved. Through my active goals and mission to help turn women survivors into leaders globally, through the passageway of focusing on building their confidence. Raising audaciously women’s core values to the finest etiquette within the pageantry sector. This has been my ongoing mission for 2 years. I have mentored many survivors into becoming leaders and given public motivational speeches globally. That way we can start a chain of women to become empowered.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: If pageants were judged based on just two areas of the competition, which would you choose and why?

Thank you for the question. Personally, I would not restrict women to just two areas because women are so much more than this. Women have a multitude of skills and talent. it would be unfair to hinder a women’s worth by generalising the ability of a females impact on the world. For many years, women have proven themselves to be a multitasker, an achiever, a nurturer an entrepreneurial career woman, a mother, a home maker, and a wife.

Our skills are limitless because a woman is multidimensional in the way she shows and expresses herself, instilled with many talents. Therefore, in pageantry, I believe we should enable all areas of a women’s ability not restrict them. No woman is the same, we all have our own unique DNA. So why are we limiting women to two areas. Women are uniquely gifted in their own qualities to empower an international audience. I say let’s add more areas for global and cultural representation.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why is following the news important for pageant contestants?

Thank you for that question. Pageantry has always been based around changing lives, advocating for good causes, humanitarianism and giving back to charitable deeds. Therefore, to build a mission is ultimately important for a pageant Queen to be knowledgeable what is going on in the world around her. So, one can focus and base their platforms in making a difference. Be the voice for the voiceless.

Every great solution has stemmed from acknowledgment of something on needing to be fixed or supported. The media can give us political awareness.

The Queens’s reign is about being present. So, continue to build your legacy.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

Being a Beauty Queen for me is not just about winning the crown, the crown symbolises a responsibility to make change in humanity, locally, worldly, and universally. Its a voice to make substantial changes. Being a Title Holder/Beauty Queen is an identity, it is a dedication and oath to changing someone’s life for the better. Being a Beauty Queen has not only historically given me the chance to represent winning titles. It has made me a survivor and a non-quitter. It has saved me when I needed to seek solace and heal. It’s so important to me because not only are they a platform for young women to build themselves up, but it’s a great way to get into fundraising money for charities. Through pageantry, I was blessed enough to be honoured as a charity chairperson for Ladies of All Nations International organisation and be part of the Global team support network in partnership with World Women's Conference and Awards. The charity side of pageants helps sufferer’s stories to be heard. Where we can bring awareness to a cause and inspire a mass audience. Therefore, we can communicate effectively on how we can overcome hurdles and make an inspiring change in our society. It builds a strong unbreakable bond of a sisterhood. Helping turn women survivors into leaders. Whether that’s human rights, environmental issues, helping those who are in a crisis. Pageantry insinuates making female related causes the very core of my priorities.  Every pageant queen is dedicated herself to a cause and is striving for positive change. We are looked at in the media to be this glitz and glamorous queen. But wearing the crown is a role, a commitment, a duty to make influential changes to society, its an ambassadorship. Its a responsibility to change lives. In the past, when a crown was placed on my head, I knew I had to fulfil the role of making inspirational differences. Either way, I felt it was life path that I should treasure.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

Firstly, I must say, the Mrs Universal Empire contestants, are smart and beautiful women. who has the same love for pageantry and empowering women through female related causes.  I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to represent Great Britain and go on to win Mrs Universal Empire star title 2023. I cannot speak on the behalf of the judges, as I respect their decisions, however, I think I stand out because my warm heart and friendly stage presence. I’m hardworking, determined, empathetic and I make my work personalised by not following the crowd.  I also I don’t compare myself to other women, I rather be friends with them, celebrate a sisterhood, if I did, I wouldn’t have learnt self acceptance. I am to what my platform represents.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?

When your onstage anyone can smile and walk beautifully. But it is so much more than that. Every second counts on the stage, you only have a few minutes to win the judges over. So, I always believe when you perform for the judges, your stage presence must come from the heart, your eyes are the windows too your soul. They want to see your heart and soul has gone into this competition. Show your passion, determination, and above all, be relatable to the judges, show them your heart when you smile. Give to your audience. It’s all about giving to them when you’re on stage. Being a title holder means to be selfless. That’s a true queen who put others before herself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

Thank you so much, I still am in denial, when I get sent messages from other girls saying how,  I inspired their modelling career and competing in pageants. It gives me joy to know that, the love and inspirational messages I give out, is helping someone develop themselves personally and professionally. I am always happy to help those people, because I know what it’s like to go through childhood hardship. I am helping others and making a positive difference in their lives. It is always what I wanted to do to help inspire others, motivate them and help build each other up. In the past, as soon as the crown was placed on my head, it wasn’t about me anymore, it was about the people who needed my help who was counting on me. I felt like I had a responsibility to bring out the best in those women.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

Practice, practice, practice, imagine a piece of string connected from your torso to the top of your head, pulling you up. This exercise helps to keep the posture up and shoulders back. Always smile, always start with left foot going in front of the other. Do a few squats before going on stage, this will strengthen your muscles and define your legs. Always train with the shoes you are going to wear for the competition, wear a crown when you’re walking so you get used to feeling balanced. Attend pageant training days. This may sound crazy but practice your walk not only in your bedroom, but outside in public such as the park on a summer’s day. Walking in public helps with combating stage fright, which helps your walking. Take out the nerves and everything else falls into place.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

When Choosing the right pageant dress, Don’t pay thousands for a dress you are only going to wear once, paying thousands for a dress doesn’t guarantee you are going to win. Instead, have a think realistically how many times you will wear the dress, probably once or a few times. However, for pageants, always buy an affordable dress. Set a budget aside if you have too. You can get some amazing dresses that is very good value for money, and they look beautiful too. Be kind to the environment, find a dress in your wardrobe and how about getting creative by redesigning it? You can buy a glue gun and add rhinestones to it, that way you can have a new but improved dress. Shop around, never rush in buying a dress, Consider your options and then sleep on it. When you wake up the next day, you will know what to do. Some pageant girls sell and trade their pageant dresses amongst each other , check out their stock you probably get a dress, for a fraction of the price. Most importantly Make sure you find a dress that is personalised to you, it makes you feel confident and comfortable when wearing it, A dress you feel wow in. Lastly, make sure its age appropriate too.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

Practice, practice, practice, but make sure you do not sound rehearsed. Judges want to engage in a genuine person.Your answers should be natural. Ensure your interview outfit looks very formal.The interview is a professional formal setting, so ensure you look the part by ensuring your makeup is fresh faced and natural looking. Save the glitz to the stage. Always say thank you to the judges, when arriving and leaving. It is important to show gratitude always towards the judges, for taking the time to interview you. Let your gratitude be known to them and show respect always. Politeness is key.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

As soon, as I entered the beauty pageant, I immediately started to do a lot of research on anything I needed to know. I checked what was involved in the competition. I started to reach out to companies for sponsorships in exchange for promoting their brand.  I start planning for fundraising straight away. I also made a too do list on all the necessary items I needed for the pageant. I started booking all my public appearances on the line up to the pageant and community service work. I also went for pageant training to sharpen my skills.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

I been very lucky that my pageant competitions, I have competed have honestly ran quite smoothly. However, I have made a mistake in the past, once in my interview when I was 16, During my interview,  I was so nervous that I caked on tonnes of makeup. I didn’t know that they wanted to see me naturally and be myself. Your first impression you make, counts for everything and you want to show your natural true self. Don’t wear lots of makeup for interview, less is more.  You should always save the sparkle to the stage, always speak at a calm pace when answering the questions, even if you must take breaths. Prepare, I didn’t know that at the time, but I learnt a lot from that pageant. The tips I have learnt along the way is from experience which has led me to winning titles. I am so grateful for those mistakes because without those mistakes, I wouldn’t know how improve and make things right.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

When I compete in Pageants, I don’t compare myself to the other girls in my category, I rather be friends with them as I understand how hard it is to prepare for a competition, we are all in this together so my as well support each other. Not only is it unfair to other contestant girls to judge them, it’s also unfair to put yourself down too. No one knows who is going to win, it’s up to the judges on the night and you should trust the system. So never compare yourself to the other girls in your category, you are your own competition. Let your community work, stage presence, hard work, and loyalty speak for itself. Those girls shouldn’t be your competitors, they should be your friends. That’s what makes womanhood strong, looking out for your fellow Queen sisters. Liberating other women. If you don’t win, don’t hold grudges on the girl who did. Be happy and congratulate her. No one wants to crown a girl who doesn’t support their fellow sisters or womanhood. Remind yourself your time will come and learn from the experience. Raise up the women around you, do not bring them down.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Honestly, I feel really fulfilled! I have already achieved this goal by my voice being heard on the plastic free movement. As a woman, to receive an award of recognition my ‘Coat of Arms’ by the Government of Bandung (Bali) and being named in Indonesia as the no plastic princess. Has been so rewarding. Where we have created new wave lengths and a strategy on combating the issues of plastic. For example, advising businesses to make their packaging, straws and water bottles plastic free. Because of our visit, they are using bamboo and got rid of plastic bag use. This has created big improvements on the waste management and saving marine and wildlife. On the other hand, we still have a long way to go with women’s rights in developing countries. I hope I can continue to support women survivors and turning them into leaders on a global scale. Where every girl can feel safe in her own vicinity, a right to an education, a right to have equal rights and choices, to be respected for her skills as women. I wish to become the best person for those women and help them in any way I can. To create positive change to this world and to make a difference, utilising the research skills from my degree, I like to help others as much as I can and make an impact. I also like to continue my modelling career for as long as I can. I hope to inspire other girls to fulfil their dreams and be am inspiration for them. I will dedicate myself to female causes. And let the work speak for itself.


Model: Rosemary Lloyd

Photography: Circle of Life Photography (Ian Trayner) @iantrayner

Hair & Makeup: Rosemary Lloyd

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.

Rosemary Lloyd Mrs Universal Empire Star 2023/24, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photographer: Ian Trayner

CROWN MEDIA - Podcast for all your pageant needs. Crown and Confidence Podcast

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr WorldClass 2023 Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment


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