World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Radhika Shukla Ms Michigan North America 2020.
Full name: Radhika Shukla
Title/Year: Ms Michigan North America 2020
Pageant System: North America Beauty Pageant
Age: 42
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Hobbies: Yoga/Fitness, Dance, Modelling
Platform: Pioneer Medical Research/Palav saving premature babies, Michigan Indian American Community Service for crisis relief support services
Years competed: 2
Countries visited: India, Switzerland, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Netherlands
Likes: Honesty in relationships, Respect and Empathy for others, Integrity and Compassion
Dislikes: Hypocrites
Status: Married with two children
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
Radhika Shukla, is Ms Michigan North America 2020 and recently bagged three Awards at the USA National Pageant, Ms North America 2020- Ms Congeniality, People’s Choice Award and Top 5/ Fourth Runner Up . She also won Mrs Pure Michigan International, Mrs Entrepreneur and Mrs India League of America at previous beauty pageants .She is a Model / Technocrat / Seasoned Dancer and a dedicated community leader serving on the Boards of several non profits in Michigan. She has a number of technology certifications under her belt related to Data & AI and Cloud solutions. She wears a number of hats and crowns- 1) Vice Chair of Michigan Indo-American Democratic Caucus, the Indian arm of the Michigan Democratic Party. 2) Director Strategic Alliances , Pioneer Medical Research saving premature babies 3) Executive Board, Michigan Indian American Community Service for crisis relief 4) Member, Detroit Duchess Club for women empowerment and Michigan Council of Women in Technology to promote/support women in tech 5) Volunteer Detroit DigiGirlz and Detroit Education Society working on promoting Stem education in middle school girls She did her bachelors in Economics and Entrepreneurship from India and a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science from India; She has an MBA from the prestigious University of Michigan Ross School of Business. She currently works as a Global Account Director at Microsoft where she is driving digital transformation and innovation by empowering employees, engaging customers, transforming products/business models and optimizing operations in order to achieve process efficiencies for customer success.She is Recipient of several awards at B-School:"Best Negotiator of the Class" and "Best Win-Win Negotiator"and recently received an award from Pioneer Medical Research/Palav - “Exemplary Community Service” She had received several awards at IBM and Microsoft namely “Transformational Leader” and “Voice of the Customer” She was recently interviewed about her life her passions her community service and her journey on several social media platforms and you can find those on her Insta handle @Radhika.Shukla She is married to Manoj Singh and they have two kids,13 year old daughter and 4 year old son.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Women empowerment is having the ability to use your voice and take action to make a difference, It means the celebration of all women and the rejection of standards prescribed on false ideals and pushing our boundaries uplifting one another . It's also about fearless selfless community activism, fighting for each other and advocacy for the causes one is passionate about. It includes engaging in a global sisterhood that is inclusive and highly supportive of each other helping each other in tirelessly growing together, appreciating and celebrating each other.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
- At a local Michigan Mrs. India pageant won Mrs. India League of America in 2018. - Crowned Mrs. Pure Michigan International in 2019, competed at Mrs. Michigan International and won Mrs. Entrepreneur 2019.
- Crowned Ms Michigan North America at Midwest Regional Pageants/North America Beauty Pageant in March 2020.
- Competed at the National Pageant Ms North America as Ms Michigan North America and proudly bagged three awards: People's Choice, Ms Congeniality, TOP 5/Fourth Runner up More than 65 delegates competed at the North America Beauty Pageant in June 2020
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
Building self confidence, pushing my boundaries and breaking the mold are few of the reasons to start with. As I started doing more and more pageants, I began to realize how helpful the system was in amplifying my voice and advocating for the social causes I support. The amazing network and connections I made helped me in spreading awareness for my platform and the sisterhood I build are life-long relationships and bonds that I truly cherish. There are so many things you learn about yourself, your communication skills, leadership style, interviewing ability, and poise! Pageantry is a doorway for those who want to be on stage, give back to the community, build their strengths and transform their weaknesses ! Pageantry is not a competition, it's a learning experience that pays dividends all through your life and opens up tons of opportunities to grow and succeed
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
The North American Beauty Pageant ® is a 5013c organization which provides scholarship opportunities for women of all ages. It believes that no one is too old or too young for the opportunity to better themselves through pageantry. Its one of the most diverse, inclusive and respected systems I have been a part of. They are so warm and welcoming and treat you like family. Their mission is to provide every pageant delegate with a quality stage production at a reasonable price in a fair and balanced environment.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
Mission.: NA Beauty Pageant
Emphasizing beauty, style, and cultural appreciation, the North America Pageant is a personal development opportunity for girls of North America and Canada. The delegates who become part of the North America Beauty Pageant gain confidence and poise in an increasingly competitive world. The pageant affords each delegate the opportunity to grow and advance her personal goals while acting as a role model in her community.
Winners of the Girls & Ladies Divisions are awarded a basic prize package, which consists of crown, sash, rhinestone crown t-shirt, crown case and pageant entry fee paid for the 2021 national pageant and then a step prize package is awarded from there.
If you are a titleholder, you are required to make 12 appearances in your Midwest Beauty crown and sash during your year of your reign.
North America Beauty Pageant is a true international system for girls and women from 12 and up. Midwest Pageants is the Midwest Region for North America Beauty Pageants and is authorized to select and send delegates from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio & Wisconsin. I competed in the Midwest region for the Ms Michigan North America title and won
The Ohio & Michigan States pageant also accepts children as young as newborn up to the age of 11 in the North America Kids Divisions.
The divisions are based on age and not marital or parental status . Delegates from all over North America including the USA, Canada & the Caribbean compete for one of 5 international titles in 5 divisions.
Jr Miss 12-14 ~ Teen 15-19 ~ Miss 20-29
Ms 30-49 ~ Elite 50+
The divisions are based on age and not marital or parental status.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
Areas of Competition.
MS category was judged on three criteria: Interview, Fitness, Stage Presence, Evening Gown
We have several categories: Jr Miss(Fun Fashion/Evening Gown/Interview/Stage Presence), Teen Miss(Interview, Swimsuit/Fitness, Evening Gown, Stage Presence), Ms Elite/Ms Category(Swimsuit OR Fitness Attire: 20% Evening Gown: 30%, Interview(40%), Stage Presence 10%)
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
This experience has been hard, yet rewarding and has shaped me into the person I am today . It was truly a confidence booster and strength enhancing experience from Day 1. Loved meeting my sister Queens and learning more about the causes they are passionate about. An enthralling experience all week making life-long relationships that I know I can rely on anytime, A few highlights of the week included:
Delegates wear a fashionable outfit and your state rhinestone sash. We are coached and trained on what to expect during the week and hear from experiences of past Queens
This event is hosted by the reigning queens. The theme this year was Roaring 20s/Great Gatsby. I had fun teaching my sister Queens some cool dance moves from the Indian film industry/Bollywood
This was another event hosted by our beautiful reigning queens. A music and dance party to break the ice, network and get to know each other better
All delegates went to Disney Springs with mandatory masks provided by our Director. Travel was provided to the location. This is where delegates wore their rhinestone shirt, white shorts, and either black or white tennis shoes. We met people from different states at this outing and gave autographs and took pictures.
This followed the competition and was a reception to felicitate all winners
Overall this was an opportunity of a lifetime...A week that will be etched in my memory forever.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
Palav/Pioneer medical research: Providing infrastructure and support services across the globe to help save premature babies
Michigan Indian American Community Service: Crisis relief support services like senior care, student support, Covid 19 relief support(masks, meals, school supplies, medical services, travel support, etc), small businesses and families support services. Helped raise over $50k during Covid crisis
Detroit Education Society : Providing STEM education , career counseling through 1:1 and group tutoring for middle and high school student
Message from Team Palav/Pioneer Medical Research on social media
@Radhika Shukla, a vivacious woman who believes in opportunities are what you make of them.
Being associated with Palav in fundraising and a active promoter of the cause, she has helped with introducing new platforms in the community. Radhika also believes we can make a difference by just extending ourselves a little each day. Palav appreciates her contributions and involvements even more in the times of COVID 19 as she has helped raise funds, distribute meals and rally the cause even in her work environment. Thank you for bringing in the Microsoft donations which will be used for providing PPE masks, to the frontline workers and meals and support to the needy. We also partnered with Rotary to make the MSFT donation 10x and are working on several meal and mask projects. We wish her the best in her endeavors as she manages her work, family and personal aspirations. World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
Delivered masks and meals to several homeless shelters and needy school children in Detroit
Delivered N95 masks to Harper Hospital/Detroit Medical Center , ER division
Supported local businesses like Sahar Creations , Center for Performing Arts and American Spoon
Ribbon cutting and grand opening of local fashion designer, Cheryl Zymke's boutique in Wyandotte, Mi
Will be judging beauty pageants in Oct-Nov for several regional systems (Ms Illinois/Indiana North America Beauty Pageant, Ms Asia, etc)
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
I stood out due to my attitude, confidence and the community work I have done over the years. I am always very grateful for all that I've been blessed with and that reflects in my down to earth nature and positive attitude. Above all, I'm true to myself and always bear out the real "me" to the judges . They see the compassion and sense of giving in me coupled with good looks and a strong personality. My past and present accomplishments, community service and the work with my pageant platform showed the judges how committed I was towards my social causes and that I not only set goals but fulfilled them with utmost sincerity
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
As a representative of a very diverse culture and heritage I took great pride and was overjoyed when announced as Winner representing my beautiful State, all Michiganders, my community, my people and all Indian American Women on a national and regional platform!! Success comes to those who break the mold, fight/challenge stereotypes, believe in themselves, chase their dreams, march forward with courage and are willing to persist even though there is every reason to give up !! World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
A beauty queen does not only wear her crown but fixes the invisible crown on others as well. She wears the crown on her head but performs her duties for the community with her heart and soul. She is not just beautiful on the outside but intelligent, smart, inclusive and diverse. She is full of substance and is continuously trying to make a difference and mark in the world. I'm not just a pretty face. I'm confident, fearless, hardworking, courageous in the face of adversity and not afraid of challenges or failures. When I embark on an initiative, I give my 200%, my complete commitment to it. I believe a Woman is a product of her dreams. If you can dream it, you can Do IT!
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
Being in a pageant teaches you to be confident and love yourself regardless of the way that others see you. It helped me enhance my strengths further and work on my weaknesses to transform them into opportunities to grow learning all along to accept me, every aspect of me, just the way I am. Underneath all the rhinestones and make up or high heels is the opportunity for huge self discovery and massive personal transformation. The best part is… that kind of growth comes from digging deep during the preparation phase , which means, if you do it right, you don’t need a crown on your head to walk away a winner. Getting out of your comfort zone will lead to personal growth and Pageants greatly help you with that
I created lifetime relations with my sister queens that I could never replace. Everyone sees a competition between girls, but there is not a negative thought in a girl's head as a fellow queen takes the stage. At that moment, there is nothing but encouragement and support for your sister Queen. Modern day pageants are depicted in society as a sexist competition that pits girls against each other, but in reality it really rallies them together and builds a strong sisterhood that lasts a lifetime
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?
Exuding immense Confidence is key when competing in pageants because you have to perform on stage in front of hundreds or even thousands of people. So it is important to feel good about oneself irrespective of your body type or shape. Pageants helped strengthen my confidence and public speaking skills. I worked very hard on my fitness regime esp after two kids and a C-section. Even if I didn't win a crown at a pageant, I knew that I was a better person for just having the confidence to perform. I never question my self-worth or appearance when I don't walk away with a title. I'm always proud of what Pageantry brings out in me and how it shapes me into a stronger woman.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
I truly feel blessed and grateful that I have an opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life, be a role model and inspire them, I strongly believe one has the ability to win in every facet of life as long as one is willing to persevere, work hard and stay committed to the highest standards in that field. I want to inspire and motivate every woman out there to live her dreams and believe in herself cause I believe if you can Dream it, you can Do it. Although being a titleholder does come with some glamorous perks, it also affords you the incredible opportunity to have influence on people and make a lasting impact in their lives. I hope sharing my story here inspires a few women out there to take a leap of faith. I look at myself as the girl next door who made it against all odds coz she dared to dream big and chased her dreams. I have never given up on my dreams/passions, remained committed towards my goals/endeavors that I chose to pursue despite obstacles and despite all the noise and negativity around me. I have great self-esteem and immense confidence which makes me willing to seek out and accept challenges .Above all, I’m not afraid of failure..in fact, I believe its an essential part of the experimental process that gets you to success.
Strong minded, fearless, compassionate with a dynamic energetic spirit is how I'd like to be known
As a representative of a very diverse culture and ethnicity, I take great pride in my identity and roots as an Asian Indian American . My My Goal in Life: To give back to society/community as I am grateful for all that I have been blessed with and would like to pay it forward
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
Getting on that stage was terrifying, but it was one of the best decisions of my life. I learnt a lot about myself, my strengths, weaknesses, and what I needed to further improve on. Remain calm, composed to communicate effectively and articulate your thoughts fluently and just be yourself to win the judges over. World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
I was a blank slate when I first started. All I knew was how to speak well. I learnt the walk, makeup, researched on the pageant and worked on my body. I would wake up early for a workout, had a strict fitness regime and worked on a healthy diet. I gained more experience by doing print shoots and interviews, but I have always been comfortable in front of the camera. I loved the process of prepping for competition, but it was also stressful. Between the interview prep lessons, community service engagements, intense workouts, I had to juggle between a full time job, kids and home. I always spend 3-6 months working on the preparation before every pageant. Getting your paperwork right and knowing your strengths and weaknesses early on is important so that you can work on perfecting yourself. I practiced my walk, did meditation to remain calm, read a lot of books and stayed well versed on current affairs. Besides mental and physical preparation, I spend some time on coming up with a budget and met sponsors who believed in me and supported me. Pageantry can be very expensive so having the right sponsors is key. Wardrobe selection is extremely critical and finding the right coach to guide me played a pivotal role in winning the title. At the end of the day though, one must remember to wear their smile with confidence to win the audiences hearts.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Your walk will usually be more upbeat, but how much you move/swing your hips is your own personal preference. The North America Beauty Pageant system provides a two days of walk practice and stage presence for us to get comfortable for the final day. Twirling can be hard at first but if you twirl in a six-inch heel, you can go down to a four-inch heel and feel like you're flying and be more confident. One should practice walking in taller heels right from the start so by the day of the show, you create that momentum to walk more confidently in the heel of your choice. To feel more stable, you have to use your core and flex those abdominal muscles. That's why fitness is key part of preparation for the Pageant. I highly recommend walking with your shoulders back and relaxed while "elongating your legs."
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
The structure or the silhouette of a gown is determined primarily by the way the skirt is cut and the way the fabric fits. So how a particular silhouette looks on the body of the person wearing it, in addition to the fabric that the gown is made from and the choice of color are important factors in choosing the right dress. Go for simple designs and patterns that don't distract. A single fabric is best so you don't have many different elements fighting for the judges' attention and confusing them. Make sure your gown fits with what is expected in the age division and is flattering. One key takeaway is that color does matter. Winners of the major pageants do tend to wear white most often, followed by blue, yellow, and red. Red is one of my personal favorite colors for pageant gowns, because it complements almost any skin tone and hair color, and it emanates energy. The pageant evening gown competition is your opportunity to show the judges your grace, style and poise. So ensure you make a wise choice
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?
Here are five tips I personally use and that have greatly helped me
1) Do not repeat the question.
2) Know your story/platform well and get your paperwork right: Most questions are asked from the paperwork so understand what you wrote and weave a compelling story around it. As a general rule of thumb, avoid dragging an answer out for longer than thirty seconds.
3) Be informed: Because you're applying for a job to be a public figure and an influencer. Talking about current events in real life and having an opinion on key topics is critical. Judges are looking for someone with her own perspective and beliefs.
4) Know the pageant and the system well: Get up to speed by studying the pageant’s website and social media posting. Contact pageant “alumni” (prior contestants) for informational interviews to see what they thought about the experience and what they would do differently. Former titleholders might be able to give you an idea of the pageant’s past, present, and future goals. Know the judging criteria and the rubric.
5) Consider a Coach or Advisor: A dedicated pageant guide can help you prepare. A third-party coach or seasoned advisor will focus on the areas you should most improve and will help you articulate your story.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
Got anxious before an interview and messed it up due to too much talking. A calm emotional state puts the judges at ease as well. I still get nervous from time-to-time, especially during interviews.. The only way to overcome that anxiety is to practice, practice, practice and I have done that. I now do multiple mock interviews over the phone with former contestants and answer impromptu questions rapid fire on interviews. I always ask for feedback that helps me understand where I need to improve.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
Many girls don't run their own Race! Contestants worry about their competition a lot. There’s always someone prettier, taller, thinner or more stylish and smarter. The only way to perform at your best is to tune out the competition, ignore the noise and focus on yourself. Judges are looking for the best version of you. So keep the focus on SELF! Everyone has a finite amount of energy and limited bandwidth. If you spend time worrying over other competitors, it takes away from your own focus and leaves you drained
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
Have been modeling for several local and national designers since 2005. Acted in two short films. My ad still runs on WXYZ Channel 7 where I'm seen talking and promoting a local medical spa. Modeled at Michigan Fashion Week in 2020. Emcee at several fundraisers each year and have been doing that since 2002. Host/Anchor for four years on a South Asian TV Channel interviewing celebrities, covering local events and advocating/raising awareness for the social causes affecting our society.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?
As Ms Michigan North America I will continue to fulfill all goals, mission and duties as a State Title holder and leverage the platform to advocate for the social causes I support namely Palav and MICS. I also believe in supporting our local businesses and strengthening our local economy during these tough times-SHOP LOCAL , BUY LOCAL is my mantra. As a strong advocate for women empowerment and upliftment, I will continue to use my title to help support other women in their passions and goals to achieve their dreams.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
Success cannot be achieved overnight. It's a process and yes there will be road blacks and tons of struggles but that’s the beauty of it..in the end you will feel like a winner if you continue to work hard and remain persistent. I strongly believe the legacy of successful leaders lives on through the people they touch along the way...it's the impact you've had on their lives. I want people to remember me as a compassionate community leader who truly believed in giving back to the world and paying it forward.
International Director: Britt Harrison
National Director: Britt Harrison
Your Local Director: Christi Duke
Pageant website: http://www.NorthAmericaBeautyPageant.com
Huge heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who supported me in my journey. Couldn’t have done it without your love and blessings! Thank you Mr. Derek for this incredible opportunity to interview with your prestigious magazine. Truly honored and grateful.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Radhika Shukla Ms Michigan North America 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Susan Dahoud from Sue Shoots Photography
MUA : Crystal Jimenez, Rose Queener/Paul Mitchell School
Hair: Blue Sky Salon -Raj Kaur/Saba from Blue Sky Salon, Rose Queener/Paul Mitchell School, Madelynn Maria Burtka/Paul Mitchell
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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Titles are for one year but Covers are for Ever! Dreams do come true with World Class Pageant Magazines. 96 print pageant magazines and our amazing Cover Girls.
