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Nilda L. Brown World Madam New Zealand 2021-22

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Nilda L. Brown World Madam New Zealand 2021-22, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Michelle McLennan Photography
Nilda L. Brown World Madam New Zealand 2021-22, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Michelle McLennan Photography

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Nilda L. Brown World Madam New Zealand 2021-22.

Full name: Nilda L. Brown

Title/Year: World Madam New Zealand 2021-22

Pageant System: World Madam (New Zealand chapter)

Age: 48 (I celebrated my 21st birthday twenty-seven times)

Education Level: Qualified Personal Fitness Trainer

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Hobbies: Latin Dancing (Salsa / Bachata) / Fitness training

Platform: Women in Distress

Years competed:   2022

Countries visited: I have been fortunate to travel with my family to most of Europe, and several states in the USA. Born in the Philippines originally and moving to beautiful New Zealand at a young adult age, my travels allowed me to visit many Asian countries, Australia and pacific islands. Being worldly educated, allowed me to better understand people from different cultures, understanding their challenges and experiencing their riches and poverties. It gave me a deep appreciation for what matters in the world and in peoples’ lives.

Likes: Obviously, family and friends are on top of this list. Their positive and caring minds allowed me to excel through life. They support me in everything I do, as I have shared the same with them throughout their lives. With a positive caring mind, the rewards have been endless thus far. Aside from them, I have been blessed to get to know many influential people from all walks of life. They have become friends and mentors, who showed me paths of personal growth and purpose. Their wealth of knowledge, empathy and generosity to others, taught me how to be proactive, how to be honest, being authentic, and how to convert this in helping others.

Dislikes: Unfortunately, part of my life was filled with lesser good experiences. This included alcoholism, confrontations, anger and violence. Although it had all the hallmarks of being dragged down, I chose a path of growth and sharing of my experiences. If we chose to learn from bad influences and use them to help those in need, any dislike we may have can become our greatest opportunity to make the world a better place.

Status: I have been married for 26 years and we are blessed with three wonderful children. Two girls and a son.

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

Although born on the island of Cebu (Philippines), I grew up on the small island of Burias Masbate, where I was the youngest of eight siblings. My twin brother passed away few days after birth but for some reason, I still feel a strong connection with him. We lived in poverty and I saw the struggles of my family every day. My father was hardly able to look after us, he struggled with finding enough work, which resulted in poor health, not enough food, clothes, let alone opportunities for education. Alcoholism played a big part, which resulted in violence and deepening problems. As my siblings grew up, we had to come to the rescue of our mother quite too often. During childhood, I dreamt of finishing school somehow so that I could assist my parents with income. Later in life I came to realize that this theme of a better life for our parents is a dream shared by many. Although education cost at the time only $50 per year, it was still beyond reach. Poor families make an income of $3 of less per day, which is barely enough to buy rice only. When I was around twelve years old, my mum ran away to Manila in an effort to escape the violence. She had no other option than to leave the children behind. In desperation of getting her back, my father chose to follow and look for her. I stayed behind and lived with my schoolteacher. But being poor herself, I had to find a way to pay for school and food. As a twelve-year-old, this was an impossible task to maintain and had to give up school, travel to Manila and live with my mum. The only way to survive, pay for food and school was to find work. I was introduced to an ‘uncle’ of the family, who was supposed to offer me work but instead tried to traffic me as a sex-slave under the presumption to become a dressmaker in Japan. Although only 12 years old, I believe I had a guardian angel whispering in my ear this was bad. Somehow I prevented this from happening and ended up being a nanny, babysitter, house slave and cleaned apartments from 4am till late evenings for the next 4 years. Around 16 years of age, my brother introduced me to a new family who instigated a new positive chapter in my life. Although still working as a nanny, this is where I finally learned the values of ‘family’. I learned English, hairdressing and basic computer skills and over time, this is where I met my future husband, who I married at the age of 19.

Finally, I was able to start a new life in the beautiful country of New Zealand. I even went on a plane and could not believe the changes I was to embark on. I will not declare my life was easy in New Zealand as I had to learn many new skills, including a new culture. My husband was a builder and while he was building and acquiring property, I assisted with cleaning apartments and look after his rentals. In the process, I gave birth and raised our children the best I could.

Now, after many years and assistance from many, I developed my personality and was able to use my experiences in a positive way. Some 3-4 years ago, I matured rapidly and started to give back to those around me. I have grown to be a mentor in areas of women refuge, under privileged children, people with little or no opportunities and find extraordinary joy in the rewarding smiles I receive in return. More recently, I finished a life-long dream of finishing education in first-aid and becoming a qualified personal trainer. From all the bad and negative I experienced in my life, I conclude that I actually needed these to become the positive, caring person I am today. The many emotional and physical scars I endured, shaped my personality, shaped my empathy and made me the proud leader I wish to be for others. I feel extraordinary privileged to be in this position.

I realize that visual beauty is only skin-deep. True beauty comes from within and if used with

the right intent, will be the most prized asset any person can have. However, and as a woman I also realize that inner confidence goes coincide with being appreciated on the outside. Fitness training and eating healthy, helps with boosting mental and physical strength. Many women feel overweight and desired clothes don’t fit. This causes a downward spiral with inner confidence.

Being a fitness trainer helps to transfer inner beauty to the outside, allow women to feel good about themselves and strengthens confidence. A balanced life, while accepting the past for what it is, accepting the reality of the ‘now’, is the key to be successful in the future.

The consequence for me was to enroll in the amazing ‘World Madam Pageant’. It was a natural progression to express who I have become, express my principals in life and share my story with the world to inspire many. Therefore, I am so extraordinary honoured to have received the various titles, which now allows me to share these prestigious awards with as many as possible.

Through my growth, I have been so fortunate to give back to women and families in need, which I find tremendously rewarding. I cannot wait to deliver my intentions to open up people’s eyes and create positive habits of loving themselves as well as others. My biggest wish is for the world to live in harmony, value and respect life to the fullest. We are the diamond and the gold. We only have one life to live, which should be a life of happiness, safety and joy.

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about your education. 

During my early life, we did not have many opportunities. It resulted in “the-school-of-life”. Only recently, I found the time and encouragement to enroll in school, which included hairdressing and later a training course for becoming a personal trainer (health and fitness).

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?

Bringing inner beauty to the outside and shine like a queen. Being a good example through leadership and make a difference through action, not just words. Being an ambassador to those in need wherever possible.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.

I got invited through a friend, who asked me to join the orientation round. Initially I refused as I did not see this as the best way to grow as a person. Little did I realize how much this pageant would allow me to meet some great people and how it would excel my confidence and aspirations to help others. Arriving at the venue, others were already practicing. With great foresight in what I could achieve, my friend gently pushed me to join the practicing (“come on, jump in”), and so I did. But, as I am ambitious, I do things with my utmost best and be in to win it. It was a great journey and must acknowledge all the friends I gained and learning I received.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

Having more ability and confidence to give back to the less fortunate. In the process of becoming the best of me, my achievements have already rubbed off to those who are in difficult situations and feel encouraged to change their lives for the better. The more I give, the greater the rewards. The power of a simple smile is priceless.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

The world Madam is about showing women in a chapter of their lives, where they have family and children, career and being a mum at the same time. It is about showing others that you can (and are!!) beautiful, no matter where you are in life. Being 48 and being the best of me shows that everything is possible and that it is never too late for being recognized for who you are.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

In essence, it is the whole package. For me it was to shine from the inside out. Not just gowns, a national costume, evening gown or resort wear. These are just tools to assist with expressing inner confidence. To be an example for others, the inner aura is amplified through the outer beauty. Intelligence, poise, walking and personality all form part of expression and important in being judged as a whole.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

It was great to get to know other contestants. I knew about etiquettes but not to this extent. Although there can only be one winner, all of them were a standout and beauty queens in their own right.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

Regarding the platform; I  like to inspire others to live healthy balance active lifestyle I also volunteer to share my life-experiences with women in distress, or women with family issues or being subjected to abuse. Children’s wellbeing forms a great part of this. I found great reward when I was able to lift spirits of sick children and children affected by abuse. Therefore, and with great pleasure, I added raising funds for children’s hospitals and the less fortunate to

my portfolio. That no matter your background, anything is possible in life with the right attitude and lifestyle choices  being Healthy balance active lifestyle . World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

The crowning was only recently and we are in process of scheduling appearances. However, a lunch party with signatories as well as a dinner party have been held with great success. I am in process of engaging with a children’s hospital, women’s refuge and fund-raising events. I hope to have this in action in the near future.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements? I have been approached for speaking engagements, had multiple interviews and I am especially excited about the Chinese and Philippine news agencies, who I have close affiliation with. There is so much poverty in the Philippines and coming from the same roots, will undoubtedly inspire many, many other girls.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I feel that others were quite nervous and may have made some mistakes. In turn, I felt in my element and had fun, a good laugh and actually even tried to support others.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

To be recognized for the person I wish to be, is a great rewarding moment and felt like being among the stars.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

Competing on this pageant it is creating a huge impact in my life. Not only did I make a lot of new friends, I also met a lot of people, which is a great opportunity to create leadership.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?

The pageant brings huge positive impact in every area of my life. I am becoming more confident in the way I carry myself the way I dress and act.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

Feels fantastic and I am very proud of my achievements.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?

Just being myself, having fun, answering questions honestly and enjoying the moment.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

For months on end, I practiced walking, dancing, designed clothes, changed my hairstyle, sculptured my body, learned about make-up and engaged friends and professionals where possible to make me the best of who I can be.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

In dancing, I learned that people can walk (and therefore dance) in very different ways. How models walk on the catwalk is very similar how Latin dancers move. I certainly was a good way to learn.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

Choose elegance over exposure. Leave lots to guess and choose high quality materials and have this created by excellent dressmakers.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

Be confident, honest, keep it short, simple and purposeful.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

Don’t look at other contestants. If they make a mistake, so will you. I focused a bit too much on the person before me and when she accidentally made a mistake, so did I. Stay focused on the music, steps and process.

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

I think that some of the performance choices could have been thought through somewhat better, to better align with the pageant competition.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2022 as a Queen?

Raising funds as mentioned before, speaking appearances, visiting the less fortunate and travel extensively to spread the word.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

That no matter your background, anything is possible in life with the right attitude and lifestyle choices being Healthy balance active lifestyle. Director; Annie Huang,

National and Local Director: Ms. Xuefen Mo,

Photographer: Michelle McLennan Photography.

Sponsors are: New Zealand Emier Ltd, 

Nz International Culture and Art Exchange Centre,

NZ Xincheng International,

Y and L Building Ltd.,

Queen’s Jewelry,

Firy 1 ELIXIR,


OCON Ltd. (Mentor / speaker / training)

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview! Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine.

Nilda L. Brown World Madam New Zealand 2021-22, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Michelle McLennan Photography

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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