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Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Iván Rosas
Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Iván Rosas

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022.

Full name: Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles

Title/Year: Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022

Pageant System: Miss Petite México / Miss Petite International

Education Level: I have medicine degree, I'm currently studying postgraduate in rehab medicine

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Hobbies: I enjoy using this kind of platforms to promote social care like creating campaigns, specially for elderly. I also enjoy reading, dancing and sharing time with my friends and family.

Platform: “Today for them, tomorrow for us” a donate campaign for elderly, we donate stuff like gait attachments, walking stick, wheelchair, and more stuff.

Years competed: 2 years

Countries visited: Some states in Mexico

Likes: exercise, rain smell, ocean, nature, movies, runways

Dislikes: envious and negative people

Status: single

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.

My name is Scarlett Lara, I'm proudly Mexican, born in Querétaro city with roots from Guanajuato, I currently live in Mexico City where I'm studying my medical specialty. I really like sports, when I was a child and teenager I used to practice Olympic gymnastics reaching state and regional competitions, that taught me to be disciplined and persistent in everything and I plan to carry that for the rest of my life.

Three years ago I experienced an event that marked my life forever, my mother unexpectedly died, at that moment I felt a great emptiness and sadness, but everything she taught me in life has motivated me to fulfill my dreams and become into the woman I am.

I'm a defender of the relevance in mental health, because despite the advances in this subject, it continues to be stigmatized, which is why I would like to raise my voice and give the importance it has and that we all have mental health so that no one can feel with the power to overshadow it.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education.

I’m a doctor, I´m currently studying a specialty called rehabilitation medicine, also I have a master in leadership.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you?

An empowered woman is the one who recognizes her value, but above all is the one who helps other people to let them know how valuable they are.

Now a days women are not longer interested to be recognized only for their appearance, but for what we can contribute to society and its progress. It is time for women and men to walk hand in hand and not perpetuate the gender gap that separates us.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history.

My first contest was Queen Fans International (today called Queen Supreme International) in 2020, being a virtual contest, representing Mexico as Queen Supreme Mexico 2020 along with other compatriots and being part of the top 5.

Months later I took the direction of Queen Supreme Mexico for a year.

In 2021 I participated in Miss Global Model Mexico City, reaching first runner-up

In 2022 I participated in the first edition of Chica Latin Top, reaching second runner-up

Likewise, I was designated as Miss Latin America Perfect of the Year in Miss and Mrs Perfect of the Year

Finally, after lots of trajectory and preparation Miss Petite Guanajuato offered me the designation for that stadium towards the national pageant, and that is how on June 26, 2022 I was crowned Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022 heading to Miss Petite Mexico.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

It was thanks to a queen from my country that I met on the hardest times in my life, who was my inspiration to use these platforms to be the voice of those who need one, she also inspired me to dare myself and follow my dreams.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I believe that opportunities come at the right time, and we must take them, if we don't take that risk it will be too late, that's why when Miss Petite Guanajuato organization appointed me as state queen, I did not hesitate to take the opportunity, because I always wanted to know what is like to be in a national concentration and get to aspire to an international title.

I also see it as an excellent alternative to promote my campaign so that older adults can have the chance of having a better quality life.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

Miss Petite Mexico and Miss Petite International are platforms were height it's not an impediment to reach our goals, it's a contest that give us the possibility to "petite" women to shine and brings us support to our social projects.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes your director different from others?

The commitment to the candidates and platform, it really intended for us to exploit all our potential to be the best version of ourselves.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition?

Introduction, Evening Gown, On-Stage Question

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

It was a pleasant experience, we formed a nicely environment with a lot of unity and solidarity, we helped each other, with the other candidates, directors and all of the team. During classes and rehearsal it shows the commitment of the state director, from other candidates and our families, because I think it's important that we all have the support of the ones that are closer to us.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Who would you recommend your system to?

All those women who think that because of their height they will not be able to fulfill their dreams, Miss Petite is here to change that and has the total commitment to help you grow in all aspects of your life.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

“Today for them, tomorrow for us” it's a campaign aimed at older adults who need it. We gave them free stuff that comes from volunteer donations. Although it is aimed at older adults, we also help children and young people.

This campaign arose because I unfortunately found that our older adults have many difficulties, including walking problems, which could cause falls and health problems in a future, so this promotes the prevention of falls in our older adults.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title?

My coronation is recent, so I haven’t had appearances with my official title, only a shooting collaboration with the official band and Crown.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements?

Through these platforms I have been able to raise awareness about the importance of mental health through videos and posts on social networks, I have also raised awareness in the fight against eating disorders, as it is a problem that I suffered at one point in my life. I want to create an impact on this issue and show the relevance of the fight against these disorders that have claimed many lives.

And recently, with my campaign "Today for them, tomorrow fot us" we have been able to donate canes to older adults with low economic resources and our greatest achievement was having donated a wheelchair to an older adult and his wife in the Estado de México.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I believe that beauty is subjective, all women are beautiful in their own way and it's important to believe it. What makes the difference is the way we use our beauty for the best of the community, promoting social work, supporting campaigns, being the voice of multiple causes and very importantly, being committed to all our ideals; I think that women are more valuable for what she can contribute than for her beauty.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

I can describe that moment with one word and it's gratitude, I'm thanked to God and all those people who encouraged me to move forward, I have a great satisfaction with myself for persevering and going for my dream, at that moment I showed that every effort has its reward and if someone gives you a "no" it's not permanent.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

I see a crown as a responsibility, a responsibility to be an inspiration to someone else who may be going through a bad time, that they can see my strength, my perseverance and give them hope to fulfill their dreams, just like I fulfill mine. I look for my voice to be heard in injustice situations and social causes that must be recognized internationally and nationally.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

Thanks to beauty pageants I have managed to increase my confidence and security, to accept and love myself as I am and not pretend being someone else just to be accepted in a social role; It has allowed me to be myself at all times, and I have been able to transmit that even to my patients, by speaking to them with confidence. It allows me to gain their trust and for them to follow the treatment properly.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?

The contests have helped me to accept my body and love myself as I am, that I am beautiful in my way. If I want to improve something in myself, it will be for my health and personal satisfaction, not to pretend to be someone I am not.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

A few years ago, when I saw the beauty queens, they seemed like unstoppable and serene women. I was surprised by their perfection. However, living the whole process behind and the evolution that the pageants have had, I admire them even more.

I feel honored that I can be a source of inspiration for many people and encourage them to improve. I have always considered that beauty queens should use their voice and power to give positive messages to all those people who need to hear them. It has not been an easy path, and that is exactly what I want to demonstrate, the right path is not always the easiest, but it's the one that will give you the most satisfaction by persevering and never giving up.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

A queen must know how to transmit a clear and powerful message, so I have been working on improving my diction and oratory, knowing how to specify my ideas and choosing the right words when communicating my message.

In the same way, the catwalk it's a very important aspect of a beauty queen, because it's the way you can show who you are without saying a word.

So I considered that thanks to my way of expression and security at a catwalk are key aspects that helped me and will help me to stand out.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition?

During the preparations for the final, we have speech and diction classes, catwalk and dance courses, image consultancy, and various events with well-known personalities where we enriched ourselves with their experience and advice.

I also prepared myself mentally, knowing the responsibility that would be to wear a state crown and participate in a national contest, trusting my experience so that everything I learned would be put into practice to demonstrate that I would be the one to wear that crown.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

Practice as many times as you need until you get it right. It will also help if you catwalk in front of a mirror, that way you'll be able to observe your body language (arms, hips, shoulders) to get the right posture, when you get all that you can incorporate facial expressions, and a very important tip is feeling confident and comfortable at all time, that way you can transmit it.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

Mainly that you can feel comfortable and beautiful, it must be a dress that excites you when you wear it and which you can show off. Remember that a dress doesn't make a queen, a queen makes the dress help her stand out, that's what you have to look for.

It is also important to practice with your dress days before the final event, so that you can have in mind the movements that you can do with it.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview?

Before answering, take a deep breath, that will help you to calm down and concentrate. Listen carefully to the question, so that you can answer exactly what is being asked. Organize your ideas before answering, I recommend first answering exactly what they are asking and then further enriching it with some personal experience.

Also a tip is using nonverbal language, use your hands to emphasize certain ideas, you can walk a little so that the audience keeps their attention on you and very important, use different tones of voice, using more emphatic tones to emphasize key points.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

I remember during the swimsuit stage on the final night I had a bit of a stumble in the first pose; I felt like everyone noticed it, however, they told me that it didn't and when I saw the videos, it was indeed not noticed, but my mind didn't think of it that way.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

I think that the biggest mistake is to feel insecure and let the nerves take over you. When you are certain about your objective and what you have learned, that is just the right time to show it. Remember that you project what you feel you are and if you feel like a winner, you will be!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience?

During my time on beauty pageants I had have many opportunities like being in renowned designer's catwalks, and for a time belonging to a modeling and acting agency called New Icon Model

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2022 as a Queen?

Mainly promoting my campaign "Today for them, tomorrow for us" and support more older adults who need a walking aid. As well as supporting more social causes that request my help.

Give talks on perseverance and resilience, in the fight against eating disorders and in favor of mental health to different audiences at a state level and if it's possible a national level.

I would also like to have collaborations with catwalk designers, shootings and interviews that help promote my path and preparation.

Prepare myself as much as possible for the national contest and to be able to wear my band with pride and make my people feel proud by my efforts.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want to leave the message that discipline and passion are the keys to fulfilling your dreams. There will be difficult moments along the way, however in those moments you must hold on to your dreams the most to move forward, and you'll see that sooner or later, you will have the reward in front of you.

National Director: Francisco Cortez

Your Local Director: Berenice Barajas y Bébora Bolaños

Name of the Photographer and other credits:

Photographer: Iván Rosas

Translator: Brenda Alegría World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview! Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine.

Nayeli Scarlett Lara Angeles Miss Petite Guanajuato 2022, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Iván Rosas

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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