World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Mary Mae Torres Kuberka Mrs Universe Germany 2020.
Full name: Mary Mae Torres Kuberka
Title/Year: Mrs Universe Germany 2020, Top 8 Mrs Universe E-voting 2020
Pageant System: Appointed by Director due to Pandemic
Age: Fabulous 41
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Hobbies: I read a lot of books, comics, world newspapers and magazines. I jogged, do yoga and biking. I am involve in local activities such as charities and other social related undertakings.
Platform: Promoting friendship and camaraderie among all the people of the world. Serving you love and compassion.
Years competed: Appointed by my Director
Countries visited: Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Taiwan, Hongkong, Palau, France, Belgium, The Netherland, Luxemburg, Sweden and Denmark.
Likes: I like people who respect others’ faith, belief, uplift others, honest and factual. I like to prioritize authentic connection with others with loving relationship and be happy.
Dislikes: I don’t like people who have ungrateful heart, sarcastic and a bad loser.
Status: Blessed and happily married
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
I’m just a private citizen and not necessarily want to be in spotlight but want to make difference. I have been blessed with amazing healthy loving family, real friends, loyal mentors, colleagues and amazing job - they are my power to go on. They made me a strong woman of substance.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Women Empowerment to me is simply an art of influencing others. It’s not all about popularity, it is about creating meaningful content or building meaningful relationship that includes supporting and uplifting each other.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
I started when I was in my first grade (United Nation) in my primary school until senior high school. I was invited to join for acting academy but God knows the desires of my heart and I am not for that - I am more for public servant than a princess. I am usually on the spot appointed than elected. I’ve been invited to compete social and charity related activities such as ‘’Beauty with a purpose’’. My first grand title was way back in 2015 when I won as the Queen of Charity-Germany. I was directly appointed by Ms. Helen Ligutom, the Director of Mrs Germany due to pandemic where organizing events are not possible.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
What inspired me to do my first pageant was that I may continue to empower, inspire other women and that I can make progress to embrace and build strong self-confident. Further, the people who uplifted, supported and believed in me continued to inspire me a lot to do better.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
That I may continue to share our legacy of promoting friendship and camaraderie among all the people of the world during this pandemic. To spread global cooperation and solidarity to defeat Coronavirus.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
The Mrs Universe 2020 was a digital beauty pageant (Virtual international event) for most honorable married women from 18-55 years old, have family of their own, career, mother of themselves, involved in different initiatives and a woman who can use their beauty for the sake of a big cause. It was the first time of Mrs Universe history to do such virtual event due to the global current condition.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
It was not really like investing your emotions, nor has experienced in catwalking, not even what your platform said best, not someone intelligent or someone is less educated. It is only basically being judge by e-votes. The more you are popular and with lots of connections, the more you have the chance to win.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
During the Mrs Universe 2020- Virtual event, it was more thrilling and tiring than expected. It was a lot of sleepless nights for me and to my director since we had to keep on promoting and sharing to any connections and friends we know in order to obtain votes. The election was the time I got to know more my director, our bonding was more virtually. I got several instant virtual recognition, instant virtual communications to reach other groups and organizations to earn votes from different countries. During the voting period, me; my director; my family especially my sister Antonet Torres; my cousin Jeanne Torres Detmering who founded Joyful Fantastic and Friends Forever organization; colleague in German Filipino Friendship E.V. the founder Mr. Sven Thorsten-Ihde, our Vice President Dr. Burdeos, admins who started to be a content creator during the virtual event Yssam, Lioness Mai & Volker Reif; my circle of friends here in Germany and around the globe have worked together from day and night from Dec. 1-23 for sharing to obtain a lot of votes. It took me to a global raised votes. That was the time
when my friends invested their time and emotions, and I am very glad and emotional as well knowing there were so many people who supported me in this Virtual event. Although it is more stressful than real event, it is also a feeling of satisfaction and achievement. When I woke up, the first thing I did was to open my social media and start sharing, messaging and promoting my pictures to vote. It became my priority than drinking coffee or reading news at early in the morning. My world suddenly have changed into diving more on to social media. That was the pageant where you don’t have to wear make ups, gowns and high heels. The exhaustion, thrills and the excitement were there and that made it very special and uplifting afterwards as well.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
There are several causes and platforms I represented in Germany. These include the LGBTQ community and help women and children from violence. I promote friendship, camaraderie and exchange respect, beliefs and culture among all the people in the world.
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
Due to this difficult time, it is hard to have appearances. Recently, I was featured in Tourism magazine in Northern Germany and Pilya Blog Magazine -The Filipino-German Lifestyle Magazine.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
My greatest achievement first is my family. I am so blessed surrounded with loving and supportive family. My husband and children have been very supportive to my journey especially during the Mrs Universe E-voting. Moreover, I am thankful for having a great job and the trust of my bosses. I am also so blessed with the Filipino people’s support, love and trust. That is why we have founded the German-Filipino Friendship association. I couldn’t help but realized how Filipinos and Germans poured in me with supports during the Mrs Universe virtual event.
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
I think I stand out with other girls with compassion that I prioritize authentic connection with others.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
The moment I was appointed as Mrs Universe Germany 2020, I was a bit skeptical if I am capable of handling the tremendous responsibility as the representative of Germany. I have mixed emotions of thrills, excitement and challenges as well. The moment the sash arrived and was placed across my heart, the thought and responsibility of me to represent Germany has come to life. It is a moment of fulfillment of the things we only dreamt of what will happen in once a lifetime.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
It is serving a genuine and authentic purpose and compassionate with a grateful heart.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
Competing beauty pageants help me embrace myself to become a better person. It helps build my confidence and develop myself into dealing social media that surpassed human interaction.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?
Joining beauty pageants help me mentally, physically and spiritually fit. It motivates me more to organize my ward robes and what to wear properly. I conducted a lot of research about tricks of make ups and different styles in photo shooting.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
I feel heavenly and blessed. I can go back to my village with my head held high. My heart is overflowing and immensely grateful.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
Bringing out my bubbly personality and looking directly at the judges the whole time and walk confidently as I can, were some of my strategies I have been using.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
First, I always do some research about what kind of organization and pageant it is. I always wanted to know the rules, what to prepare and the things needed for the pageant itself. Then, I usually talked to experienced people or current or former titleholders and calculate my strengths. Then I followed a routine of regular training from catwalk to interview. I
always think of plans in order to achieve goals. I followed a healthy diet as
well and give myself enough sleep every day.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Practice every day for catwalking even for several minutes until you master it. Use social media for trainings and techniques such as youtube videos from different beauty pageants and models. If possible, practice the catwalking and interviews with an expert.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
Personally, I will make sure that my gown fits me nicely and I choose the right color that will fit my skin so that I ensure that I am comfortable to what I am wearing. In this way, I can deliver the competition with all my best. It is also nice to consult a good Designer(s) because they are the ones know the best.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning the interview?
‘’Let your passion shine’’. Prepare and study all the possible questions that may be asked you to answer. Practice until you master the questions. Prepare what you will wear to the interview ahead of time. Update yourself on current events. Greet your interviewer appropriately with warmth and confidence. Be aware of your body language. Don’t forget to smile, have eye contact with jury and be yourself.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
I guess my biggest mistakes is not giving myself enough time to prepare for the biggest event. Since joining beauty pageants need a lot of time, efforts and preparation. With the combination of my full time job and a family woman, it is hard sometimes to prioritize any of these. But in the future pageant(s) I will be joining, I will make sure that ahead of time I can prepare properly.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
I still have to experience that in the future since mostly my experiences were about my self-development and how to do better.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
I don’t have modelling or acting experiences since I am more focus on joining beauty pageants and doing charity works.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Queen?
My plans for 2021 is that I would love to continue to empower, help, support, uplift, love and cherish others. I was able to hear stories of amazing modern women overcoming barrier to become their best selves. We should encourage other women to do the same. Surround yourself with educated and well experienced people who can help the best in you and might even become a better leader or a Beauty Queen. Use every opportunity to grow and develop.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I continue to share German Filipino Friendship legacy by promoting friendship and camaraderie among all the people of the world. Continue prioritize authentic connection with others. Have a grateful heart. Serve with love and compassion.
Director: Helen Ligutom
Pageant website/page:
Credits: Photo by Studioart, Studioline, & Photography- Germany
Designer: Future Designer Toshimi Pacumbala World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Mary Mae Torres Kuberka Mrs Universe Germany 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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