World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Lisa Ann Tauai Ms. International 2023-2024.
Full Name: Lisa Ann Tauai
Title/Year: Ms. International® 2023-2024
Pageant System: International Beauty Pageants
Age: 49
Education Level: Bachelor of Science in Dietetics with a Minor in Chemistry; Graduate Degrees (Master in Business Administration and Master in Military Operational Arts)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Hobbies: Yoga, Singing, and Painting
Platform: Plant-Based Nutrition for Performance
Years Competed: 4 years
Countries Visited: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Amsterdam, England, and the Azores (800 miles from Portugal)
Likes and Dislikes: I like spending time with family and friends, and I dislike all hate and unkindness.
Current Status: Married
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Can you share a bit about who you are? I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force where I specialized as a Registered Dietitian for over 20 years. I continue to serve our warfighters and their family members at Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, Nevada, where I help them become the best versions of themselves, achieve high levels of performance, and prevent or even reverse disease through optimal nutrition.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I’m curious about your education journey. What's it been like for you, any particular highlights or challenges? My turning point in my education journey began in high school when I realized I would not be one of the "popular kids" and decided to devote all of my energy to making good grades. This opened up so many opportunities for me through scholarship programs and getting accepted to all of the colleges and universities that I applied. I attended Missouri Southern State University and earned my Associate of Arts degree and then transferred to Missouri State University to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics with a minor in chemistry. I graduated Cum Laude which made me very competitive for dietetic internships across the country. I was accepted to the United States Air Force Dietetic Internship Program at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, one of the most prestigious and rigorous internships in the United States. This 10-month program was exceptionally difficult and required me to work harder than I had ever done before. After my graduation, I immediately began studying for the 4-hour dietetics exam, passed, and was officially a Registered Dietitian.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Women's empowerment is such a key topic. What does it mean to you personally? Empowerment, to me, is a frame of mind. As individuals, we can be empowered by others to reach our goals or ambitions, but the true test is when we empower ourselves to achieve greatness...casting aside our insecurities and fears to accomplish things we never thought possible.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you get into pageants? What sparked your interest initially? I have had an interest in pageants from the time I was very young and watched them on television. I remember thinking that I wanted to be just like those contestants, poised, and beautiful women. I was bullied in grade school where I was teased all of the time being called "poodle" for my puffy hair and "ugly". This further sparked my interest in pageantry wanting to prove all of them wrong someday.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What motivated you to participate in your first pageant? Was there a defining moment? I had an opportunity to volunteer at a pageant in Las Vegas and was invited to watch the pageant. I remember thinking that the women who were competing had so much courage and confidence to be on a stage with spotlights on them in front of so many people. This inspired me to give it a try for personal and professional growth. One of the best moments was when my peers awarded me with the "Miss Congeniality" award. Although I did not win the pageant, being awarded with "Miss Congeniality" meant so much to me. Another key moment was speaking to the judges afterwards and receiving feedback on my performance. One of them said that I "walked like I was in the military". This was valuable feedback which became a key focus area as I prepared for future pageants.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? What made it stand out for you? I competed in the International Beauty Pageants because of the amazing owner and director, Mrs. Susan Jeske. Susan is one of the most fair and honest people I have ever known. She is not afraid to tell you what she thinks, which helps you grow and evolve into a better version of yourself. I also respect how fair she is to all of her contestants. She treats everyone exactly the same, which is a critical attribute for someone in her business. I also competed in the International Beauty Pageants as it was held in California where I knew I would meet new people since it was out of the Las Vegas area.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I'd love to know more about your pageant system. Could you explain what it’s all about?
Ms. International® inspires women of all ages across the globe to be the best versions of themselves and encourages them to serve the needs of their community. Being accepted as a contestant was based on application, photo, and interview over the phone. The contestants were then narrowed down from across the country who competed on stage and were scored in areas to include: Judges Personal Interview, Fun Fashion and Introduction, Evening Gown, and On-Stage Question, each worth 25% of their total score. Ms. International® is a registered federal trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is run and operated by the Ms. America Pageant Corporation in California, Registration No. 6383156. For more information, visit and
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you think sets your pageant director apart from others? Susan Jeske is not only one of the most fair and honest pageant directors I have ever had the pleasure to work with, but she has a plethora of knowledge and experience in the pageant industry. I have remained open minded and have welcomed feedback from her that has proven to be essential in my growth and development as a person and Pageant Queen.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: During competitions, what are the key things you're judged on? Every pageant is a little different, but typically you are judged on four areas: the judges' personal interview, fun fashion/fitness wear/swimsuit competition, evening gown competition, and the on-stage question. Typically, each category is 25% of your total score.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What’s your competition experience been like? Any memorable moments or learnings? I have competed in four pageants so far and each of the competition experiences have been different and have improved me in various ways. Other than my memorable Miss Congeniality experience, another big moment was reflecting on my performance after each pageant. What I learned was that my performance is not always consistent, and I can have "on and off days". Additionally, I learned how important it is to reflect and improve on areas within my control and not to dwell on things outside of my control. Finally, positive self talk and visualization were key in my most recent pageant experience that earned me the crown!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Would you recommend your pageant system to others? If so, why? I would absolutely and wholeheartedly recommend the Ms. International® and the Ms. America Pageant® to all women of all ages. Thanks to Susan, the communication and organization within these systems are second to none. They are also reasonable in cost, do not require anything of you if you do not have the time or budget, and they set the standard in fairness across the board. You will not be disappointed!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell me about your advocacy or volunteer work. What causes are you passionate about? My passion is helping others live their best lives through the power of good nutrition. Throughout the week, I spend the majority of my time educating groups of military members and their families on weight management and performance nutrition. I also make appearances in the Las Vegas community spreading the same nutrition and wellness messages and volunteer my time to provide individual meal plans of eating to people who otherwise cannot afford this service.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: With your title, what kinds of appearances or activities have you been involved in? Other than over 15 nutrition briefings at Nellis Air Force Base and Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, I appear live every month on NBC News 3 educating thousands of viewers on a variety of important nutrition and wellness tips. I also provide this information on podcasts and via local magazines such as Beauty Magazine and Las Vegas Travel Magazine. Additionally, I have been a feature story and on the cover of Crowns Magazine, January 2024 edition, and will soon be featured in Pageantry Magazine.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Can you share some of your achievements, both in and outside of pageantry? During my military career, I have earned over 40 military awards and decorations and was selected amongst countless peers as a Squadron Commander. The incredible skills I accumulated over my military career armed me with attributes that helped me excel in pageantry. A couple of those skills were in interview and the on-stage question. The judges have told me that I score very highly in these areas which undoubtedly contributed to my earning the title of Ms. International® 2024.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: In such a competitive field, what do you think makes you stand out? In addition to my interview and public speaking skills, I believe my genuine and upbeat personality help me stand out. I work very hard at trying to stay positive and happy in even stressful situations, which rubs off on others and almost ignites more positivity. I also have a strong work ethic, which is something I believe the judges can pick up on during the personal interview. These attributes have not only helped me excel in pageantry, but in life.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I can only imagine how it feels to win. What was going through your mind when your name was announced as the winner? It took me a second to process that I won! I was overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude and just could not stop smiling!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does being a Beauty Queen mean to you? It means so much more than outward beauty. Inward beauty makes a true Beauty Queen. Inward beauty is being kind, courageous, willing to stand up for others who cannot stand up for themselves and having some humility. Outer beauty fads, but inner beauty lasts forever and catapults people from good to great!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How have pageants impacted your life? Pageants have taken me to a whole new level of confidence. They have truly pushed me outside my comfort zone, exposed me to so many extraordinary people, and have improved me both personally and professionally. Every time a compete in a pageant, I grow as a person and get that much closer to the person I want to be.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How have pageants influenced your self-esteem and body image? Absolutely and undoubtedly! Although I still have scars from the years of being degraded, teased, and humiliated, pageants have helped truly heal me. They have given me a new level of confidence that I have not found in any other aspect of my life. For that, I will always be grateful.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You’re an inspiration to many. How does that feel, and what message do you want to share with others? I truly hope I have inspired people with my story because that is what it is all about! It feels great to inspire others because I know that if they are inspired, they will likely improve something or themselves. Think of the impact this would make in the world if all of us got truly inspired and acted on that inspiration! My best advice for others is to figure out what you do well and do it to the best of your ability and with a purpose.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What’s your strategy for captivating the judges on stage? I speak from my heart not just my mind. When you speak from your heart and truly believe what you are saying, it shows you are genuine, and this captivates the judges and the audience.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How do you prepare for competitions? Any specific routines or practices? I prepare for pageants by using flashcards with interview questions I have been asked in the past along with Pageant Planet's commonly asked interview and on-stage questions. I also prepare by hiring a pageant coach along with watching all types of YouTube videos on pageant walks and poses.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Got any tips for nailing the perfect pageant walk? The perfect pageant walk is a little different for everyone, but I believe that being relaxed and having fun while walking on stage is the key. However, being able to do this requires a lot of practice to feel comfortable enough to be relaxed and have fun on stage. Another tip in addition to this and studying videos on the perfect walk is to tell yourself that you are already a Queen. This mentality builds confidence that will show on stage!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Choosing the right pageant dress can be crucial. What are your tips for making the best choice? First, please know that you do not need to spend thousands of dollars on a gown, but it is very important that you select a dress that you are comfortable wearing and able to move in well. Additionally, it is very important that the dress you select is tailored to fit you.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Interview rounds can be tricky. What are your strategies for a winning interview? The key to nailing an interview is to be honest, genuine, confident, and keep your answers clear and to the point. Many pageant interviews are timed and if you are able to answer all or most of their questions, your score will likely be higher.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Looking back, is there a moment in a competition you wish you could redo? I wish I had the opportunity to redo an interview I had during a previous pageant over a year ago. The judges were very business-like and serious in this particular pageant, which was not what I expected after having an interview a year prior with very personable, approachable judges. Their demeanor threw me off of my game. Additionally, there was some background talking and laughing which derailed my focus and concentration. The result was not good...the worst performance I have ever had in an interview. This did teach me to prepare for any type of judge and to be able to answer the questions intelligently and with confidence no matter the circumstance.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What common mistakes do you see others making in contests? It always makes me sad to hear other contestants engaging in negative self talk like "I always do poorly in the interview", or "The on-stage question makes me so nervous". When we engage in negative self talk, we almost will negative things to happen. I try to reverse their negative talk through encouragement and compliments about how well their performance has been. I believe this helps build their confidence to help them perform better in the areas that make them most nervous.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Do you have any experience in modeling or acting? I took modeling classes as a kid and a drama class in grade school, but no other formal training. When I was younger, I did some mannequin modeling at a department store and was in a runway fashion show as well. Most recently, I have applied and been accepted into a modeling agency and am planning on attending some modeling courses in the Las Vegas area.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans or goals for the upcoming year as a Queen? To reach as many people as possible to educate on the Ms. International Beauty Pageant along with my platform of plant-based nutrition for performance. I am doing this through various social media outlets, press releases, NBC News 3 interviews, magazine articles, and Nellis Air Force Base and local community events and activities.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Finally, what kind of legacy do you hope to leave behind? If I can create a legacy as an approachable, kind person who truly wants to help others live a healthier life through improved nutrition, I will have accomplished the objective I believe I was born to do.
- International/National Director: Mrs. Susan Jeske
- Pageant Website: and
- Photographer and Credit Details: Mrs. Georgina Vaughn
- Sponsors Acknowledgment: N/A, but want to thank all of my family, friends, and mentors for their love and support on my pageant journey and for all of my life.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Lisa Ann Tauai Ms. International 2023-2024, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Georgina Vaughn
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski
Owner/Editor in Chief
Mr WorldClass 2023
Mr United Nations 2018
Platform: Women Empowerment
