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Lidia Yaneva Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019

Writer: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Lidia Yaneva Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Lidia Yaneva Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Tedi Grozdanov

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Lidia Yaneva Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019.

Full name: Lidia Stoyanova Yaneva

Title/Year: Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019

Mrs. Worldwide photogenic 2019

Pageant System: Mrs Worldwide

Age: 37

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 

Hobbies: Traveling, dancing, cooking, painting, reading, cosmetics, aerobic, makeup 

Platform: anti-violence against women, support for young talents, Christmas angels

Years competed: 2

Countries visited: Singapore, Indonesia, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, England 

Likes: travel to world, meeting people, healthy life, good food, warm weather, beach, sea, Bulgarian nature..

Dislikes: lying, betraying and stupid people with high self-esteem and claims

Status: married 

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

I'm married for 17 years and I have son who is 16 years old. I have University of law and I work as junior lawyer in a company. I have also diploma for cosmetics, make-up artist and a group activities instructor. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What does Women Empowerment means to you?

Women's empowerment means women to have equal rights with men and no more victims of domestic violence.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history. 

When I was young I participated in local Beauty pageants in my hometown Varna. 19 years ago I had contract for miss Bulgaria, but those period I got pregnant and I couldn't participate. That's why with this pageants my dream comes true. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

As any young girl, my first competition was to feel like a fairy tale princess.  As a mature woman, now my inspiration comes from being able to support more and more charity campaigns and inspire others to do the same.. for a better world!

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

After I won Mrs. Bulgaria 2018 it was my duty to represent Bulgaria at an international competition Mrs.Worldwide 2019 held in Singapore.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

This is a worldwide pageant involving women from 30 countries.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

30% of  appearance, 30 % of inner beauty, 30% intelligent and 10% confident.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

It was as military camp. I learned to be more disciplined and organized. Although the preparation was very hard , I had some fun and exciting moments. I found wonderful new friends also.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. 

I support Mrs Bulgaria's platform anti-violence against women. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

I supported Christmas Angels - for Families in Need, A Dream for a Child, Supporting Young Talents, Orphans and Children with Disabilities. World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

My strong and stable family which I have for 17 years and my serious and hard work. On my international competition the biggest achievements is that everyone was fascinated and impressed by me and I found good friends from all over the world.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

What sets me apart from all the girls is that I am naturally beautiful, without hair extension , no eyelashes extension and makeup-masked face.  I will not worry about reaching the final of a no makeup contest and I will be sure that I look the best of them all.  In addition to my natural appearance, I was distinguished for intelligence, right reactions at moments, my appearance of a strong woman and my confidence, of course. 

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

I was very excited of course.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

I'm very proud to be part of this family of beautiful and intelligent women. Being a Beauty Queen means having beautiful face and a good soul and noble heart. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

The pageant helped me become a sociable, less shy and self-confident woman. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?

Actually I'm an aerobic instructor and I had a good self-esteem before the competition. 

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

It feels really wonderful be an inspiration to girls, but also a great responsibility. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

Smile, charm and confidence. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

At the opening with the national banners , I was wearing a short dress with the colors of my national flag.  For the second round, I chose an authentic, one-century-old national costume to represent Bulgarian traditions and culture.  For the talent tour, I presented belly dancing in an Oriental costume, and for the final tour I had a stunning dress by Bulgarian top designer Evgenia Borisova, whose dress made a huge impression on the contestants, the judges and the audience.

Also all contestants had to exchange gifts. My gift was the best.. I say it because all girls told me that. I gifted scarf with Bulgarian embroideries, a doll with a national costume which had a rose oil inside , a gold coin with a Bulgarian king, with which I wanted to show that Bulgaria was a kingdom and a magnet from a very special and mystical place in Bulgaria the cave God's eyes.  Also a small pink soap with the shape of a rose and the scent of a Bulgarian rose.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

Practice at home by putting a book on your head and trying to keep it from falling.  

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

The dress has to be very comfortable , stylish, classy and  brilliant on the stage.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

Be confident and be yourself..

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

On my last competition I didn't have any mistakes. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

They are not themselves. They trying to behave according to a protocol and pattern of behavior that conceals their individuality and difference.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?

I had experience as a model on catwalk , and playing in advertisements, TV show, video clip and Hollywood  movie with famous actor. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?

I will continue to support charity campaigns and develop both in my work and in other side activities that i plan for the future.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want to be remembered not only as a beautiful appearance, but equally beautiful soul, which feel for pain of others. My friends and my family know me very well as such human , I want other people to know it!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview.

Lidia Yaneva Mrs. Worldwide Bulgaria 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Tedi Grozdanov

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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