World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Kira Rose Johnson Miss Oregon Petite 2020.
Full name: Kira Rose Johnson
Title/Year: Miss Oregon Petite 2020
Pageant System: USA Petite
Age: 20 (I Turn 21 April 28th, 2021!)
Education Level: Honors High School Diploma, Partial Associates Degree.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: Soccer, snowboarding, pool, motocross, reading, working out, painting, musical instruments, working on my business.
Platform: The Opioid Crisis.
Years Competed: One Year.
Countries Visited: Two; Mexico and The United States.
Likes: Hiking, the Mountains, The beach, Walking, Running, Going new places, Traveling, Learning, Bubble baths, family time, animals
Dislikes: Mexican food, Sushi or fish, Dirty beaches, Littering
Status: I am growing and working on growth everyday. I want to be the best version of myself everyday, and everyday is a new opportunity to learn and be a better version of you!
Dating - I do have a boyfriend (if you meant relationship status). We are going on two years now :)
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about yourself?:
I am a young Business Owner who is driving to do better everyday. At a young age my parents got divorced, I was only 6. My father had cheated on my mom and gotten another woman pregnant, who later gave birth to my sister Hailey Rose. Because of how much drugs had an influence on my dad's life (oxycontin and alcohol) he had not only his rights to me taken away but he also signed away his rights to my sister. This broke my heart, I wouldn't be allowed to see her again until she was 18. Now my mom, my older brother and I were on our own. My brother and I shared a room, so we became very close. Four days before my 17 birthday in April of 2017, my older brother passed away at the age of 19 due to an Oxycontin overdose that happened to be cut with Fentanyl. He was living with my father at the time, who I knew had abused these drugs. He was the one who found him. This really destroyed my father, especially since he had a part in it, and he turned to Heroin. I lost my best friend and now I am slowly losing my father. This is why I focus on growth everyday, so I can give my future family and my future self the best possible life someone could have. Peace, happiness, freedom... and drug free sober life. Helping others live their best life. This is what I focus on every single day. I am a very outgoing and bubbly person who has this need and drive to learn!
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your education:
I graduated Highschool with my honors diploma, as well as my GPA Strings for a 3.89 GPA, and 16 credits of college classes in Highschool that went towards my Associates degree. I was Given the Spanish 2 scholarly award, the Zenith Women's Scholarship award, the Lions club Scholarship award, the Mabel Alumnquist scholarship award as well as a private scholarship from a small Law Firm in Silverton, Oregon. Each one of the scholarships I went through a rigorous interview process. I did further my education with two free years at Chemeketa Community College after turning down a Scholarship to Washington State University to be close to my family and to save money (would've still owed $8k after 4 years out of state). After my first Semester at Chemeketa, I decided I wanted to do something different like start my own business and focus on that and return to school later. Since then I have opened my own business, and have started to take a class on the evenings of Tuesdays and Thursdays and am going to receive my associates here shortly. I would love to eventually open my own coffee shop, cleaning product lines, and maybe even fashion!
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women empowerment means to you?
Women empowerment is hard to define these days with so many different kinds of women and especially the influence of social media. Sometimes the lines between real and fake become frayed and blurred. That's why this is so important! Supporting each other's emotions, letting these Women know that they have an ear that will listen, a shoulder that will hold their weight, and arms that are always open for an embrace when they need it. Everything nowadays tells us how we should feel, how we should react and oftentimes when we don't react the way we expect ourselves to question ourselves. Women empowerment is letting each other know that these feelings are valid, that regardless of these feelings they're still the amazing woman they were before these emotions and before these experiences and incidents in their (our) lives. We all have our own trash, our own baggage. It's what we do with that baggage that really matters. We need women who can confront each other with warmness, with understanding and with uplifting each other's confidence! There is something special about each and every single one of us; Women empowerment is seeing the beauty in everyone and making sure every single beautiful face knows. Praise each other for our differences ladies!
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant experience:
That's just it, I truly have zero pageant experience. I am a very good speaker. I know how to use my words and I am very good at formulating sentences. I love writing poetry so words have just always been my thing. I had no idea how to walk, how to hold my body or anything. The small modeling experience I got prior to this pageant was solely in the photoshoots I was doing to prepare for this pageant. I did a couple of sessions with Ally Bowen and Jackie Schiffer. They both helped me tremendously, just from a total of 45 mins between the both of them! I wouldn't have been as prepared without my amazing photographers experience as well as these two wonderful ladies. I just studied as much as I could!
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to join first pageant?
When I lost my older brother I kind of lost myself for a little while. I was in every band you could think of: Pep band, marching band, advanced jazz, regular jazz, wind ensemble and concert band. The same went for Student government: I had been doing it since I was 11 years old. Running assemblies, sending troops overseas food and letters, fundraising for the less fortunate and buying them Christmas trees and presents, taking care of people... I lost my love for all of these. All the sudden I was 17 and I had no idea who I was. I didn't want to participate in all of my extracurricular activities anymore. I joined this pageant, got accepted not even thinking I would ever be considered. I figured this would be the perfect way to be in a super supportive environment that followed my journey and helped motivate my journey. That's exactly what it did too, it brought the Kira I have loved and known my entire life back. I am forever grateful for taking that chance when submitting my photos and application even though I was completely out of my comfort zone.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you compete for your current title:
I decided to compete because I thought this would be a perfect way to inspire and drive growth in myself. Not only was I given the opportunity to express all of these emotions inside of me from losing my brother and having to deal with my Father's demons in a beautiful manner, but I was able to participate in something I had never even thought about / or considered before. I was able to learn about myself, and learn about ways I can help my father instead of feeling stuck. I wanted the opportunity to share my story and allow myself this wonderful outlet to try something new and create new experiences. I deserve this, and I wanted this. So, I made myself do it regardless of my lack of experience and regardless of the fact that I was terrified because at first I truly had no idea what I was doing. Now look at me! I was a caterpillar, now I am a baby butterfly! This is truly only my beginning as well.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
USA petite is a pageant that specifically gives voices to those who are shorter than the modeling standard. The requirement is that you have to naturally be underneath 5'6. They want women to know that our height and small frame is no limitation to how big our voices and actions can be. We are strong, driven women who when greeted by the face of obscurities we decide to prosper and continue to walk. We may have to straighten our crown a little, we may have to wipe away a few tears, but nevertheless we continue to astonish our community and the people we love with our grace, our passion and our mercy for those in need and just needing some love and light in their lives. This pageant system is for all of those ladies who were told they are too small or short to be a model, and look where they are... fighting with a beautiful community! This community is also welcoming of tattoos and piercings so we can enjoy and celebrate our differences in culture and self identification of beauty!
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
Judges are judging us based on our grace, our poise, our choice of evening gown, our choice of interview, our choice of bathing suit, how our outfits compliment our body types, our vocabulary, how well we answer the questions, our walk, our elegance and volunteerism. Once we make top 15, we recompete in our evening gown as well as our bathing suits. Once we make top 5 we are asked an onstage question that pertains to our reign and improving environments around us and in our communities. You are judged on how quickly you can think on your feet as well as how put together your answer is. Did you ramble, or did you answer the question directly and thoroughly. The queen who scores the best out of the interview, state costume/fun fashion, evening gown, bathing suit and onstage question and ends up with the overall best score is then crowned.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
The competition was such a beautiful experience! I have been to multiple leadership conventions and never have I ever been as touched by even the motivational speakers as much as I was by this event. This was full of so many different and beautiful stories when you put all of us in one room, it just glowed with this energy and all these women who have overcome so many different odds and things that we all could've never imagined. It was mind blowing, it was inspirational. You learned so much from every single girl. Whether it was how to walk, how to treat anxiety, better skin care products, better ways to go about your platform, interview advice etc.. you were never not learning. The girls weren't catty, they wanted you to succeed just as much as they wanted themselves too. Everyone lifted each other up and everyone was so willing to lend a hand when another queen needed help with a dress, advice, or was even just having some emotions or anxiety. I've never felt so much energy, positivity and love in one space.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause you volunteer for.
My platform is a current and an ongoing issue, The Opioid Crisis. This crisis is ruthless and taking the lives of so many young adults. In 2017 a spike went up in the number of deaths of Opioids in Oregon by 15,000. Five thousand of these deaths were young adults, one of those 5,000 was my older brother. He wasn't even a druggie, he tried something. Fentanyl is being more actively used by drug dealers every single day. Due to the crackdown on prescription opioids such as Oxycontin from clinics, hospitals and doctors drug dealers are compensating for this high that their buyers are trying to maintain by mixing chemicals into their supply to make it last longer as well as to give their clients a more high experience. Sadly, a lot of dealers don't pay attention to the mixing ratios and that's when their buyers end up dead. A lot of these victims don't realize even if they survive, you have left after lying affects your brain from taking the drugs. 2/3 of people who suffer from Opioid Use Disorder are under the age of 25. Thirty-percent ( 30% ) of people prescribed opioid prescriptions misuse them and eighty-percent of people who misuse opioids eventually go to heroin. Just because you think it may give you one fun experience, doesn't mean you should try any drug. It could be the last time you try anything. Please, if you have time to check it out please go to The Opioid Spoon Project (non-profit organization based on the East Coast) website They aim to reach the general population so they can really bring awareness to this issue that seems to be ripping apart families and homes regardless of their status, age or culture. It truly can happen to anyone, and your donation could so easily save a life!
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
Appearances were a little more difficult to squeeze in this past year due to COVID-19 shutting down schools, food restaurants, and mostly anything indoor for more than half of my reign. So instead, I put together multiple care packages to benefit the homeless. I really wanted to connect with the drug addicted community instead of just donating to goodwill. So I decided to join an addict and crisis group on Facebook where many addicts who went homeless post and let other people know the things they need or their situation. I met up with a specific group who had been flooded out of their campsite, and continued to get to know their personal stories and who they were past the drugs. I brought them clothes, socks, blankets, bathing suits, soaps, baby wipes, towels, pillows and pillow cases, tent supplies, shampoo, conditioner, tooth brushes, toothpaste and so on... I ended up organizing 5 different care packages for this group. I did a few during summer, one during the fires in September, one the day after Christmas because I wanted them to feel like they had a Christmas , and then another one around valentines day so they felt special. During the crazy fires in Oregon, Colorado, Texas and California I opened myself up as a donation center after reaching out to the other Petite queens on the Facebook page. I again brought these donations to homeless in need who were directly exposed to the fire, smoke and heat and a few families who had lost their homes. Once it got cold I wanted to do a little more than just give them blankets and more sweatshirts and socks and shoes, so I decided to volunteer for the Salem Alliance church to paint Rooms for Refugees. I helped paint an entire home for Homeless refugees exposed to the freezing cold and others who were exposed to the harsh conditions of winter. Even after all of these things, I still didn't feel satisfied with my reign. So at the end of February , I held a 'Princess Tea Party' for all of the special little girls in my life (limited due to COVID-19 of course) and so I could talk about my platform a little more. Since they were little, we came to the conclusion that drugs were of course bad, and that drugs hurt the people we love, not just ourselves. Overall, I raised $700 for the education of the Opioid crisis and they came in donations to The Opioid Spoon Foundation.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
I happen to have a wide array of achievements! Some are newer, and some are a bit older. I have many scholarly academic excellence awards from Freshman year all the way through Senior year of Highschool. I have 4 scholarship awards, my GPA strings for having a high GPA, a Spanish 2 Scholarly award for exceeding my Spanish 2 class expectations, I received a speaking parrot award in my Student Government class for always speaking my mind and not being afraid to put my thoughts out there and then at this recent pageant I won an award of Director's Choice for going above and beyond my title with my volunteerism and empowering other petite women. Also, some personal achievements are owning my own business at 20 years old and successfully, owning my own house at 20 years old, and also placing top 15 at nationals at my first ever pageant! I work hard for the things I want if you can't tell. World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all of those other beautiful girls?
Every single girl at that pageant was drop dead gorgeous, had a beautiful smile with dome beautiful hair to make her pretty face even more jaw dropping. I am not just a beautiful face, though. I have drive, motivation and the characteristics needed to work a job like that. I started my own business in the middle of a global pandemic, and not even a year in I have 7 employees and am mainly working from home. I am working on partnering with nontoxic beauty products as well as other branding products such as clothing, masks, bags and small items in order to really broaden, strengthen and expand my business. I am going to continue to add onto my entrepreneurial career. I want a coffee shop, as well as my own beauty salon. I am taking acting classes in the evening, doing TFP's to build my portfolio and I am acting on the things that are benefiting my platform. I am different because I without the characteristics and strengths in order to be an international Queen and to represent my country well with a good reign. In the face of obstacles, I try different perspectives and approaches until I find one that works instead of getting frustrated and giving up. I stand out because I am not just a beautiful face, I also have a very intelligent mind and strong work ethic. I make things happen and I don't let life stop me when it decides it wants to stop.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as a winner.
Having that this was my first pageant, and that my division was the biggest - 38 beautiful girls - I was absolutely speechless when as soon as I got into place my name was called first for top 15. That morning I had been pulled aside after rehearsal to be informed that although they weren't telling me what for but that I had won a special award that would be announced that next evening at Finals. At that moment I felt on top of the world! I felt so pleased with my practice and all my hard work that I had been indulging into even when I was exhausted. The hard work, sleep deprivation, blood, sweat and tears were all of the sudden more than worth it. It is such a beautiful and uplifting feeling; Unbelievably rewarding when reflecting one where I had been just 1 year ago being accepted into the pageant. My heart felt restored. I wish I could go back to this moment and redo my next competition because I know I am better than how I performed. I cannot put into words how amazing it felt.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Being a beauty queen I feel can be such a misunderstood concept. It can mean literally, someone obsessed with beauty and who dresses up everyday to impress others... But a beauty queen isn't someone with a pretty face but also someone with a beautiful heart. A beauty queen in my opinion is someone who is all around beautiful, someone who inspires beauty in other women around them and empowers them to create more beauty in this world full of pain and darkness. Most of all, a beauty queen is someone who has incapacitating love for those around her as well as the world around her. Someone who is selfless with their beauty. That is what a true beauty queen is all about. World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your life?
Competing in a pageant truly changed the game for me! I had all of this emotion I wanted to share but I didn't know how to express it in a way that not only would benefit me but would benefit the people around me. Our personal energies affect others more than we realize, so finding a healthy way to express your feelings and emotions will be vital to finding proper communication methods that work for you and your loved ones around you. It also may help them figure out appropriate ways that they can express themselves. This is what pageants did for me, I find a positive outlet for all this pent up tension I had and pain I had. I can do right by my brother now, and I can learn about my father's heroin journey and be there for him to change his own life and be okay with it. Standing by and loving someone anyway, being able to love someone through their pain and our pain is a real lesson that Pageantry has taught me. Never in my life did I think that out of all lessons that it would teach me one of the most valuable lessons in life: Patience. Have patient love, have patient generosity, have a a patient heart and mind.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your self esteem?
Competing in this pageant helped my self esteem tremendously. I can walk in heels first of all, I was never able to do that before let alone stand in them for a very long time. It made me into more of a woman. It showed me that as long as I have my confidence, I can conquer anything. I learned that our self-esteem can be so easily manifested especially if we have the right outfit, or colors, makeup and hair.. once we take it all off though we are the same woman. The same woman who did all of those amazing things, achieved amazing accomplishments, and performed amazing. She is still beautiful and she is still worthy, bur dang she sure does look good all spiced and jazzed up! Pageants taught me that I am amazing and beautiful inside and out, and I left my first pageant feeling more confident than I have in my entire life. I am amazing, and I can say that and agree with myself now! World Class Beauty Queens: What was your on stage strategy to win over the judges? On stage, my strategy was to be as smooth and graceful as possible. I wanted to have a confident yet majestic walk, a modest sexy that showed and proved to them that I am the confident woman I am today. Use my poses to show them the elegance in my beauty, and to show them that I can be spunky. You want your walk and your facial expressions to really shine through because ultimately this and your poses are the only things you will get to do to show the judges your personality as well as who you are! they are getting to know you this way, so I just kept reminding myself "Pretty girl pose", to walk slowly and count my name 3 times per pose at the end of the runway and to make sure I was leading with my hips and stepping heel toe. My strategy on stage was just to really focus on all the little details that matter, like counting the steps to the X on the floor where each girl starts, making sure I don't need to look down in order to walk. I aimed to look as confident and as graceful as possible, this really goes along with just getting to know your stage and practicing on it as much as you can!
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for the competition? When preparing for this competition, I really focused on my makeup skills and walking in heels. I felt pretty confident about my interview after undergoing multiple scholarship interview sessions and receiving 4/6 scholarships that I had interviewed for. I own my own business so every time I go to a client's home and give them an estimate for cleaning, I am not only meeting a person I have never met before but I am going to their home that I have never been to before. I used to run my Highschool assemblies which had 2,000 kids. Speaking has always been something I am super confident in, but I still needed some guidance on my Judge Bio form. Since I had such little experience, I did make time to watch documentaries on modeling and acting. I listened to podcasts about pageants while I cleaned houses, I practiced walking about my house for 15 mins a day a couple times a week, I would walk for my friends or my boyfriend and ask their opinion. I paid for a couple of sessions of Pageant coaching with Miss Ally Bowen, as well as Miss Jackie Schiffer. Both were such amazing coaches and in my total of 45 minutes between the both of them really changed the game for me! My makeup skills - aside from my walking - was the thing that I most definitely needed to work on the most. As for the fitness aspect of this pageant, I clean two houses a day Monday-Friday which is physical activity in itself but I also workout everyday! On the weekends, I really enjoy hiking.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning the pageant walk?
Learning the pageant walk can be tricky, but with lots of practice and a mirror you can so quickly become good at it! Practicing walking in my heels with socks on helped me more than anything! Not only did this really help me break in my shoes, but this really helped me get a feel for my shoes. Shoulders back, but relaxed. Straighten your back out and suck your belly button to your back to really help keep you stabilized. When beginning to walk make sure to keep your arms close to your sides, fingertips brushing your thighs. Remember to smile, and walk one foot in front of the other. Don't overly raise your legs because you're in heels and you look like you're marching without trying too. Let your hips move side to side naturally from putting one foot in front of the other. You want to lead with your hips! Remember, you want to look elegant and natural. At the end of the runway, pretty girl pose! Look around the room twice, or say your full name 3 times before you strike another pose.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress?
Choosing the right dress can be very difficult for some girls because they don't feel good or confident in the dress. My suggestion is to really know what colors and shades compliment your skin. Really find the things that make your eyes pop, your hair look good, how things look put together. I use pinterest as a muse to help me color design. I also know my body type and know what kind of dresses compliment me, and what dresses do not. Try on dresses, put on a dress that you could never see yourself wearing and you might surprise yourself! No matter what, you want a dress that compliments you and your figure, that makes you feel beautiful and confident and that matches your personality. If you feel confident, no matter how the dress looks you will look confident.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning an interview?
When going into the interview, just simply remind yourself this interview is about you. No matter what those judges ask you, know that you absolutely 100% will know the answer. Just practice quick thinking, and brain exercises that challenge you to think of quick responses in a detailed manner. Time yourself at home. Ultimately if you're given two minutes to answer 10 questions, you will get about 12 seconds per question. Practice answering questions in this time frame to the best of your ability. Watch old pageant interview videos on YouTube or even research interview tips on interviews. Just remember to wear something that makes you feel confident, something that makes you feel beautiful - even if it wasn't your most expensive wardrobe purchase. It doesn't need to be expensive, it needs to compliment you and your personality. Let your judges be the first ones to speak to you, to ask you to sit down and always Thank them for their time that they're giving to you. Never let the judges intimidate you, because this is quite literally their job! Remember to just be nothing else but yourself, and that you will know the answers to these questions!
World Class Beauty Queens: If you could what is one mistake you would fix from the competition?
One mistake out of the mistakes I made that I wish I could go back and fix is most definitely my smile. As soon as I got onstage, I felt my face get super shaky. I tried smiling with my teeth but my lips were quivering so much, my face was twitching so much from the nerves I had no idea if anyone would notice. I didn't want my smile to seem fake, so I decided to not use my teeth smile. Biggest regret ever! I know I have such a beautiful smile and maybe if I had just stuck out the shaking and quivering it would've gotten better after the first couple of times and my overall score for evening gown and bathing suit would've been higher. The world deserved to see my smile, I should've been more confident!
World Class Beauty Queens: What are other mistakes made by girls during the contest?
A few mistakes that I happened to notice during the competition was mainly with runway and confidence. There were so many other beautiful and intelligent girls there sometimes the idea of this and seeing all of them can be extremely overwhelming. Pertaining to the walking, many girls happened to walk more like it was a runway than a pageant. We weren't models in a runway show, we were queens in a pageant. So the excessive arm swinging, the weird actions that girls decided to display and show at the end of the runway were often either inappropriate or completely irrelevant. Some walked as slow as a slug, and yes although we should be walking slow enough for the judge to enjoy our presence on stage we do not need to be walking so slow it actually takes you three minutes just to walk to the end of the first runway (we had two to ensure social distancing). I saw a lot more soldier walks than I did a good flow, side to side walk. The confidence, they just needed to own it versus being afraid of being the best there.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
My modeling and acting experiences have been very limited but I have truly begun to explore my options these past few years. A few months ago I actually signed with Seattle Talent, and have undergone an 8 week acting class through them. I have done multiple TFP and received so much feedback. The more I work on modeling and acting, the more I begin to realize it truly doesn't have to do with your figure or your height. It comes from more of a place where you move your body to uncomfortable positions and you show your confidence. Modeling is never comfortable. It is a combination of flexing. arching. stretching, lengthening your body all the while making sure your eyes connect with your character as well as your facial expression. If you're uncomfortable, you're modeling right. Acting is kind of the same thing. You really need to imagine and interpret your own personal story to the character they're assigning you. Create your own story, your own audience, your own emotion and use it to your characters advantage. I still have so much to learn but have enjoyed exploring the industries so much!
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to other girls. How does this feel?
This feeling is amazing! Even at the pageant I felt like a celebrity for the weekend, little girls coming up to me everywhere, being stopped in the elevator and people knew my name. They wanted pictures with me and more importantly I was constantly congratulated. I feel accomplished, I feel proud and I feel like I can do anything I set my mind too. I want to continue to be a light for those who are in the dark, because I know exactly what it is like to be there. I know what it feels like to be stuck and scared. If I can help anyone not feel this way I will make sure to do it, I will make it happen. You ever know what another person is going through and so I think it is so important to wake up everyday and ask yourself what are you going to do today to be a better person? What are you going to do today to make someone else smile? Being the best version of yourself every single day is actually benefiting the people around you because you are spreading that positive energy and contagious happiness.. People need more of that in the world, so be the light that everyone needs! Do us all a favor and be the best version of yourself everyday. World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Beauty Queen?
My plans for 2021 are simple, to continue to raise awareness for the Opioid Crisis that is going on, I am going to encourage and educate on Federal Decriminalization and how this would really benefit the situation of the Crisis. I am going to do my thing, and work on becoming a more prepared pageant queen as well as my pageant interview and walking skills. I am going to continue to grow my business through website building, branding and marketing. I am going to continue to fight for my future self and family. I am going to continue to do TFP photoshoots so my experience as a model can really flourish and I can continue to take that constructive criticism for my future modeling career. I've been pageant searching and I really think I am going to go for USA Elite Miss as well as return to USA Petite. This community had such an impact on my heart and my mind I just think there's absolutely no way I can't not return and re-compete. This time I am coming for that crown with more of a drive than ever before!
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I want to leave a legacy of inspiration, love and compassion that really drives victims of addiction and family members who are victims to the addict. I want them to know it's okay to ask for help, that there are so many things in this world that one single person can absolutely not (safely) go through by themselves. There is only so much pain that our brains will allow us to feel or experience before it begins to shut down in many different ways emotionally and physically. There are so many people fighting for them, for their futures and who really care about them. I want to leave a legacy that alters the way we perceive drug addicts, in hopes of possibly changing this entire crisis together. We really truly need to love and standby these victims in their time of need, even when they push us away. There are ways we can go about setting boundaries and taking care of our addicts without completely cutting them off and shutting them out of our lives. This will only cause the situation to be worse! So be brave, prosper, and fight for those who you love when they truly are sick and cannot fight for themselves: I would do it for you. I hope I empower other women to stand up, be brave and to share their pain in a way that creates beauty in a world full of everyone's pain.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Kira Rose Johnson Miss Oregon Petite 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Raw Photo PDX
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans
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