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Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet
Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023.

Full name: Kaya Boogaarts

Title/Year: Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023

Pageant System: Miss Grace Benelux & Miss World Tourism Netherlands

Age: 23 years

Education Level: mbo 4 +

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Hobbies: sport, volenteer work, photoshoots and helping people out.

Platform: instagram: xxjes_kaya and Facebook: Kaya Boogaarts

Years competed: one

Countries visited: 45 but it is still ascending

Likes: to help people grow in there one.

Dislikes: people that don’t help each other.

Status: relationship

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.

My name is Kaya Boogaarts, I’m 23 years old. My work is in the shelter for disabled childeren. In my free time Im work out in the gym.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education.

I finished school in 2020. Since then I work in a shelter for disabled children. Also I leaned for this in school how to work with disabled children.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you?

Empowerment means to me everything, in the World men are not equal. For me is the best empowerment to be yourself. Whether you are male or female.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history.

My first pageant was Miss Grace Benelux also there they crowned me as Miss World Tourism Netherlands. So this was My first pageant.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

Why I did my first pageant is because the organization asked me. Also I would like to inspire young girls that you are good enough no matter what!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

If you want to make a different in the World you need to see the World. That is why I said Yes buy my invitation to Miss Grace Benelux.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

Miss Grace Benelux is a different kind of pageant, they don't look at what is you size, color or height. Miss World Tourism is the title that they give me in the final. A pageant that help you grow.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes your director different from others?

After three years of eating disorders and a lot of therapy I’m stronger then ever. Also I want to show that no matter what, you can win your battles! So start believing in yourself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition?

Organization is looking for a full package. The beauty and the brains.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

I hope to see Sri Lanka a little bit better and make some beautiful friendships. Also what I hope is to embrace myself more than I do know. And learn a lot about myself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Who would you recommend your system to?

To every girl that is between 17 and 27 years old that is struggling with herself. Its a process of heeling and recovering your old battles. Take the last one and learn to completely love yourself.

Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet
Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

The platform is Stitching wigwam, Its a organization that is helping family’s in need! The families have one or sometimes more children with special needs.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title?

What I did is photoshoots, modeling for four different brands. And I also help a lot of beginning girls. But the best thing that I did was putting the wigwam foundation on the map in different countries.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements?

To hear from some beginning girls that I coach them well. And that they are happy with me.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

To be honest I Don’t know. I’m complete myself and I hope that is enough.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

It was a amazing moment! I was proud of myself and the other girls. That moment I never forget. On stage I didn’t cry. But the moment that my mom and dad hugged me I cried so bad. The power that you feel then is magic.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

To me it means a real beauty queen is to be yourself. It's special and once in a life time dream that came true!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

In the beginning of my campaign I was insecure. It helped me to grow into a beautiful women that knows how she is and what she can do! I'm really thankful of that.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?

I was insecure about my body. Because of the past with my eating disorder. But my manager and the other girls were so positive and helping. Now I can see that how you feel about yourself is the key to happiness.

Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet
Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

It feels is amazing, I hope every girl or boy will be proud of themselves one day! That is the message that I give them all.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

Be myself! That is the only thing I can do.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition?

I work really hard the last weeks, my catwalk coach is helping me and the organization of Miss Grace Benelux is helping me a lot as well. Also I bought my final dress. It feels really special.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

What I did is train, train and train. Also my catwalk coach is helping me. The key to success is to practice.

Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet
Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

Choosing the right dress is something you can't do all on your own. Take people that you love with you. Also If the dress makes you happy and gives you that wow factor, then that is the perfect one.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview?

Speak the truth only than you are convincing the people around you.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

The one mistaken that I made was that I forgot my second pair of pageant shoes at a moment that I really need them. But everything went well in the end.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

I don't want to answer this question. Because every girl was great.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience?


World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2023 as a Queen?

My plan is to see me grow in this year. Leaning a lot in Sri Lanka during the Miss World Tourism pageant.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

That you are good enough! You matter! Be yourself and love yourself of how you are. That is the key to be happy and to give love to the World.

International Director: Faye Bulkce

National Director: Miss Grace benelux

Your Local Director: Kara Verfaillie and Faye Bulcke

Pageant website:

Name of the Photographer and other credits

Kara Verfaillie and Christophe lilet.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.

Kaya Boogaarts Miss World Tourism Netherlands 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Kara Verfaillie and Christophe Lilet Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr WorldClass 2023 Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
World Class Queens of Asia Magazine

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