World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Jujelyn Villanueva Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019-Woman Leader of the year.
Full name: Jujelyn Villanueva
Title/Year: Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019-Woman Leader of the year
Pageant System: Mrs. Philippines Globe
Age: 30
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Hobbies: Cooking, Baking, Singing, Reading, Internet Surfing, I love watching series
Platform: Health and Wellness, Environment projects
Year competed: 2019
Countries visited: 2
Likes: Leadership training, Empowerment sessions, Pageants, Fashion Shows, Family time, Social Media, Social gatherings
Dislikes: Verbal and Emotional Abuse
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
I continuously groom myself as a young independent woman born to be a leader. I am a consistent academic awardee since first grade and a graduate of Associates of Arts in Hotel and Restaurant Management at the University of Baguio, Philippines. I have been working since I was 18 years old and the last job I had was being a Risk Management Team Leader. Before this pandemic, I am already working home-based.
I love cooking and baking and it is always my passion to learn new things. I am also a health-conscious person, as my gallbladder has been removed when I was 25. Because of that, I am now a member of Herbalife Nutrition and a Brand Ambassador of our Nutrition Club. I always wanted to inspire others based on my personal story.
I believe that in everything we do, we should put God first. My philosophy in life is, “Believe in yourself and dream big.” And I live up to this philosophy in my every waking moment as my compass.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women empowerment means to you?
For me, empowerment is our ability to cope up with challenges and struggles independently with confidence. It helps us become stronger and more powerful.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
I have been contemplating of joining Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019 since 2016. However, I lost confidence because I am thinking of what other people will say. But because of my sister, Joveena, she pushed me to pursue my dream in joining MPG. It was a very challenging moment because at that time, I just got promoted, and I need to manage my time at work and pageant at the same time. But I decided to leave no stone unturned by removing the reasons of regret for not joining. My decision paid off. From 75 candidates all over the Philippines, we’re trimmed down to top 12 finalists. I was chosen to be the WOMAN LEADER OF THE YEAR. I believe the title fits my personality and I can carry all throughout my journey.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
My first pageant was when I was in high school. The reason why I wanted to join pageants was to satisfy the whims of the people around me. But since I wanted to pursue my dream with the innate drive to stand on such decision (and heels), I joined Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019. Aside from myself, family, and friends, my daughter inspired me to join this pageant. I wanted to be an inspiration to all women, starting with my daughter, who will soon become a woman. I want to empower not just married but all women out there that if they're going to achieve something, they must do something. That, in reality, it always starts if we believe in ourselves. At the end of the day, if you will not believe in yourself, nobody else will. World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
Mrs. Philippines Globe is a pageant for married women and single moms all over the Philippines. It conducts empowerment sessions and focuses on self-worth and self-love. It helps us, candidates, to realize that it is not too late for us to join a pageant. The advocacy of this organization is to help abused women in connection with WIN (Woman In Need) Foundation. This pageant has two categories, Mrs. Philippines Globe; 25-40 years old and Mrs. Philippines Globe Classique; 45-55 years old.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
Mrs. Philippines Globe is a competition for married and single moms. Aside from the beauty and body, we were judged based on our personality, characteristics, and dedication. We had National Costume competition, Swimsuit and Long gown competition. The final judgement is the question and answer portion.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
Joining pageant is not easy. There are a lot of struggles and challenges, especially if you are a working mom. During pageant days, I was working as a Risk Management Team Leader, and time management is incredibly challenging. I needed to travel 4 hours (one way) every session as I am living far from the venue of events (Zambales to Manila and vice versa). But such a constraint gave me a new appreciation of the luxury of time and the lack thereof. It was a fantastic experience, and I learned a lot when it comes to balancing your responsibility, not just a dedicated employee but as well as being a mother. I never thought that I would finish the competition with no conflict along the way.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
It was in 2015 when my gallbladder had been removed due to gallstones. Because of that, I became health conscious and started living healthy. It was not easy; hence I joined Herbalife Nutrition Club and became a Brand Ambassador. Before the pandemic, we do wellness talk and I always share my testimony on how Herbalife changed not just my lifestyle but as well as my mindset.
Moreover, I am also a Rotarian under the Rotary Club of Makati Lumina. We focused on environmental projects. We conducted seminars and we arranged charity works.
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
After the pageant, we no longer had any appearance with our awards due to the pandemic. Projects and TV appearances were temporarily cancelled. Notwithstanding, we kept in touch with our coordinators and fellow candidates and are hoping that after this lockdown, we can continue what we have started and fully realize the goals of MPG.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
· I am currently working as a Customer Service Specialist.
· Led and handled the Risk Management Team at Playasia (my previous company) since its inception
· Authored a Risk Management team handbook
· Created quality guidelines and metrics that are beneficial and are still used in the previous team I have handled
· Brand Ambassador of our Nutrition Club (Greenscoop Herbalife Nutrition)
· A consistent academic awardee since first grade to college
· Graduate of Associate of Arts in Hotel and Restaurant Management at the University of Baguio
· A mother of a beautiful little lady that is currently studying in a Special Education Center wherein I am very much proud to say that she’s now in 4th grade at the age of eight (8)
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
At first glance, my "unconventional" color sets me apart from other equally beautiful girls. Most ladies would resort to improving their skin color to be at par with what beauty standards are fed to us. But I am confident that it is in how I interact with other people that resonates more of me being a standout to outstanding. It is always how I am deeply dedicated to everything I do. As mentioned, I was born to be a leader and I still share whatever knowledge I have. With that, I believe it was the reason why I got the award “Woman Leader of the year” and it made me stand out with other girls.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
Though I was not called as a winner, it was very memorable when I was called as part of the 12 finalists since my name was called first. It took time before I realized that I was first on the lists. As for the title “Woman Leader of the year,” it was unexpected. Of the equally competent and beautiful 25 candidates that night, I got the award which was given to “the person who always follow instructions and help co-candidates.” It was unbelievable.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
For me, being a beauty queen is from the word itself. A beauty and a queen. Never "or" but will always be "and." Physical appearance can be deceiving. And beauty means nothing if there is no purpose. Being a queen is also being a leader. As a leader, you should inspire and motivate others. You should be a good example and role model if you attach these adjectives to yourself.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
It helped me a lot in more ways I could ever imagine. History has shown us that being a mother, sometimes, leads other women to lose their confidence. Joining pageants helped me realize that it is not yet the end to pursue my dream. So long that there is a stage to conquer and limelight to take a piece of, then we are invited to take part in it. Honestly, I lost my confidence, not just as a woman, but as a person after getting married. That is why after Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019, I learned that it is always us who will help to love ourselves.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants help your self esteem and body image?
I was able to take good care of my figure and became more health-conscious. Since I already represented my province and compete in a national pageant, it is always essential to maintain my body image and a good example that you believe in yourself.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
Before, it is just my daughter that I am concerned of. I want her to look at me and be an inspiration to her. However, after the pageant, I came to realize the gravity of being a public figure. I committed myself to reflect a certain level of inspiration to all girls out there--just like what I am doing for my daughter. I became an inspiration to others and it became my inspiration to be a better person and improve my personality. And this has been one of the few inspirations that push me to better myself as an inspiration as well.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?
The strategy is remarkably simple, own the stage and enjoy the journey. Everything else will follow.
And as a mother and leader, I walk not just with my high heels but intending to sashay the purpose of the organization not only on stage but wherever I go. And that commitment is seen by the judges skin-deep.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
It was a month-long preparation from the screening up to pageant proper. First, I joined Herbalife Nutrition Club because I am not that fit when I attended the screening. When I was selected as one of the official candidates, I attended personality development sessions and pageant walk training with one of the most well-known consultants and pageant coaches in the Philippines. More so, I prepared how to handle my emotions with the demands at work so it will not reflect in the competition though at times the pressure can already crush me. Fortunately, I've prepared for the worst and earned sweet success.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Learning pageant walk is not that easy. You have to start walking from 2-inch heels before you can learn walking with 6.5 inches one. There is no shortcut for this. At first, it's hard. But you just need to practice. What I did was I wore my heels even though I’m in the office and at home to get familiar with how to use it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
Tips are simply basic. You must consult an expert or at least ask for feedback. It should match your complexion, personality and of course, it is vital that you can carry it well and you are comfortable wearing it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?
To win an interview, you must relax your mind and listen carefully to the question/s. You have to know the level of your answers. It must have a beginning (which answers the question directly), body (which tells a story or at least an example related to your answer) and the conclusion (which will make your answer remarkable).
(Thanks to Kuya Caloy for this tip) World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
If I were to redo or fix a moment during the pageant night, I would improve my answer during the Q&A portion. Being called first on the top 12 finalists made me so nervous. I believe I answered the question but did not elaborate on my answer. But I think this became my lesson to do better next time. Bottom line, it cannot be redone but you can move forward and learn from it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
Some are focused on their competitors instead of focusing on improving themselves. Instead of learning how to better themselves or how to stand out, some were always on the constant comparison with others or were trying to be someone else. They should know their capability and should believe in their own talents.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modelling or acting experience?
I have plans before the pandemic. But none so far
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?
Due to COVID19, everything is done virtually. Maybe I will try vlogging.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
As an independent woman, I want to be remembered as a person with courage and dignity. I would like to leave a picture of a person that is willing to take the risk and to be an inspiration to all women out there. I want to be remembered as someone who shared her personal story and journey to make other women have a head start of learning from my mistakes. And I want to be known as a woman that fought against verbal and emotional abuse in ways that she can. National Director: Carla Cabrera and Dr Mildred Vitangcol
Pageant website: www.mrsphilippinesglobe.com
Photo By: Choi Intal Arcala
Hair and Make-Up: Joveena Compuesto Villanueva
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Jujelyn Villanueva Mrs. Philippines Globe 2019-Woman Leader of the year, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo By: Choi Intal Arcala
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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