World Class Beauty Queens Magazine presents pageant interview with Jessica Gonzalez 2024/2025 Royal Productions People’s Choice Queen
Full Name: Jessica Gonzalez
Title/Year: 2024/2025 Royal Productions People’s Choice Queen
Pageant System: Royal Products Pageants and Events by NM
Age: 44
Education Level: Master’s Degree
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hobbies: Volunteering, Community Outreach, Traveling
Platform: Empowering Women Veterans & Domestic Violence Awareness
Years Competed: 1
Countries Visited: Turkey, Germany, Spain, Italy, Paris, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Honduras, Panama
Likes and Dislikes: My likes are dancing, shopping, going on adventures, challenging myself, thinking outside the box, watching comedies and thrillers. Dislikes are complacency, ineptness, dishonesty, gaslighters, certain heights.
Current Status: Single
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Can you share a bit about who you are? Like, what are your passions outside of the pageant world? I am a mother, daughter, aunt, cousin, best friend, a Soror, independent, emotionally intelligent, military veteran and compassionate human being. I am most fulfilled when able to make an impact in their lives of those that I come across. My passions outside of the pageant world is mostly comprised of getting in the trenches with my son while ensuring he is always set up for success and being able to give back to my community of military veterans.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I’m curious about your education journey. What's it been like for you, any particular highlights or challenges? I graduated high school in 1998 and soon began what I thought was my educational journey to becoming a Registered Nurse. Soon after I failed Anatomy & Physiology two times, I came to the realization that that was not the journey I was supposed to be on. Couple that with having to take care of my mother who had various medical ailments; my GPA dropped, and I ended up losing my FAFSA Pell Grant. In 2000, I enlisted in the United States Air Force and achieved receiving several Acquisition certifications, my Bachelors and Master’s Degree in Business Administration. It took me 15 years to achieve of those educational accolades, however, throughout the process I never lost faith nor quit and that is the most important part. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you, as long as you take your times, do your best and never ever give up on your dream.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Women's empowerment is such a key topic. What does it mean to you personally? Women empowerment, to me, means being able to uplift, elevate, inspire, and straighten help straighten each other’s crowns if/when needed. Often, we as Women tend to be treated as the minority …. whether in the workplace, in the home, or just in life overall. As women, it is our duty to look to our left and right and if we see someone struggling, taking the steps to reach out that helping hand and just being there. Empowering is not always about producing something tangible. Sometimes it’s touch lending someone your ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or a bed to sleep on for the night. It is being able to let them know that it’s okay to not be okay.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you get into pageants? What sparked your interest initially? So up until competing in 2024, I never would have envisioned myself competing in any pageant whatsoever; it was not who I am. However, the organization that I was a part of sent me the flier and encouraged me to compete in the National Sorority Pageant specialized category. They felt that not only did I embody the mission, vision, and purpose of the sorority, that I would be able to help put it on the map and be the epitome of representation.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What motivated you to participate in your first pageant? Was there a defining moment? After getting over the initial hump of nerves and hesitation, what motivated me to participate in my first pageant became my platform of “Empowering Women Veterans.” Being a women veteran, I have been able to see, first-hand, a lot of adversities that we go through not just while in service but post-service as well. Most of us walk out with internal and external battle scars and we tend to lose our identities. Some women veterans are not educated on the numerous resources that are available to and for them. Now, I’m not saying that I know it all, because I do not. However, I wanted to show my fellow women veterans that anything in life, beyond the uniform, is possible, if you just give yourself a push and never give in or up! That we are more than the scars we carry within ourselves! That they are not alone!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? What made it stand out for you? I competed in the National Sorority Pageant category which is specialized pageant. I chose to compete in this category because I wanted to represent the 70+ other Sorors in the organization. The organization that I was a part of is strictly comprised of women veterans. I wanted to show my fellow women veterans that anything in life, beyond the uniform, is possible, if you just give yourself a push and never give in or up! That we are more than the scars we carry within ourselves! That they are not alone!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I'd love to know more about your pageant system. Could you explain what it’s all about? Since 2005, Royal Productions Pageants by NM has created a space for women crossing racial barriers, including body positivity and special interests in all forms of femininity. Through transparency, this pageant system empowers sisterhood and unwavering support for all contestants, creating an inclusive and uplifting pageantry experience. Their pageants feature exceptional showcases of talent, intelligence, and beauty, representing the epitome of pageantry excellence. Each woman serves in her sphere of influence and is a spokesperson for her platform while knowing the power of their physical beauty on and off the runway.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What do you think sets your pageant director apart from others? I haven’t been exposed to many pageant systems considering this was my first one. However, I will say that the pageant director is an emotionally intelligent women who truly embodies sisterhood, support, elevation, and empowerment. Deepak Chopra once said that “Emotional Intelligence grows through perception. Look around at your present situation and observe it through the level of feeling.” I was supposed to initially compete in 2023, but due to an unforeseen circumstance, I submitted a request to defer to the following year. Without any hesitation, she spoke with her co-directors and granted me the deferment at an additional intake cost. She took the time to hear me out and not just treat me as a business transaction, but as a human being. That really meant the world to me.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: During competitions, what are the key things you're judged on? The key things that we’re judged on is our Interview with a panel of 3 judges, Fashion Wear where we got to showcase our organization colors in style and pizazz, our evening gown and pageantitude.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What’s your competition experience been like? Any memorable moments or learnings? My competition experience was a mixture of fear of the unknown, teamwork, paying it forward where we built blessing bags for a Women’s Homeless Shelter, team building activities, and connecting with women from all walks of life. A memorable moment for me was the Opening Number for our category. We learned a dance routine to the song “Dream Girls,” by Beyonce from the movie. I loved this portion of the competition because through the song, it symbolized a powerful anthem about the pursuit of dreams, particularly within the context of female empowerment and the struggles faced by women. Essentially, it represents the unwavering determination to achieve stardom despite challenges and obstacles, often highlighting the idea of a "Dream Girl" as the ultimate image of success and talent.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Would you recommend your pageant system to others? If so, why? Yes, I would recommend this pageant system to others because of its empowerment messaging, the fact that you don’t have to fit a certain mold to be accepted, appreciated and recognized! These women will rally around you and cheer you on as if they’ve known you for decades! You can really feel the empowerment and elevating of fellow women…no matter who you are, where you came or come from or whether it’s your first or 100th pageant.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell me about your advocacy or volunteer work. What causes are you passionate about? Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" Being able to give back to my community provides me with a sense of peace, love, and joy. I have volunteered with the Women Veterans of San Antonio, the Jacqueline Smith Foundation, Operation Gratitude, the United Services Organization (USO), Soldier’s Angels, and Circle of Arms. Just about all these nonprofit organizations, have a mission to help promote mental health awareness through education, advocacy, filling the gaps, and breaking the stigma among veterans, women, and minority communities. They are also there to reassure our Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and Guardians that they are not alone!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: With your title, what kinds of appearances or activities have you been involved in? I am still in the beginning stages of my reign as the 2024 Royal Production Peoples Choice Queen. Since my crowning, I have gone out to assist the Women Veterans of San Antonio for the annual Wreaths Across America where we placed 120+ wreaths at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, volunteered with the Warrior Support Center USO at Brooks Army Medical Center, and was able to help gather donations and help set up for the annual Northside Independent School District Police holiday party. I also set up a drive called “Operation Keep Them Warm,” where the goal was to collect donations to fill 25 blessings bags with a throw blanket, beanie hats, gloves, and socks. These bags were hand delivered to a Battered Women’s Shelter.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Can you share some of your achievements, both in and outside of pageantry? Within pageantry, I received the following accolades during the competition: Ms. National Sorority 1st Runner Up, Ms. National Sorority Congeniality, Woman of Strength Award, Director’s Choice Award, Cover Model Winner, and the Lurene K. Mack Perseverance Award. Outside of pageantry, some of primary achievements are having my son graduated from high school and starting his Freshman Year at the University of Texas at San Antonio. I also retired from the United States Air Force after serving 20 years of faithful and honorable service.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: In such a competitive field, what do you think makes you stand out? What makes me stand out is my ability to be a team player in a competitive field where most women are out for themselves. I’m not afraid to ask questions even if some may perceive it as me trying to ruffle feathers. I’m of the belief Knowledge is power. If one person wins because of the answer to those questions, everyone wins.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: I can only imagine how it feels to win. What was going through your mind when your name was announced as the winner? We did it! By we, I mean, everyone that supported me along my pageant competition journey. I did not do this alone. If it wasn’t for the encouraging words and support from my sisters Clarissa and Angelica, my best friends Joanna and Jessica, my sorors and brothers, literally everyone who supported me, I would not have made it.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does being a Beauty Queen mean to you? If I’m being honest, being deemed a “Beauty Queen,” doesn’t mean anything different than how I viewed myself prior to crowning. While rhinestones are nice and blingy, as women, we are all beautiful in our own right and Queens at that. Does having a crown on your head help when it comes to getting a message across a little quicker and easier, yes, it does. However, without the crown or title of Beauty Queen, one can still get their message across if they are firm in their beliefs and find creative ways to get it done.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How have pageants impacted your life? The only impact, positive one, at that was it opening the door even more to networks and being exposed to women from all walks of life. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How have pageants influenced your self-esteem and body image? They reminded me that I am beautiful, crown or no crown, title or not title.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You’re an inspiration to many. How does that feel, and what message do you want to share with others? Never quit, never doubt nor question your worth! You can do anything that you set your heart and mind to. Ignore the naysayers/haters. When life tries to knock you down, get back up and keep pushing forward and never allow for any adversity to define who you are.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What’s your strategy for captivating the judges on stage? No specific strategy. I honestly just portray myself as my true authentic self and let everything else flow.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How do you prepare for competitions? Any specific routines or practices? I searched for, followed and watched a lot of pageant prep YouTube and Instagram videos. I did not have a pageant coach. My best friend allowed me to use space at the Semeneya Dance Studio to practice my stage walk.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Got any tips for nailing the perfect pageant walk? Be confident, poised and graceful.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Choosing the right pageant dress can be crucial. What are your tips for making the best choice? Make sure you look and feel good in your dress. Ensure it speaks to you and your personality and the message you’re wanting to express/relay via the dress.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Interview rounds can be tricky. What are your strategies for a winning interview? Be confident and genuine in how you approach the answers to the questions. Look at all the panel judges as you answer the questions. Don’t speed through the answers.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Looking back, is there a moment in a competition you wish you could redo? Though not a part of the competition, per se, I would want to redo the opening number. Not because it was bad, but simply because it was AMAZING and so fulfilling. I love the messaging behind the Dream Girls song.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What common mistakes do you see others making in contests? Not being their true authentic selves and allowing their nerves to get the best of them.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Do you have any experience in modeling or acting? No, but I am open to it.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans or goals for the upcoming year as a Queen? To be the best representation of not just my title, but of the pageant system itself. To continue to advocate for my personal platform of “Empowering Women Veterans,” and the Royal Productions Pageant national platform of “Domestic Violence Awareness.” Both platforms are very near and dear to my heart!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Finally, what kind of legacy do you hope to leave behind? The legacy that I hope to leave behind is one filled with a sense of fulfillment, empowerment, and renewed sense of self!
- National Director: Natasha Monique Shivers
- Pageant Website:
- Photographer and Credit Details: Jessica Suarez Photography LLC & Emily Jewell MUA
- Sponsors Acknowledgment: All those who supported; to many to name
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Jessica Gonzalez 2024/2025 Royal Productions People’s Choice Queen, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Jessica Suarez Photography LLC & Emily Jewell MUA
CROWN MEDIA - Podcast for all your pageant needs. Crown and Confidence Podcast

Aurora Royale - Singer, song writer, World Class Ambassador. Visit her page and listen to her inspirational and motivational pageant music. Link to her page.
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski
Owner/Editor in Chief
Mr WorldClass 2023
Mr United Nations 2018
Platform: Women Empowerment
