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Jamie de Roos Miss Canada Petite 2020/2021

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Jamie de Roos Miss Canada Petite 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Garett Harnish
Jamie de Roos Miss Canada Petite 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Garett Harnish

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Jamie de Roos Miss Canada Petite 2020/2021.

Full name: Jamie de Roos

Title/Year: Miss Canada Petite 2020/2021

Pageant System: Miss Canada Globe Productions

Age: 25

Education Level: Sophomore at University of Regina

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Hobbies: Cosplay, violin, Modeling, Singing, Hiking, Camping, Archery.

Platform: Mental Health Awareness

Years competed: 2020 was my first year

Countries visited: Various places in the USA.

Likes: Family, Friends, Dogs, cheese, cookies, sunny days, high fashion, cosplay, creativity, music, violin, archery, the ocean, The Vampire Diaries, anime, video games, costumes.

Dislikes: needles, being late, spaghetti, bullies.

Status: taken

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

I'm a costume designer, cosplay entertainer, YouTuber, pageant queen, and author based in Regina, SK. I discovered the creative pastime of cosplay at Lexington Comic and Toy Convention in 2016 as a young fan, with no prior training in sewing or crafting. However, I have always been very artistic, and an extremely quick learner, so I quickly absorbed the heart and soul of costume making. I'm completely self-taught, mostly due to the lack of resources to enroll in classes for fashion or costume design. To this day, I have made close to 100 different costumes in the genres of anime/manga, comic books, video games, sci-fi, and my own original designs. Over the years, I have built a successful presence in the cosplay community, having competed in Crown Cosplay Championship in February 2020, with my first ever full armor, build. My intricate and well-put-together YouTube tutorials help me teach the next generation of cosplayers. I have been featured in two cosplay magazines and a magazine for mental health awareness. I have spent the last two years expanding my presence in the modeling world and have been signed onto Edge Agency and Mahistrado Fashion. Being someone living with Borderline Personality Disorder, I'm currently aiming to launch a podcast that teaches people about Borderline Personality Disorder.

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about your education.

In 2020 I decided to go back to school and get my Bachelor of Business Administration to help me create and market my many plans for different businesses. I'm currently finishing off my first year of school and look forward to my sophomore year.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women's empowerment mean to you?

Women empowerment to me means individual women being able to make choices for themselves. Every woman is so different in what empowers them and brings them joy. I think all women should have the ability to be able to decide that for themselves.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.

This has been my first time winning or competing in a pageant. Before competing in Miss Canada Globe Productions and winning Miss Canada Petite. I had never previously thought that I would compete in a pageant system. The win has been able to help me create so many changes so far and I can't wait to compete internationally.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

When I started to get more into modeling and was signed onto my first agency. My friend (who won Miss Canada Globe 2015) reached out to me and let me know about the pageant system. She told me how it had helped her in her acting career and how it could help me with my modeling career.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

When I reached out to the pageant system to sign up based on a friend's recommendation. I found out that the Miss Canada Globe Productions system had a Miss Canada Petite. I instantly knew that I needed to compete because there are not many places that support Petite models.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

Miss Canada Globe Productions is a system that is focused on encouraging women to support each other. They focus on inner beauty and supporting all girls to find their own style and strengths. It's about finding what is important to you and sharing the inner passion and confidence with others.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

During the pageant, there is so many categories and fun competition to win titles. Categories that include platform statements, interview, voting, runway, modeling, talent, swimsuit, evening gown, and national costume. We also have fun titles like miss karaoke, miss salsa, miss mahistrado, miss disco and so much more.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

The pageant was a very unique experience that I had never thought I would ever compete in. I got to gain so many skills and meet so many amazing unique people. I learned how to be confident in myself and how to walk properly and I can't wait for my next pageant.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

My platform is Mental health awareness and ending the stigma of mental illness. I use my platform to help raise awareness for the struggles that people with Mental Illnesses face daily. Being someone who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder I have faced a lot of stigma over the years. I want to create a better understanding for those who may not live with this mental illness.

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

I have had the opportunity to attend many events including some I have put on myself. Live videos that aim to help raise awareness about Mental Health.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

I think some of my greatest achievements would be getting the opportunity to compete in Face West Vancouver an international Modeling Competition and Crown Cosplay Championship an international cosplay competition.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

To be honest I'm not sure. There are so many amazing and talented women out there all striving for different goals. I would say that it might be my ability to adapt quickly, how friendly and caring I' am, or the fact that I can be a safe place for people struggling. I'm also fiercely determined to achieve anything that I set my mind to.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

During this moment I was holding the runner ups hands and I wished her luck. She of course did the same back to me. I then told her that I hope she wins because I felt like she deserved it so much. Both of us had come so far, I was happy for either of us. They called her name and I started clapping for her and then she hugged me right away. I was very confused and it was at that moment that I realized they had called her name as the runner up and I had actually won. I instantly started crying tears of joy and it was a super emotional moment for me.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

To me being a beauty queen is about inner beauty and what light and love you can put into the world. It's about what you do with your title and how you can help people. I enjoy the opportunity that I have to be able to create and make good changes in the world.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

Competing in this pageant has allowed me to be able to make changes for people with mental illnesses. It also has helped me get on the news twice and talk about why this is so important to me. I also was noticed by more modeling agencies and that was amazing.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?

Competing in pageants has helped me learn that what I think about myself is important. That it's better for me to love and be confident in myself. This is because I was able to achieve so much more by just believing in myself.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

It honestly feels very different because until now I have never considered myself to be an inspiration. But it feels so good to have the opportunity to inspire all the amazing girls around me.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?

My onstage strategy is mantra's that I say to myself as I'm walking. My swimwear manta is actually "I'm having a pool party and everyone here is invited." It really helps to keep me focused and stay on track while I'm onstage.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

I prepared for my competition by learning everything I could about pageants for the six months prior to competing. I also practiced walking and interview questions as much as I could. I watched so many YouTube videos that I essentially lived pageants.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

The one thing that I always recommend is to watch yourself walk. If things are shown live go back and watch your walk so that you're able to improve as you go along. I feel like this really helped me to improve as I went through the pageant.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

I would suggest going out and trying on different colors and styles. She what you look like in everything so that you can find what looks best for you. Everything looks so much different in person and on you and it's best to just try everything.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

I would suggest getting someone to ask you questions randomly throughout the day. This can immensely help you to be able to think on your feet. As well as prepare you to have your answers concise and to the point.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

If I could go back, I would watch all my pageants last year's lives so I could be more prepared for that year's competition. I feel like I under brought things because I wasn't as prepared as I could have been.

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

One thing that I felt I saw the most is not bringing enough evening gowns to the pageant. Even if they say that you only need two, I would highly recommend bringing more than you need. It's so good to be more prepared than less prepared. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?

I have been modeling for the past two years so that I could become better at modeling in character. Over the past two years, I have done over two hundred photoshoots. It has been a wild ride but it has also been so amazing to be able to see my growth over the years.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Queen?

My plan is to start up my podcast on BPD, launch my website for together healing that sharing experiences from people living with a Mental Illness. I also plan to participate in as many charity events as I can and make as many changes for people struggling with mental health.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want to leave behind me a legacy of love and understanding. I want to be remembered as someone who was able to put others above their own needs. As well as someone who was okay with failing sometimes because that just means I'm on the road to success. Someone who is courageous and determined and also loads of fun to be around. But also, someone who is just very encouraging and supportive of all the people who are around me.

National Director: Mias Santa Ana Pilar

Photo by Garett Harnish

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine

Jamie de Roos Miss Canada Petite 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Garett Harnish

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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