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Hannah Richter Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Hannah Richter Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photography by Jane, Hair and makeup: Jordyn Pederstuen
Hannah Richter Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photography by Jane, Hair and makeup: Jordyn Pederstuen

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Hannah Richter Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020.

Full name: Hannah Richter

Title/Year: Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020 System: USA Petite Age: 19

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Hobbies: I love the beach, spending as much time as possible with my family and children. I love to dance.

Platform: My Platform is fighting against childhood cancer. My Platform phrases are "Fight like a Kid" and "No child fights alone".

Years Competed: I have only competed one year in the USA Petite Pageant, but two years in another pageant.

Countries Visited: The countries I have visited would only be the USA.

Likes: Things I like are trying new things, volunteering in my community, fundraising in my community, spreading love and awareness for different causes, spending time with my family and friends.

Dislikes: Things I dislike are negative people, Covid-19 ruining plans, slow drivers, cancer, and sitting around doing nothing.

Status: Single

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself. 

I am an Air Force Brat, cancer survivor, spinal meningitis survivor, and proud EMT (Future Paramedic) and future Health Office Professional. I am a hard working student, and I am extremely proud and honored to be a state title holder for glorious Wisconsin.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?

Women Empowerment to me is not just a society fight for equal rights between genders, but is an honor to be a part of. It gives young women the power and ability to change the world. And I plan on using it as a way to bring awareness to childhood cancer. Women empowerment is a way for young women around the world to have a voice, and to stand up for what they believe in. World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history. 

In 2018, I competed in the Miss Teen Wisconsin Confidently Beautiful Pageant, taking home the "Spirit" Award. The spirit award is an award given to one young woman out of all of the contestants. In 2019, I competed again in the Miss Teen Wisconsin Confidently Beautiful Pageant, this time taking home the "Miss Congeniality Wisconsin 2020" title/ award. This too was an award only given to one girl out of all of the contestants. This title/ award is given by all of the contestants voting for who they believe deserves it. In 2020, I competed in a "Online submission pageant", where a panel of judges chose me to be Wisconsin's newest Teen Petite title holder. Throughout all of the years I competed, the pageant sisterhood has been one of my favorite parts.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant? 

This question is not a "What", but a "Who". My older sister Kelsey, my inspiration, and role model first competed two years before I had the opportunity to. She LOVED it! She came home telling so many stories of the time spent with her pageant sisters and how much fun it was to be on stage. Then she told me I should try it, that maybe it was something I would enjoy doing. But the ice breaker for me was watching her grow as a person and watching her become more confidently in herself and her platform. She has not only inspired me, but many young women to go for their dreams. The moment I stepped on stage, I knew it was something I wanted to do forever. Changing hearts and minds every time I step on the stage is one of the most powerful things I have had the honor of doing.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I chose to compete for "Teen Petite Wisconsin" because I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't getting seen. The stereotypical model is 5'6" and above. Me being 5'3", I fell short of that and always ended up behind someone taller than me in pageant lineups. I know that there are women who competed with me that are the same height as me, and felt the same way. Once I heard about this pageant and what it was "about", I knew I belonged in it. Their message is "Although she is small, she is powerful and mighty".

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system, please tell us what it is about. 

"USA Petite was founded in 2009 to be a platform for Petite Women (5'6" or less) in the pageant industry. It is the national's largest pageant system for Petite women. The USA Petite Pageant offers titles for four different divisions: Teen, Miss, Ms., and Mrs. across 50+ different states and regions across the United States. 

The USA Petite Pageant is the official preliminary to the Universal Petite Pageant, where petite women from all over the world compete for the coveted Teen and Miss Universal Petite title."~ As said on the USA Petite website. 

However to me, this is an outlet, to show the world I am small, and I am little. But I have a fire burning inside of me to make a difference. Many women who have come before me, have set an example for this industry, and petite women all over the world! I am so blessed to be apart of this amazing pageant!

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

I am being judged on on-stage appearances such as Evening gown, swim wear, and on-stage questions. I am also being judged on an in person interview with the judges. There is also a costume competition for the Teen and Miss division, however this is not counted or judged towards our final scores. The costume competition is a great way for these amazing title holders to express what represents their state and who they are. 

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

Although I have yet to compete in person for the USA Teen Petite pageant, I have been preparing to compete for the national title of Teen Petite USA. This involves getting coached on interview questions, onstage questions, walking on stage, and working hand-and-hand with an amazing team of photographers and hair and makeup artists. 

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform, or what causes you volunteer for. 

My platform is childhood cancer awareness. Approximately 1 in 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. That is 260,000 children! Globally, there are more than 30,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year!

Many of those children's families can not afford treatment because it is too expensive. And many more families go into debt because of the cost of chemotherapy. My goal and platform is to raise money and awareness to help support the children with cancer, and to hopefully make chemotherapy more affordable. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title? 

I have talked on-air with WJMC, a local radio station. I have had two pageant fundraisers, and an online fundraiser to raise money for my platform. Along with these, I am starting a "Fight like a Kid" campaign to raise money for the kids with cancer.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

I have received the Commanders Achievement award, the Spirit award, Miss congeniality 2020 title award, a coin of honor for Barron County, the national Choral award, and the amazing title of Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020. Along with those awards, I have also beat cancer, and spinal meningitis. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I do not believe pageants just about "Who's prettiest", but who has a heart of gold. A queen stands out in a crowd not as a sore thumb, but more like a beautiful statue. What I represent and who I am is exactly what makes me stand out from all of the other beautiful girls. I am all about being me, being silly, goofy, serious and loving me. I can promise that who I am on stage is the same me off stage and in my community. 

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

When I got the confirmation that I was Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020, I was taking a break in EMT class. The very moment I found out, I was on cloud 9! I called my mother after getting off the phone with Jenna, My director. I am so honored and was astounded when I came to the realization that the panel of amazing judges chose me! 

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to be a Beauty Queen?

Being a "Beauty Queen" is not all about trying to be the prettiest girl in the room. It is about "what else can I do to inspire young women, and how can I help other Queens?" I like to say that I'm not just winning for me, I'm winning for us. "Us" being all of the young women and men who are shorter than average, or who are going through cancer. To me, being a Beauty Queen is a blessing and an honor.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your life?

Competing in pageants made me grow as a person. Moving around a lot because of the military, I did not make many friends. But competing, I made so many friends and pageant sisters. From being in pageants, I have also been able to be the best me possible, which has inspired and made an impact on many young women. But what they don't know, is that they have inspired me to continue pageants and try my best. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants help your self esteem an body image?

Before pageants, I was still bubbly, but very ashamed of my body. It felt like no matter how hard I tried, I would never be as pretty as the models we see on TV. It wasn't until I competed, that I realized that it was okay to not be the prettiest girl in the room. It is okay to not be the skinniest or funniest person in the room either. As long as I go to sleep at the end of the day knowing I tried my best is enough to make me feel like a winner. And that is a message I want to share with many other women across the world. 

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

I am incredibly honored to make an impact in young women's lives. To anyone considering pageants, DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! You wont regret it! Who knows, you may be an inspiration to others, just like me. Being an inspiration to young girls feels like a super power, and their love and support is what fuels me to get up every day and try my best.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

My on stage strategy to win the judges over is to be myself, and to not pretend I am someone I'm not. I know that no one wants to hear all about every time I volunteered, or hear me act fake. Originality is one thing everyone wants to see represent our community. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How do you prepare for your competition?

I prepare for my competition by rehearsing interview and on stage questions and making the answers my own. I practice walking in heals month before the pageant. Months before the pageant I am working out and staying in shape but most importantly, I make sure to get a great nights sleep, and eat healthy the days of the pageant. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important parts of preparing for a competition, whether it be sports or pageants. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning a better pageant walk?

Some tips for learning a better pageant walk are practicing in front of a bunch of mirrors. Record yourself, and don't be shy in asking for other people to judge you on how you walk. Criticism is good! Take advice and work with what you have.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress?

My tips for choosing the right pageant dress would be experiment and see what color(s) flatter your skin tone and you in general. And make sure the dress or outfit does not take away from you. You want to be the girl in the dress, not the dress on the girl. Sometimes simple is perfect. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

My tips for winning interview would be to be yourself. Do not oversell yourself or brag too much. Be humble and kind to the judges, after all, they are human too. Do not make your answers sound rehearsed, and don't forget to relax. Respect the judges and thank them for their time. And repeat part of the question they ask to let them know you are listening and paying attention. For example "That is an excellent question, my opinion on what women empowerment means to me would me..."  

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've made/ done during competing you wish you could redo or fix? 

One thing I made a mistake on while competing would be not reviewing my bio given to the judges before the interview. Although I can not redo or fix this, I can learn from it and make sure it won't happen next time. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

There are two major things I see girls mess up  or make a mistake on all the time. One would be that they don't pay attention during rehearsal, and mess up their walks on stage/ foot pattern. And two they do not respect the judges or thank them for all of their hard work and time. I am a firm believer that making a great first impression can go a long way. Judges love being appreciated just as much as we do!  Be kind and pay attention, and you'll have the competition in the bag! You got this girl!

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experiences? I have yet to have a real modeling or acting experience, however, I would love to! The closest I have come is being on stage and shooting my campaign pictures. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?

My plans were to have a gala charity event for the kids with cancer, and go on tour all over the state of Wisconsin, talking to kids in schools. I also wanted to have a 5K/10K walk, run to also raise money for the kids with cancer. However, just like any virus, Corona Virus has not been kind to us. I had to cancel my plans such as the tour and gala, and the national pageant was moved to March of 2021. I am still trying my hardest to raise money doing online 50/50 raffles and collecting coin jars from my community. My goal is to get more people aware of the statistics of childhood cancer and funds to help the children with cancer with medical bills. I hope to get the 5K/10K to a virtual walk/ run. And I can't wait to compete at Nationals with all of my amazing sister queens! 

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you hope/ want to leave behind?

The legacy I want to leave behind is to show the world that no dream is too big, and that anything is possible when you are hard working and dedicated! I hope to leave behind many health victories such as making chemotherapy and cancer treatments more affordable and to help the families with bills who are going through cancer. I hope to leave a legacy that inspires other young woman to follow their dreams and never give up. It is not always easy, or fair, but that is just how the horse bucks... so get back up, wipe yourself off, and fight back harder. 

International Director: Hazely Lopez

National Director: Jenna Kienbaum

Local Director: Jenna Kienbaum 

Photographer: Jamie Nicole

Hair and makeup: Jordyn Pederstuen

Sponsors: I would like to thank Haack Orthodontics, The Milk Pail, Brion's Smokehouse Deli, Buck N' Beams, Culligan Water of Rice Lake, Marz Alterations, Michael Xu (One more Couture) and family and friends! Without you, I would not be the person I am today without all of you

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.

Hannah Richter Teen Petite Wisconsin 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photography by Jane, Hair and makeup: Jordyn Pederstuen

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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