World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Hannah Golding Young Miss International Spokesmodel.
Full name: Hannah Golding
Title/Year: Young Miss International Spokesmodel
Pageant System: Young Miss International
Age: 30
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Hobbies: Pageants, Writing, Fitness
Platform: Mental Health and Body Confidence
Years competed: 10
Countries visited: America, France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Corfu, Cyprus
Likes: Chocolate, Comedy, Kind manners
Dislikes: Brussels Sprouts, Wasps, Stereotypes
Status: Single
World Class Queens of England: Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Hannah Golding, I am a mother of one and when I’m not chasing after my one year old daughter, I run my own pageant advice page called Sparkles and Rhinestones as well as help other pageant queens with their interviews and stage walks. I am a former personal trainer on a recent career break from fitness, which means I get to enjoy the gym for all it’s wonder and fall back in love with it after my surgery. I love writing and have recently wrote my very own pageant book which is called “The Pageant Manual” which is everything you could think of about UK pageants, from the rounds to advice and planning!
World Class Queens of England: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Woman empowerment means embracing our qualities and not letting stereotypes of what a woman can or can not do, get in our way. I love competing in pageants because there are so many empowering woman with all different careers, walks of life and backgrounds, sharing the common factor of pageants as our umbrella system. We get to achieve amazing feats and inspire others to chase their dreams, through empowering others and that’s the reason I also hold empowering sessions to really help others achieve those goals.
World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your pageant history.
I have been competing for ten years now, and the crown has taken me everywhere! I’ve competed at internationals four times, twice as a team and twice in Texas and of course winning my international title was an amazing highlight! I’ve got to compete in some amazing systems but of course the one standout from the ten years was winning my Young European International Ms title whilst I was 5 months pregnant, and then flying to Texas 8 weeks after having a caesarian after a horribly long labour! I then got the chance to go back to Texas for my second chance by winning the YEMI Queen of Queen’s title which was awarded to the queen who worked the hardest in her year, and the rest is history!
World Class Queens of England: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
I have always loved pageantry and when I was younger I must of watched Miss Congeniality a thousand times! I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and started to make new friends and go to the gym and push myself to rebuild the confidence I had lost over those four years. I saw an advertisement for a local heat for Miss England, turned up to the auditions not knowing anything about pageantry, and here I am ten years later with a fair few crowns and sashes!
World Class Queens of England: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
When I first fell pregnant, most people would give up pageants or wearing those heels and me being the stubborn Taurus I am thought I could keep living my life the way I had, still teaching many classes and keeping fit, as well as all the community work and pageant events I could chuck my tippy tops at! I had an awful pregnancy and was so sick, so I needed something to distract me and I entered Young European International as it lead to Texas where I’ve always wanted to go, the director Jeyanne had an incredible reputation so any pageant with her name on would succeed, and I also wanted to know that it would be ok for me to compete pregnant. After missing out the first time at internationals, where I placed third, I wanted to go back and give it my all, develop my platform and really put everything into the planning so to walk away with the crown was incredible.
World Class Queens of England: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
Young Miss International is part of a double header International where finalists will compete in two systems, run by the same director, over the course of four days. The two pageants are Young American Miss International and Young Miss International. Their motto is , “Aspire to Inspire”, which means that you are the one to control what you do with your sash, to become a role model, to fundraise for your own charity or platform and inspire others through your actions as a queen. I entered the Young European International pageant which is the only European entry into the Internationals.
World Class Queens of England: What are you being judged on during the competition?
For the YMI competition , before you step on stage you have to submit a headshot, as well as a written application which has set questions relating to your platform, community work and why you should be selected, etc. Then there is the National Wear round, which I made my own outfit to represent the Poppy, and then Formal Wear. The Top Five then answer an onstage question relating to their application. The judges are looking for someone with a kind heart and a big smile, someone who carries themselves well on stage and radiates Beauty. They are looking for someone who is passionate about the system and about their personal platforms, and someone who would represent the crown right with everything they had.
World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
I had an amazing time in Texas, which was why I wanted to come back and try again! We had a bigger team this time round, plus I also got to stay in my room with my best friend Georgia, who was representing Europe in the Mrs division. We met through pageantry six years ago so to share the journey with her, and also my daughter and her god daughter was the best experience! There was so much to do, so many contestant parties in which I won the fancy dress competition, thanks to my matching 80’s outfits with my daughter, and I came away with so much American chocolate it’s unreal! I still speak to all the girls in my division thanks to Facebook!
World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
My platform is a duo platform of Mental Health and Body Confidence, as I feel they go hand in hand. Depression affects one in four British adults, and one in three people have had suicidal thoughts! I use my platform as a queen to promote mental health through talking about my experiences, as well as fundraise for mental health charities such as MIND UK and also The Laura Hyde Foundation where we held a Swindon to Texas 4,778 miles fitness challenge leading up to World Mental Health Day. Being a plus size queen, I have featured in publications about loving my body and accepting my flaws, and I use this confidence to hold my own confidence sessions, which we hold twice a year and the money raised goes to local charities.
World Class Queens England: What appearances have you done with your title?
I have been very lucky since winning my title in June 2019 to have travelled across the UK, and I have many exciting plans for 2020! I have sat on the judging panel of a few pageants, held my own confidence and pageant training event alongside my fellow YEMI sister Jade who also held a eco fashion show afterwards, all in aid of Coppafeel. I have also been lucky enough to expand Sparkles and Rhinestones to have my own team of presenters who go to different pageant events and interview queens in the audience and winners! I’ve also got to choreograph the opening number of last years Young European International finals and the feedback was amazing! I am currently planning The Big confidence event on the 5th April, which has several guest speakers from the pageant world and am very excited to keep planning and raising a lot for MIND.
World Class Queens of England: What are some of your achievements?
I would say the main achievement for me would be winning my European title whilst pregnant, it’s literally unheard of for pregnant women to compete and I’m happy that, since my win, I have seen a lot more queens in a sash and bump! Winning my International Title and being the first UK queen to win the Young Miss International title, writing my own book and creating my own pageant advice page. Being named Patron of The Beni Bear club, a special needs charity, in 2015, as well as being an ambassador for Project Code Red, which helps homeless females with sanitary items. There are so many highlight that have come with pageantry! My own personal highlights would be getting my degree in Classical History, and giving birth to my beautiful daughter Penelope.
World Class Queens of England: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
Pageants are full of amazing women with all different stories to tell, what made me stand out on stage compared to the others was my resilience. I have been a victim of child sexual abuse, domestic violence and bullying, yet I still stand on that stage showing the positives in life. I worked hard on my platform, and appearances, dedicating all my time to make sure I was the best I could possibly be on stage. I embraced my womanhood and my curves, loving yourself and giving yourself that confidence gives you that extra shine on stage and what would of set me apart from my fellow queens.
World Class Queens of England: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
I was the last name to be called, it was the last crown of the day and because it was a double header international I had already placed as Second Runner Up at YAMI and first runner up at YMI, so I thought that was it for my international journey. When my name was called as Young Miss International Spokesmodel, the highest scoring contestant out of the whole pageant in Application, Community Service, Photogenic, Onstage Question and Evening Wear, I was literally bombarded by my fellow YEMI sisters! My director nearly rugby tackled me like girl, you won! It seemed like forever to get back on stage and by then my earrings had broke, make up had run but I had my crown!
World Class Queens of England: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Personally, I prefer the term Pageant Queen rather than beauty, as although beauty is a part of it, there are so many other attributes that a pageant queen should have! I think to be a queen, you should be actively using your title, getting yourself out there and showing everyone why you were crowned. You should support you fellow sisters, as pageant land is a small yet wonderful world! Being a rolemodel and inspiring others is also a big part of being a queen, and this means the most to me. For me to help just one person with what I do, means I have done my job as a queen.
World Class Queens of England: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
Competing really saved my life. I went from having no confidence and friends, to really loving myself and gaining friends from all over the world! After my fiancé cancelled our wedding six months before our wedding to marry someone else, my world was torn upside down but the same weekend I had gained sponsorship to Europe’s perfect, and so threw myself into appearances and pageantry. I made appearances with three other pageants queens in which we made up the Wiltshire Beauty Queen’s and now we have 7 beautiful queenies in which we talk everyday in our group chat, attend events, and just spend time together.
World Class Queens of England: How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image?
I started pageants as a size 8, and am now currently a UK 20. Pageants helped me to accept my bodies changes, to empower myself and to work with what nature has given me. I think it’s especially helped me to accept my body after having a baby, as recovering from the surgery and having to have further surgery can be very daunting, but when you get on stage, all of those worries go away and you are living your bets life. Of course, being a plus size queen is met with a lot of negativity, but you learn to rise above it and take their comments with a pinch of salt. Pageants have made my mental health stronger to deal with those sort of comments.
World Class Queens of England: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
To inspire one person is amazing, to inspire two is incredible so to be an inspiration to others is simply unreal! It’s great to inspire others through the actions that you do as a queen, so it’s my life mission to keep achieving what I can, do the best I can for my community and be friendly and approachable for others when they are u sure and need some guidance. My inbox is always open for pageant girls to ask questions and that’s why I started Sparkles and Rhinestones, as I wish when I started there was a place I could go for advice and know more about UK pageants as everything on YouTube was for American pageants.
World Class Queens of England: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
Smile! It lights up your face and makes you look more approachable and friendly. Standing tall and making sure I gave all the judges eye contact. Holding my poses so they could see all my outfits, especially my national wear which took me over a month to complete so I didn’t want to rush! Adding a little bit of sass to my walk to show off my personality to really make my pageant walk my own as well!
World Class Queens of England: How did you prepare for your competition?
I like to be prepared so I look at the timeframe I have and see what I can achieve in the time I have. Writing a list always helps and keeping a spreadsheet with each item you need and when you have achieved it. I had a lot of time as I was crowned in November and went to Internationals in June. I started creating my national wear in December when pageant appearances were quiet, ordered my gowns in March as well as get my headshots for the photogenic portion. I would practice my onstage questions whenever I could, and my application was sent and ready before April. I kept a list of all my appearances so I could tally up my community hours and I had my own pageant training event to practice my walks. I spent many nights in my flat walking in my heels and making sure I could get my poses down! There are lots of planning sections and information in my manual, so I have to practice what I preach!
World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for learning a better pageant walk?
Watching how others walk, YouTube videos and really looking back at your walk and see what you can improvise on. Getting the right shoe is the most important factor of pageant walking, as it can either help or hinder you. You don’t need a massive high heel as you don’t want to look like bambi! Making sure you keep your core tight and walk tall, don’t slouch and hold those loses. You pose with your whole body so looking in the mirror and seeing what you need to work on in regards to your poses! You can get a coach or attend some coaching sessions to have an extra eye to pick up things that you don’t see. Don’t try and copy everyone’s walk, your walk is personable for you so you don’t have to turn or twirl.
World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress?
Making sure that the colour suits your skin colouring, making sure that it suits your figure and also that you can walk in it! A top tip I can give is making sure that your gown touches the floor, and that your shoes aren’t on show. Don’t be afraid to size up on a gown to make sure that it fits perfect, different brands will run small or big so it’s always good to try on the dress first.
World Class Queens of England: What are your tips for winning interview?
Making sure you practice interview as much as your other rounds. Interview is your chance to create a lasting impression on the judges, plus it is their very first impression of you. I like to practice by timing myself, bullet pointing what you want to get across in interview, like your platform, what you want to achieve as a queen, any stand out appearances, etc. I created a video on my Sparkles page where I ask 50 questions and created a 30 second timer in between each question so it’s a great tool to use anytime! Interview coaching is my favourite part of pageantry to help with!
World Class Queens of England: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
One thing I think would be wearing the wrong shoes, I find pageant heels for my feet so hard to find! I have wide feet feet and usually wear a UK7-8 but sometimes I have to order a 9. I think you have to make mistakes in order to improve and get that winning performance but would of saved my feet a lot of pain!
World Class Queens of England: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
I think a big mistake is trying to copy everyone else, or trying to get the latest trend in outfits and spend thousands! Pageants can be done on a budget, but also there is no point spending all that money if the outfits don’t compliment yourself. Everyone is different and unique, but also different body types so one walk will suit that girl but not look right on a shorter girl for example when we have smaller legs! Embrace your differences! Also researching pageants and training, make sure you are entering for the right reasons.
World Class Queens of England: Any modelling or acting experience?
I have modelled before, I’m still on the front of a local gym from their campaign as well as model for local businesses. Pageants do bring these opportunities but I’m too busy with the pageant side of things to act or model, of course I do have some amazing headshots by some fabulous photographers so I’ve been lucky in that sense!
World Class Queens of England: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?
My plans are to keep growing Sparkles and Rhinestones, and attend as many pageant finals as I can. I have a lot of plans, including my charity event then of course my handover in Texas. I am applying for YMI Lifetime Queen, so I would hope to gain another crown in this year but if not, I will still be involved in the social media for both YAMI/YMI and YEMI as their social media managers. I want to keep supporting other pageant queens and keep coaching my amazing girls to achieve their dreams!
World Class Queens of England: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I want to leave a pageant legacy that you can achieve your dreams even when placing runner up, by never giving up. That you can achieve that crown even being a plus size queen and a single mother. You can achieve anything with hard work and determination! I want to be able to help others achieve their dreams and realise their full potential. I will never leave the pageant world, Im still going to be here with my Zimmer frame!
International Director: Sabrina Cadriel
National Director: Jeyanne Wiltshire/ Honara Wiltshire
Pageant website: www.youngamericanmiss.com
Interview by Emma-Jay Webber Editor in Chief of World Class Queens of England Magazine. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview.
Hannah Golding Young Miss International Spokesmodel , World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Hannah Golding Young Miss International Spokesmodel , World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo credits: Charlotte Clemie Photography and Jason Wade Photography
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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