World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Estefania Gonzalez Rivas Miss Teen Mesoamérica Universe 2020.
Full name: Estefania Gonzalez Rivas
Title/Year: Miss Teen Mesoamérica Universe 2020
Pageant System: Festival de la Belleza Mesoamerica Universe
Age: 19
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Hobbies: Sports, baking, spending time with my family and friends.
Platform: Una mano para mi hermano
Years competed: 2020
Countries visited: United States and Guatemala
Likes: I love track and field, modeling, mathematics, Mexican food, learning new languages and summer.
Dislikes: Hypocrisy and racism.
Status: single
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Estefania Gonzalez Rivas, I’m from Mexico and 19 years old. I’m studying electrical engineering. I have practiced sports since I was 7, like Taekwondo and swimming. When I was 10, I started to practice Track and Field and I continue practicing now a day. Also, I practiced Ballet when I was 9 for two years. I enjoy learning new languages; I speak English, French and my native language Spanish, I want to learn more languages like Italian, Portuguese, Arabian, and some others.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?
For me women Empowerment means, the power that the women have in the society breaking all those gender barriers that impede them participating in decisions, access to resources and have recognition for all their achievements.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
My first time participating in a pageant was in 2012, I was 11, I won the title of “Miss Niña Juárez 2012”. Then, when I was 16, I won “Miss Teen Ciudad Juárez 2017”. Finally, this year I had the opportunity to represent Mexico in Guatemala, at the contest “Festival de la Belleza Mesoamerica Universe”.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
Definitely my family and my love for pageants, they are always helping me in all my life events and pageants is one of them, they gave me the confidence and force to participate in these events that I really enjoy.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
I chose to participate because I had the opportunity to represent my beautiful Mexico internationally, also this contest is a good platform to get new opportunities, meet new people, and gain experience for future contests.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
The principal characteristic of “Festival de la Belleza Mesoamerica Universe” is an altruistic and cultural contest. Also, it counts with 8 categories from Baby Queen to Classic Lady in the female category, on the other hand, the male category counts with Mister Teen and Mister.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
During the pageant the delegates were judged in various categories which are: the relation and development with the participants, directors and staff, the runway modeling, outfits (including swimsuit), punctuality, responsibility and the final interview.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
My experience was amazing! I had the opportunity to meet new people from different cultures, beautiful feelings and vibes. Also, I learned a lot from the other participants and directors. I met Guatemala, a neighborhood country of Mexico, a colorful and cheerful country, with a lot of nature and beautiful people. I really enjoyed the competition!
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
My platform was founded this year, is named “Una Mano Para Mi Hermano”, with the purpose of helping people who need some medicines, pantry, school supplies, or anything that people in need require. Also, I'm a volunteer in my Catholic Church.
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
I had the opportunity to appear on television for a local channel named “Chic Music”. I had another interview in the newspaper of my city. Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic I had to stop a little bit with my activities, but I’m anxious to continue with it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
Learn English and French
Participate in an International pageant
Go to a national competition of track and field
When I was in elementary school, my notes were not so good, and I entered a private school where I could raise my notes and learn a lot of things, especially mathematics, that at this moment helped me a lot with my engineering.
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
Every woman has a characteristic that turns her special, in this case mine are, my personality and confidence mainly, also my height and the combination of my dark skin with my green eyes.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
It was an exciting moment, I remember I was very nervous, but when they mentioned my name and the name of the other finalist, we took our hands, I prayed and I was enjoying that unbeatable moment.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Being a Beauty Queen is not just wearing a crown and a sash, it’s a responsibility because I’m representing Mesoamerica that are 10 countries full of culture, traditions, history, colors, music and all the population of those countries.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
When I was child I was very shy, so when I started this modeling world, I needed to develop myself in all the areas that this entails, and the most important thing it helped me to get more confidence in me.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?
It helps me in a beautiful way, because I could get more confidence and security and, in that manner, I could develop myself with different people and had new opportunities. On the other hand, I've been a thin person since I was kid, so when I entered Track and Field, I got new changes in my body that I loved.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
I feel so happy to be the inspiration of all the girls, but I have a big responsibility too, I’m doing my best in all my actions and I will do it forever, because I want the best for all those girls that they see me as inspiration.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?
I have three strategies on stage: the first one is to demonstrate confidence during all the competition, the second one is that I’m always myself, and the last one makes eye contact with the judges.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
It was an entire year of preparation. I took pageant walks, makeup, hairstyle, and oratory classes. I also went to the gym to train my body.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
I always imagine a straight line at the floor and I try to follow it, I try to make my step long and my body always needs to be very straight, all of those tips require a lot of practice but it doesn’t mean that it is difficult or impossible to get it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
Definitely, body shape and color, the dress should help to show off elegantly the beautiful body features of the person and the color is also a very important thing because it needs to stand out the skin color, eyes color, hair color, etc.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?
I recommend studying new topics, controversial themes, debates, etc., and with all those tools we are prepared for any question that they ask us. Another important tip is demonstrating confidence in our answers, word, behavior, etc. Finally, making eye contact with all the judges is a powerful tool.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
I should have been more extroverted with the participants.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
I remember two important mistakes, the most important is that some of them were late for the competition activities or walks, and the second one: they didn’t bring the correct outfit that the contest asked for.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
I started in modeling since I was 12, I have participated in many runways, principally for boutiques and bridal houses. Another modeling experience that I had was a competition in El Paso, TX.. The name of this contest is “Top Model El Paso, TX.”, I won the 4th place.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?
I want to help many people that don’t have enough money to eat, receive education, or they don’t have clothes and a blanket for this winter. Also, I want to do many activities to raise money to all the people that are suffering from diseases and they don’t have the opportunity to receive medical attention.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I want to be remembered as a person that always follows her dreams, that never gives up and that for every bad moment I had, I always tried to get the positive side to get ahead.
International Director: Ivan Mejia
National Director: Claudia Gabriela Ceja Sosa
Photographer: Eduardo Martinez
Heels: Christian Divat
Makeup and Hairstyle: Be Fashion Salon
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Estefania Gonzalez Rivas Miss Teen Mesoamérica Universe 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photographer: Eduardo Martinez, Heels: Christian Divat, Makeup and Hairstyle: Be Fashion Salon
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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