World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Emma-Jay Webber Miss WorldClass England 2020.
Full name: Emma-Jay Webber
Title/Year: Miss WorldClass England 2020
Pageant System: Miss WorldClass
Age: 38
Zodiac sign: Aries
Hobbies: Football (Soccer), Dance & Music
Platform: Body Image and LGBT representation
Years competed: 3
Countries visited: 8
Likes: Sports, Dance, Music, Meeting new people, public speaking, charity events, and all things pageantry!
Dislikes: Injustice and discrimination
Status: In a relationship
World Class Queens of England: Congratulations on being our 1st Miss WorldClass England Ambassador. What does it mean to you?
Thank you so much! It is an absolute honour; it really is a dream come true. I am so proud to represent my country, England, on such a prestigious and international platform.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine and the World Class Brand is full of the most inspiration people from around the world and it feels incredible to be a part of the family as Miss World Class England!
World Class Queens of England: Please tell us about yourself.
I am strong, independent woman, firm but fair, kind and caring, and love curling up on the sofa with my loved ones for a good film! I have two small children who are my absolute world who inspire and motivate me to follow my dreams.
I have worked for a charity helping disabled adults and children with their mobility needs for almost 10 years. Previous jobs include being a physiotherapist for a football club and I was also in the Avon & Somerset Police Force.
I have a BSc (Hons) degree in Science of Football specializing in Physiology and played football for many years, until I suffered an injury to my knee.
I'm now a pageant queen, self-confessed fashionista and love nothing better than spending time with my Fiancée, friends and family.
World Class Queens of England: You are also our Cover Girl of this issue. What does it mean to you?
Its more than just a girl on the cover of a magazine... Its representation for LGBT community, also the hard-working mothers, and the plus size ladies. It also represents that at the age 38, it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Representation matters and I'm hoping I portray that as well as possible.
World Class Queens of England: This is not your first World Class Cover. Tell us about the first one.
WOW....April 2019 Issue 96 of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine as Ms Paragon International... Not something I will ever forget! Seeing the cover and interview online was amazing... But there is no feeling like it when you see it in print!
The photoshoot was such a fun day, and I wore such beautiful dresses from my sponsors 'Just For You Bridal', a Bridal shop based in my home city, Bristol.
World Class Queens of England: How much difference did it made in your pageant life?
It’s made a huge difference! Since being the cover girl of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine Issue 96; I have become a voice for body image and LGBT issues as a regular contributor to BBC Radio, Nominated for World Class Woman Of The Year 2019, featured in Diva Magazine, launched my own website (www.ukpageantgirl.com) and won Boss Studios Role Model Award 2019.
I have also been nominated for an ITV's National Diversity Award as Positive Role Model (LGBT).
It has also helped me secure such wonderful sponsors ‘Just For You Bridal’ , ‘The Skin Confidence Clinic’, a local skin clinic that helps women regain confidence with their treatments and work in collaboration with Project Dragonfly CIC, a non for profit organization dedicated to working in schools, helping young children with self-esteem, body image and emotional well-being.
World Class Queens of England: What kind of reaction do you get when people see your cover?
My friends and family are exceptionally proud! My parents like to show it off at any given opportunity. Bless them! Overall the reaction has been positive and exciting. However, there has been some negativity, in particular, on social media - being told that 'I shouldn't be a beauty queen because I don't look like one' or that I am 'promoting obesity'
I am extremely proud of the cover myself, as I mentioned earlier... Representation matters!
World Class Queens of England: What message would you give to young girls out there?
Always follow your heart! You should never doubt yourself; you are powerful and deserving of every opportunity in the world to pursue your dreams. Remember that being unique is what makes us all beautiful, and you are 100% perfect just the way you are! The most beautiful thing on the planet is kindness.
World Class Queens of England: You've been part of World Class for over a year now, what made you decide to join?
I was interviewed by Derek Tokarzewski under my Mrs England Curve title. This was when I was first introduced to World Class. I quickly fell in love with everything World Class stands for as I completely echo the ethos of the brand. Empower, Educate, Inspire.
World Class is a global pageant family full of incredible people, I could not help but be drawn to such a prestigious, professional and positive community.
World Class Queens of England: What does Miss WorldClass mean to you?
Miss World Class is full of the most amazing role models from across the globe. Recognised for their platforms and the work they put into it. Miss World Class is about creating change and having a positive impact in the world. I am honoured to have my picture is alongside these incredible global women.
Miss World Class means being a truly beautiful person on the inside. The kind of woman that has a passion and a mission so fierce, nothing could stop her. She's intelligent, she's beautiful, she's selfless, and she's fearless.
She's also the kind of women that builds up her sisters rather than tearing them down.
World Class Queens of England: What is your platform as Miss WorldClass England?
I have two main platforms; Body Image and LGBT representation.
Low body confidence damages people’s lives. It affects everyone and starts young. It can stop people from taking part in activities and can seriously affect people’s physical and mental health. Everyone should feel good about their bodies and live their best lives. Body confidence is for everyone and it shouldn’t matter what size, weight or shape we are! I feel passionate about redefining the definition of beauty so that one day society as a whole will recognise that each and every one of us is unique, worthy and beautiful!
The world of pageantry is evolving and becoming more modern, pageant systems claim to be looking for the next generation of queens to inspire younger generations... yet there is a severe lack of LGBT role models in a massively hetro-normative industry across the world. Diversity in pageantry is a hot topic, as in December of 2019 for the first time in history, five of the most prestigious titles - Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss America - all held by women of colour. The latest Miss Universe saw its first openly lesbian finalist... but still no LGBT representations as a queen! However...in February 2019 as Miss Paragon International I became the UK's first openly gay Queen and have served as a role model ever since. I have also launched my own campaign #IAmVisible. The campaign aims to promote LGBT representation in the Pageant and Fashion Industry.
#IAmVisible aims to provide visibility and create a safe environment for LGBT individuals to be their authentic self without prejudice. Anyone can join the campaign by posting a picture of yourself on social media, saying three things about you - using #IAmVisible. More details can be found at www.ukpageantgirl.com
World Class Queens of England: What have you done as an Ambassador so far?
One of the achievements I am most proud of is becoming Patron for Project Dragon Fly CIC. The project was founded by Julie Oakley and a group of inspirational people. I feel honoured to have been asked to be involved. The project is in its infancy at only a year old, we have been working hard setting up, held many fundraising events in the local community, and have even started rolling out the workshops, 121's and working with young people. I participate in the workshops and deliver, what I hope to be, inspirational speeches in schools as part of the project. This project is very close to my heart.
I am becoming an LGBT Role Model within the industry. After initially keeping my sexuality under wraps and being asked a million times 'where is your husband tonight?' or finding myself in a few awkward and nervous situations due to being gay, I decided it was time to be very brave ! - As a gay, plus-size girl I entered Miss Paragon International and won... becoming the UK's first openly gay queen in mainstream pageantry!
I have also become a sponsor for a pageant girl here in the UK; Hollie Downs, a Miss West Yorkshire Finalist. Every girl in the world should be follow her dream and I wish her every success.
Its been a difficult year due to COVID19, but I have been able to judge a number of pageants online including the worlds first ever LGBT Virtual Pageant.
World Class Queens of England: What are your plans for 2020?
My plan for 2020 is to continue supporting campaigns around body image and LGBT issues. I would like to help instill confidence and self-worth in others enabling them to live without fear, strive to be the best version of themselves, whatever that may be,...regardless of your sexual orientation, size, background!
Most of all I would like to fulfil my role as a LGBT role model, and continue to strive for and encourage positive change, especially in the world of pageantry.
World Class Queens of England: You are also Editor in Chief of World Class Queens of England Magazine. How does that feel?
I am indeed and it feels unreal! It’s one of my biggest achievements in my pageant career and I am so proud of my role. I hope to do World Class and the UK pageant industry proud.
I discovered Pageantry at a very challenging part of my life, it has made me the person I am today. I am forever grateful for positive impact the pageant community has had on me and I feel I am able to 'give back' to the pageant world via my passion for writing and sharing the amazing interviews.
World Class Queens of England: World Class Queens of England Magazine was created to promote Beauty Queens with focus on their platform and achievements. What are you goals as an Editor in Chief for 2020?
My goal is to expand the World Class Brand in the UK, to reach at least 20 published interviews by the end of the year and promote all the different UK pageant systems. There are many systems in the UK, including the well-known larger pageants like Miss England, Miss Great Britain, Miss Universe GB. There are also so many great pageants that are less known with incredible Queens all deserving to be promoted in this prestigious magazine.
World Class Queens of England: What do you think about your crown and sash?
I adore my crown and sash. Every time I look at it, I think of the quote
"Crowns aren't made of rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination, and a hard to find alloy called courage"
In my private life I have faced a number of heart-breaking, painful experiences, to the point I felt so broken and was left shattered in a million pieces, so my crown to me is a reminder of my resilience, my determination and my desire to use those experiences to help others.
World Class Queens of England: What kind of Legacy do you want to leave as Miss WorldClass England?
I hope to have had an impact on the pageant industry for LGBT girls and women. Five of the most prestigious pageant titles are now held by women of colour, now is the time for LGBT representation. I hope as the UK's first openly gay queen in mainstream pageantry I have been able to help celebrate diversity and provide a visible role for the LGBT community.
I also hope I have been able to help instill confidence and self-worth in others enabling them to strive to be the best version of themselves, whatever that may be... by showing what can be achieved when you have belief in yourself to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I hope to pass on the message that you should never doubt yourself, and you are deserving of every opportunity in the world to pursue your dreams. Being unique is what makes us all beautiful, and you are perfect just the way you are!
World Class Queens of England: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Women empowerment for me, is about strong women fighting social norms to break through and fight towards gender equality. I feel it’s important to keep the momentum going enabling women to empower themselves by organising campaigns and voicing their opinions for equality rights without feeling oppressed by members of society.
I feel that every women and girl should feel empowered to never doubt themselves. Amazing things happen when women support and empower each other... after all real queens fix each other crowns.
World Class Queens of England: Tell us about your pageant history.
I competed for the first time in 2018 at Miss British Beauty Curve where I finished 1st Runner Up, representing my home city, Bristol. I also won 2 other awards at the Miss British Beauty Curve Finals - Best in Publicity and Best in Glitz and Glam round.
In October 2018 I went onto my first International pageant representing England at Miss International Curve, placing 2nd runner up.
After the success within the 'plus size' world I decided to compete in a mainstream pageant as a plus size girl. I represented South England at Miss Paragon International Finals and I won. Spending 2019 as Queen - Ms Paragon International.
Now here I am as part of the World Class family as Miss World Class England 2020. A title and role I am completely honoured to have and very, very proud of!
World Class Queens of England: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
I was reading online around the 'Body Image Movement' when I came across a blog from a previous queen. Everything the pageant girls spoke about echoed my own ethos, morals and beliefs. Watching previous years competitions online gave me the overwhelming feeling that I still cannot explain to this day... I just knew I must do this! I finally found where I belong!
World Class Queens of England: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
I don't think I stand out, as everybody is unique and beautiful. I'm a plus sized gay girl and I place as much importance on inner beauty as well as physical appearance. I have embraced my body, what it’s been through and I love every lump, bump, wobbly bit and scar. The key to beauty is confidence, happiness and feeling good.
Also, I like to try and break boundaries and serve as a role model as the first openly gay UK beauty Queen in a mainstream pageant system. I aim to inspire, empower and encourage men and women – sexual orientation doesn’t define you, ignore the outdated social confines and follow your dreams.
World Class Queens of England: How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image?
I've had many battles with body image, self-esteem, and confidence over the years and I have overcome the challenges to become a very proud plus size girl! There was a time in my life when I had no confidence, self-worth, and I hated my reflection.
Pageants and my pageant family is a very positive place to be. I am surrounded by supportive, likeminded people. Distancing myself from negativity and finding pageant queen role models helped massively. I became happy on the inside... and it began to show on the outside #glowup.
I have been on journey of self-acceptance and learning to love myself. Pageant systems are full of so many inspirational women that have helped me grow as a person. I have gained so much confidence, realized my self-worth, learned to look after myself and appreciate me!
World Class Queens of England: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
Although the pressure of that is both daunting and humbling, it’s a huge responsibility and one that I take very seriously. I have received many messages from people about positive changes they have made in their life because they have seen what I have been doing under my previous pageant titles and now as Miss World Class England.
World Class Queens of England: Any modelling or acting experience?
I have worked with local photographers on their projects and taken part in a number of shoots. I model for one of my fantastic sponsors ‘Just For You Bridal’, which I feel so lucky to do!
I have regular shoots with Scarlett's Secrets: South Wales Model Events and El Unico, a brand launched at New York Fashion Week 2018. I also model for a number of designers such as IshouldB at The Bristol Fashion Show every S/S fashion week and A/W fashion week.
World Class Queens of England: Any modelling plans for 2020?
At the moment much of my plans are on hold due to the Coronavirus Pandemic that has sadly had an effect on all of us across the world. While in lock down I have been working on my website www.ukpageantgirl.com and continuing with my role as Editor in Chief for World Class Queens of England Magazine.
Once things are safe to do so I will be back modelling with Scarlett's Secrets and modelling in The Bristol Fashion Shows... And any other opportunities where I can get out there, have fun and strive to be an excellent role model!
Miss WorldClass Director: Derek Tokarzewski
Pageant website: WorldClassBrandPublishing.com
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Emma-Jay Webber Miss WorldClass England 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo: Red Dragon Photography MUA/Hair: Jax-Glam Beauty Beauty: The Skin Confidence Clinic
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

World Class Pageants, Fashion Modeling, Film and Music magazines.
Miss WorldClass and WorldClass Ambassadors.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine Facebook link.
Titles are for one year but Covers are for Ever! Dreams do come true with World Class Pageant Magazines. 96 print pageant magazines and our amazing Cover Girls.
