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Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021.

Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson / Biography - October 2021

I am Ms. Illinois World Universal, 2021 on the Ms. World Universal Productions - Contestants and Staff Platform @ www.WORLDUNIVERSALPRODUCTIONS.COM. I am grateful for the opportunity to be serving as Queen on this platform as I expand product distribution venues through my incorporated Provision Unlimited Not-For-Profit Business. I offer much gratitude to Madame Queen Nancy Ellen-Martin and Administrator Jhan Knebel for this privilege.

Many thanks to Supermodels Unlimited. I have received the esteemed honor of being selected out of hundreds of applicants to have my image displayed on an electronic rotating billboard in New York's Time Square compliments of Supermodels Unlimited with Ms. Kimberly Clark and Ms. Mary Baldwin. Additionally, the amazing Supermodels Unlimited Organization granted me the honor of being named one of their 100 Fashion Models of all time along with a publication in their leading SU International Magazine. SU honored me by putting my image on their billboard 100 feet into the air for Fashion Week, this past September, in New York Times Square. I will receive this same honor again as their VIP Model on their Times Square Billboards in December 2021. Also, I am, again, so thankful and appreciative to them for including me into their exclusive Celebrity Model’s Squad Varsity Inner Circle.

This year I was honored as the "Woman of the Year" for the World Class Magazine Publishing Brand owned by CEO Derek Tokarzewski, Mr. United Nations, 2018. I felt immensely affirmed as an individual and appreciated for the service of my humanitarian platform when I saw my image grace the cover of World Class Beauty Queen and American Royalty magazines as a respected, loved and upcoming brand celebrity. The World Class Brand is where Dreams Come True!

I believe in having and teaching how one can have multiple streams of income. My Queen’s platform is a strong advocate for purporting entrepreneurial income opportunities and resource distribution on a local and international level. As Ms. Illinois World Universal, I support a missionary effort across seas that allow families, women and men to find support and care at a safe haven and resource center called The Master’s Touch Ministries prevalent in North Africa and in the Middle East, led by Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones. Dr. Bailey has also created the Jerusalem Eco Village in South Africa for orphaned children which offers them support with safe housing, a health clinic, farming garden, a recycling center, solar energy eco toilets and a product distribution center. You can follow Dr. Bailey at

Additionally I believe that if one is given a fish they can eat for a day but if they are taught how to fish they can eat for a lifetime and reproduce that same ability of wealth accumulation in others.

Therefore, I trade on the Forex Market which is the largest financial market in the world that surpasses the value of the stock market ( The forex market is currently a financial asset valued at $1,934,500,000,000 which is 1.93 Quadrillion in American Currency. It is the only financial market that runs 24 hours per day and has an average of $220 billion profitable transactions per hour. More than 5 trillion dollars are traded everyday in the forex market. You may ask, “What exactly is a trillion dollars?” Okay, let’s say if we spent one dollar every second around the clock, it would take us 31,688 years to spend a trillion dollars. With that said, I learned that the US Dollar is the most highly traded currency among a total of 170 other currencies available world-wide. This is because the US Dollar is part of almost 90% of all global trades transacted (

It is my belief that this data confirms the fact there are enough resources that could be evenly distributed to everyone world-wide in a quest to eliminate poverty. I further believe if we commit to partaking and teaching this skill set which allows us to move in the God-like nature of our creative ability we could make that which seems like a financial impossibility to become our fiscal cultural norm. I am open to helping all who follow me on this forex journey on facebook at Dominique Peterson - Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021. or

Instagram at dominiqque7 - Delmar “Dominique” Peterson - Queen, Ms. Illinois World Universal, 2021. I look forward to engaging with each one of you!

To my surprise, this month, I received the 2021 FRESH FACES PROJECT INNOVATOR AWARD. This honor was in recognition of my contributions to the Entrepreneur and Creative Arts Industries. I was very humbled and appreciative of this recognition and all thanks go to God and Calynn Communications & Creative Corporation “FreshFacesProject” @FRESHFACESPROJECT and @CAYCOMCREATE

Additionally, my biography includes a compilation of other various interesting facts. I am a United States American Veteran. I earned Veteran status by serving as a Supply Secretary distributing resources to Military Officers; Enlisted Personnel and by serving this country, during a time of war, according to my National Guard military contract for six years. I have a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and in Education with a concentration on School Principalship and Administrative Leadership. I am an Illinois School Board of Education licensed instructor certified to teach Psychology, Sociology, and Special Education Classes. I have been a certified public school teacher in three American states including Florida, Arizona and Illinois. I currently work as an International BaccaLaureate Middle Grades Special Education Teacher in Chicago, Illinois. I have written the draft of a children’s book set which will be my first published volume of creative work. The literature that I am creating is designed to encourage children to become strong in their spiritual faith and believe in the Almighty God who is known to take special time out to create miracles for children.

I recently had the privilege of receiving an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Ministerial Education conferred upon me. This honor was given through the Shekinah Glory Theological Seminary which is accredited through the Bible Institute of America. The conferring Dean was the Apostle Dr. Bridget C. Outlaw at Daughters of Destiny Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Bridget Outlaw is a global Humanitarian; Global Ambassador and Global Distributor of Goods and Services. Thanks to Apostle Bridget C. Outlaw, I have signed a subcontract that will allow me to receive brand new home furnishings and offer them for free to those in need living within surrounding communities. I am in the process of launching a home goods store where the cost for every product will be $Free99.

Additionally, under the tutelage of Dr. Outlaw I completed the Millionaire’s Round Table University Lab Business Course and Entrepreneurial Bootcamp Series. This will help me in the process of establishing both my 501(c)3 non-for-profit and for-profit businesses. As a result of her caring and dedicated mentorship, I have an overflowing heart of gratitude and thanks for the amazing Apostle Dr. Bridget C. Outlaw, who is someone you should know!

I have some acting debuts on my entertainment career vitae’. I’ve acted as an extra on several

television shows such as: playing a recurring doctor on Chicago Med, recurring roles on Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and I have graced the Empire studios in an actress role as an Extra employee. I played a teacher’s role as an Extra in the movie, “Light It Up” with Baby Face productions along with the starring role of the (Amazing) former Ms. America Beauty Queen, Ms. Vanessa Williams herself. I am currently honored to be an Ambassador for the following Luxury Jewelry and Clothing

Brands: AYII.BELIZZADESIRES, ARCELIA.COLLECTIONS and DEROQUE.CLEM. They individually promote a percentage of their profits to various humanitarian efforts of choice such as entities like World Vision. Finally, I am a member of the All Nations Worship Assembly located in Chicago, Illinois pastored by Apostle Dr. Mathew Stevenson under Overseer and International Author, Apostle John Eckhardt.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful feature.

Dr. Delmar Denise “Dominique” Peterson Ms. Illinois World Universal 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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