World Class Models Magazine would like to welcome amazing USA model Derek Tokarzewski.
Name: Derek Tokarzewski
Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Shoe size: 9.5
Age: 41
Zodiac sign: Aries
Hobbies: I like to work out, Latin dance, chill, watch movies and follow my dreams.
Years modeling: 1
Countries visited: Philippines, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, France, Ireland, Poland
Likes: One of my joys in life is Cumbia Sonidera and Bachata dancing, and if I get a chance I like to compete.
Dislikes: Liers, cheaters, and negative people in general.
World Class Models Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.
Hello everyone, my name is Derek Tokarzewski, Mr United Nations 2018. I'm also the owner of World Class Brand. I was born in Poland, moved to USA when I was in 8th grade. Went to art school for computer graphics. I've done some traveling. One of my favorite placed to visit is Philippines especially Boracay and Palawan. Any place that has palm trees and beach I know I'm in paradise. I also had a great time in Mexico, Rivera Maya and found memories of Tijuana. I've done some fashion photography which lead me to Paris, NY and LA Fashion Week and few other places. I've also been a Creative Director for fashion shows in Chicago and NY. And now I'm building my modeling portfolio.
World Class Models Magazine: Please tell us about your modeling experience.
My first runway experience was when I was in collage. It was a fashion shows mixed with body painting. It was a fun experience and everything seemed to happen so fast. Backstage was exciting with all the models getting ready and body painted. Runway happened in a blink of an eye. By the time you realized you were at the end of the runway, did your poses and back to backstage. My more recent second runway experience was for a charity event where I was wearing designer sunglasses. After that I was on the cover of World Class Photographers Magazine. And recently on the cover of World Class Kings Magazine as Mr USA United Nations. And now I'm getting ready for more covers. A big one is coming up for World Class Beauty Queens Magazine as the owner of World Class.
World Class Models Magazine: How were you discovered?
That chapter is yet to be written, but my growth will be through World Class Brand.
World Class Models Magazine: What made you decide to become a model?
I'm in a chapter in my life where I want to experience the ultimate version of myself. Winning Mr United Nations 2018 was the beginning of my legacy. Now I want to see what I can accomplish as a model. Have some fun and make a name for myself by working with some talented professionals from around the world that I'm already connected.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your favorite style of modeling and why?
I enjoy both runway and photoshoots. Both have unique attributes that I'm ready to explore and learn from. I love runway because is live and you have the audience so it's very raw. Editorial work is just as fun and important. You have the chance to bring someone else design to life and give it a personality while fulfilling the vision of the designer. For now I'll focus on more raw and sophisticated look and modeling while I build my body up for more beach or fitness modeling. World Class Models Magazine: Who's your mother agency and why did you choose them. Or why do you freelance?
For now I will freelance. My main focus will be to build my portfolio, get featured in various World Class magazines and focus on the Covers to get my name out there. I have some exciting magazines coming next year. My first official feature as a model will be in upcoming 1st issue of World Class Asia Models Magazine as a guest model. And in January I will start the year with my first modeling cover for World Class Models Magazine, followed by World Class USA Models Magazine and then World Class Euro Models Magazine. In 2021 I'm planning to visit Italy and Paris. In Paris I'm going to model for Jean Marc Cresson Editor in Chief of World Class Paris Fashion Week Magazine. So I'm looking forward to this experience. I have some plans for Italy but I'll make the announcements closer to the travel date.
World Class Models Magazine: Which designers did had a chance to model for?
I guest my first designer I modeled for was OMG Fashion Shades during charity fashion show. They make crazy fun sunglasses for both man and women.
World Class Models Magazine: Which designer was your favorite and why?
I love House of Byfield brand from Netherlands. I had a chance to work with his team as a photographer during NY and LA fashion week. Actually they were the first Mercedes Benz NYFW experience for me in 2015. That experience opened the door to the world of Fashion Weeks for me. World Class Models Magazine: Which major fashion shows have you modeled in?
Nothing major yet. But I'm looking forward to 2021 and all the amazing opportunities that await me. World Class Models Magazine: Which fashion show was your favorite and why?
I haven't experienced any major fashion shows as model yet. But I'm looking forward to experiencing ArtHeart Fashion produced by Eric Rosette. I had a great time during those events as a photographer.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your biggest success as a model so far?
I would consider being on the cover of World Class magazines my greatest success so far.
World Class Models Magazine: Tell us about your upcoming fashion shows.
I'll have more news in 2021.
World Class Models Magazine: Tell us about some of your favorite photoshoots.
Modeling for the cover of World Class Kings Magazine was fun. I was playing dual role, I was my own photographer as well so that was little bit tricky but I managed. Timmer mode was my friend that day. Also cover of World Class Photographers Magazine was fun as well.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your secret to finding the right photographers to work with and why?
Now this will be interesting being a photographer myself. I've modeled for few photographers in the past but they were part of my network. And there are few things I have learned. First, you need to know what you as a model want to accomplish. Once you know what you want you need to do your research. Every photographer has it's own style and range. You want to find a photographer with a style that matches your vision. Then the question is should you pay or not. Sometimes you'll find great photographers that will shoot TFP (Time for Print). Other times you'll need to pay. If you want best portfolio you need best photographers and those don't come cheap.
World Class Models Magazine: How do you prepare for a photoshoot?
For me everyday is preparation day. Fitness is a big part of modeling life so it became big part of my everyday life. I train almost everyday for 3 to 6 hours, I have some catching up to do so I take it seriously. After that grooming and skin care. My recommendation is also have a fresh look. I wouldn't do a photoshoot without fresh haircut and a trim.
World Class Models Magazine: Any modeling tips for up and coming models?
Dream Big. Make goals. Don't get stuck in a repetitive loop. It's easy to get comfortable in your environment and model only for the same designer or company for years and not growing or getting anywhere as a model. Embrace the adventure and the journey as a model. World Class Models Magazine: Any video commercial or film experience?
Not yet.
World Class Models Magazine: Do you volunteer for any cause?
I've spend 4 years volunteering for suicide prevention and anti bullying organization.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your personal fashion style?
I love Dandy mens fashion style. But I need some some time to fully embrace it. If the weather in Chicago is cool I love to wear suits as my everyday fashion style. I gravitate to simple, elegant and sophisticated but fun fashion looks. My favorite color is blue so I love blue suits. Red also looks great on me so I have few red looks in the closet as well. I'm still learning and experimenting with different patterns and styles but that's the fun of this adventure.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your secret to success.
My success is "self made success". I do everything to perfection. I guess World Class Brand would be a prime example. Winning Mr United Nations title would be another. So modeling chapter is yet to be written but I'm of to a great start.
World Class Models Magazine: What would you like to accomplish as a model in 2021.
I have big trip coming up in 2021 to Italy. And I hope to work with some photographers and designers over there. And of course I'll do my own photography as well. Italy was my ultimate and final destination for my Fashion Week experience which I'm yet have accomplished. So this will be brand new to me. Then there's Paris. I have my own team over there so I'm looking forward to working with them and seeing what can be accomplished while I'm there. I know for sure bunch of modeling and fashion Covers will come out from that trip. Paris is very familiar to me since I've been there for years during the season of Paris Fashion Week and can't wait to start shooting in the old streets of Paris.
World Class Models Magazine: What would be your ultimate modeling dream job?
That is a good question. Finding a world class designer that matches my fashion style and become the brand model for that designer.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your overall modeling goal?
I want to build relationships with insanely talented people that want to concur the world. I always say "The world is for the taking" and I want to find people with the same insane drive and passion as mine.
World Class Models Magazine: What legacy as a model would you like to leave behind?
I want to be remembered as the conqueror of industries. I set my eye on pageantry and 2 years later I owned the biggest print pageant magazine in the world. Now I want to soar on the wings of success as a model.
World Class Models Magazine: How can someone hire you for modeling jobs?
For inquiries I can be reached through Facebook: www.facebook.com/derek.tokarzewski Email: dtokarzewski@gmail.com Those are 2 best ways to reach me. World Class Models Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Model: Derek Tokarzewski, World Class Models Magazine, Photo by Derek Tokarzewski Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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