World Class Petite Models Magazine would like to welcome amazing Jamaican model Cleopatra Whyte.
Name: Cleopatra Whyte
Height: 5”5.5
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Bust (in inches): 32
Waist: 24
Hips: 37
Shoe size: 8
Age: 23
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Hobbies: My hobbies include acting, writing poetry, rapping, and volunteering at animal shelters.
Years modeling: 5 years
Countries visited: I have not traveled before; however, it is on my to do list to visit the USA, and Europe.
Likes: I admire nature or anything that grants peace of mind, As well as I like to affiliate myself around people that have a positive attitude and not pompous. I like to be different and change things, playing safe is always boring in most cases for me I love creativity.
Dislikes: I dislike negativity and persons who are cruel to animals and others.
Status: Single
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.
Hi, I am Cleopatra Whyte, I am from the beautiful paradise Island Jamaica, born and raised in the parish of St. Catherine. I reside in the sunshine city Portmore, I am a supervisor at BPO, and I consider myself to be a spontaneous individual with a big heart and stunning personality. I love putting a smile on other face and empowering others to follow their dreams. I am always striving for greatness just like my name Cleopatra a powerful Queen.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Please tell us about your modeling experience.
I started modeling in 2016 where I got signed to a model agency. The experience was fun for the most part of meeting new persons and learning new things, however, there were many times I felt like giving up before the finish. As a petite model, we were extremely underrated and there was a difference in treatment towards us. But knowing the person I am I found motivation and my mother was always there for me every step of the way until her passing. I found the courage to push through and stand out. I wanted more for myself, so I went ahead started doing photoshoots with other photographers putting myself out there and it has been great I love the experience for me. I have become more photogenic and know my angles better.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: How were you discovered?
I was discovered by a model agency through an audition, I am incredibly grateful for the experience, But I wanted more for myself as I saw a lot of potential in me. I then met Orville Spence a photographer who I shot most of my works with, he helped me to become recognized more. We worked together for many years achieving greatness. We both have a creative mind and work is always amazing most of his works can be found on social media by name ten0six.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What made you decide to become a model?
As a child growing up I was always photogenic, In my early teenage years, I found myself also posing and taking model pictures posting on social media. I also found my inspiration through the American next top model. This was my favorite show to watch and still is. I decided from there that I wanted to become a model and I followed my dream.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your favorite style of modeling and why?
I would not say I have a favorite style of modeling, I like to create something that is different so unique that you would be lost for words. I love anything that leaves a memorable impression on me and all who are blessed to see it.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Who's your mother agency and why did you choose them. Or why do you freelance?
I choice freelance and departed from my first mother agency, the reason being, I felt my potential and talent was being squandered so I ventured off on my own. It was fun doing freelancing but I was approached by I2 Model Management, that was the best decision I made. The training is world-class the trainer Dwayne Hinds give us all the skill needed to compete in the fashion industry; their in house photographer Orville Spence is one of the best in Jamaica, his creative mind feed my passion and it is expressed in the many photos i have taken. In this company as models, we become a brand ambassador and a brand ourselves.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Which designers did had a chance to model for?
I had modeled for Mutamba, Tonia S., and Miakalani swimwear it was a great experience. I also must say their clothing line is extremely attractive. One day I model for Mutamba and Miakalani design through my previous agency. When I was through with the job I did not have a ride to go home. Another model and I started to walk in the dark it was a long lonely road. Luckily enough the owner for Miakalani swimwear saw us and gave us a ride home.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Which designer was your favorite and why?
I must say each designer is unique in there own way I love Mutamba design her African dresses or to die for they very pleasant easy on the eye. Miakalani swimwear is very sexy and brings all the attention over to you. I have no favorite I love them both. Tonia S is pure creativity she is flexible and is a mastermind with the designs.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Which major fashion shows have you modeled in?
This is where I scream too short for what! Unfortunately, because I am not a fashion model, I do not get the privilege of doing major fashion shows. It is on my list to break the rule and rock the runway one day, petite models rule just as much fashion models do. But I know with I2 Model Management I will walk all runway #tooshortforwhat.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Which fashion show was your favorite and why?
The first major fashion show I am able to rock will be my all-time favorite, I will stride with so much potential and fierceness I will leave a mark to remember.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your biggest success as a model so far?
My biggest success so far as a model is the inspirations I have given to so many petite models when they see the photos or images I am able to create. This gives me encouragement to push forward and excel #tooshortforwhat. Even though I have a long way to go and many others wouldn’t consider this as a success, but in my book it is. it is the little things that count I have developed so much confidence in myself. Because in the past I hated my body and how short I was. Right now, I love every part of me this is my model success.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your secret to scoring runway jobs?
I have not rocked a runway as yet my height places me at a disadvantage, but it does not give me a reason to stop trying or mean I’ll never be able to land a runway job. But with I2 Model Management I know I will be touching the international runaway I can feel it.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Tell us about your upcoming fashion shows.
I currently do not have an upcoming fashion show but I do have great things in store
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Tell us about some of your favorite photoshoots.
My favorite photoshoot would be a design that I wore by Tonia S the shoot was done in Portmore Hellshire in bushes we knew it would be a good scene. The photoshoot symbolized a queen in red, the shoot was done by Orville Spence and this is my favorite shoot. It tells a strong story by just looking at the image, I felt the power, I felt like a queen of the earth the shoot also had an African look and I loved it. It screams creativity!
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your secret to finding the right photographers to work with and why?
Let the camera be your best friend, take every photo shoot like it is the last one you will be doing. The right photographers will find you; you don’t need to find them. When you do good work, good follow you when your work is great, greatness comes forth.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: How do you prepare for a photoshoot?
I prepare for a photoshoot by going to bed early the night before, ensuring I am properly groomed; I do skincare routine in advance for preparation. I pack the day before to ensure that I have all the requirements and nothing is left behind. I also research for additional posing ideas regarding the shoot I will be doing even though I am natural at posing for the camera a few new ideas won’t hurt.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Tell us about your publishing success so for.
I have been published so many times it is a great feeling, to get a phone call and hear do you know you are in the paper? “ I’m like what! Or you serious!” Being published means you can get you a lot of success you are in the eyes of the people, you don’t know who may see you and want to work with you. Before you know it the right person may come along and your career takes a turn for success.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Any modeling tips for up and coming models?
The first thing I would suggest to any model is to love yourself, stand in the mirror, and tell yourself you are amazing, and you love you. As model confidence is everything! You can’t expect to stand out if you are timid. Tell yourself you can do anything you put your mind to and never compare yourself to others. Do research on models you admire and strive to be creative in your own way.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Any video commercial or film experience?
No, I have not done any as yet. But I am looking to the future.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Do you volunteer for any cause?
I love animals I signed up for volunteering at J.S.P.C.A Jamaica shelter for protecting animals from cruelty. It makes me so angry when others are cruel to innocent animals. Animals were here before us and I do believe they should be treated with love. In my country, most people hardly care for animals which is incredibly sad so I help in any way I can.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your personal fashion style?
If I had to pick a personal fashion style I would choose the 70’s look like my personal fashion style, I love the sense of fashion and black and white, the afro it reminds me so much of our history, it takes me back to a year I was never apart of but what my follow black people fought for freedom.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your secret to success.
In my reality there is no secret to success it is a preparation of working smarter not harder and learning from failure. Time is valuable to everyone and cannot be given back if lost. Working smarter saves precious time and energy for the things that really matter in your life goals, your personal growth, your health, family, and your relationships. Be consistent and do it now instead of later.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What would you like to accomplish as a model in 2020.
As a model I made a lot of preparation in 2019 for what I wanted to accomplish in 2020, unfortunately 2020 had taken a toll for the worst I lost my mother in March. I know she would still want me to continue my dreams, I wanted to put myself more on the market for 2020 my goal was to do a new photoshoot every week and promote myself locally and internationally. So far I have only done one shoot because my mother became a stick and I just wanted to be there for her. It has taken some time to stop grieving but I am still broken but I will continue there hope in the months that remain.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What would be your ultimate modeling dream job?
My ultimate dream job is to do a photoshoot with vogue and be on the cover of Vogue magazine. I am a big fan of Vogue and I love their accomplishment. It would be a dream come through for me to work with Vogue.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What is your overall modeling goal? As a child, I always wanted to be similar to Tyra Banks and I still want to be, I want to manage petite models one day and show the world great we are and there is no limitation for us. It takes time to accomplish great things work in silence until you get there.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What legacy as a model would you like to leave behind?
Being a model there is a lot of sacrifices you need to make, some may scar you for life some won’t. My legacy I want to leave behind is to be the petite model that has rocked all the major runways around the world, and change all the petite model's perception of self and ability around the world #tooshortforwhat.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Where can we learn more about your work?
You can find most of the work from my Instagram _cleopatra_w at this time, I am working with I2 Model Management so you can check out their company Instagram page I2modelmanagement.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: How can someone hire you for modeling jobs?
If anyone, company, or organization wants to hire me for a job. They can do so through my agency I2 Model Management (infinitymodelintenational@gmail.com), my Instagram by sending me a message or the company's Instagram.
World Class Petite Models Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Model: Cleopatra Whyte, World Class Petite Models Magazine, Photo by Orville Spence Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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