World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Cheryl Wee Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022/23.
Full name: Cheryl Wee
Title/Year: Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022/23
Pageant System: Lumière International
Age: 30
Education Level: Diploma Higher Education
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Hobbies: Travel, fitness and painting
Platform: Helping migrant workers in needs
Years competed: 2022
Countries visited: Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Philippines, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, Macau, Thailand, Australia, Nepal, Vietnam, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, United States, Canada
Likes: Anything positive!
Dislikes: Negative and toxicity
Status: Happily married, and blessed with four amazing children
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.
I’m a blessed wife and mother, a painter that loves art, a passionate baker who loves to create sweets, a globetrotter that enjoys all the beautiful sight in this world, and of course... a newly crowned queen that is ready to go forth to do what I am passionate about - helping those who are in need.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education.
I love anything beauty related. Hence, I’ve taken up numerous higher education courses such as Diploma in Certified Makeup Artistry and Special Effects Makeup, Diploma as a Nails Technician, Higher Certificate in Eyelashes Extension, Eyebrow Embroidery etc...
I’m also an Art and Design Pre-University’ graduate with Graphic and Interior Designing’ background.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Woman empowerment comes in many forms. It simply means, women supporting women. For me, it is about allowing women to rise to the top too, women are strong in many ways. Often times women are being shun away or being “ignored” because society deemed women are not good leaders or incapable to excel in the community. I believe women empowerment helps to establish leadership for gender equality in the corporate world, as well as society. With that, women and men can be treated fairly with respect and non discrimination.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history.
Many years ago during my college years in Malaysia, I’ve joined an “amateur” pageant competition called “Miss KBU”, it was organized by the college’s student council. Back then, being a college student - young and stress-free, it was pretty fun! I’ve gained some valuable experience from the pageantry and it was one of my core memory growing up to adulthood.
One afternoon, I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled upon this particular Lumiere’s advertisement page regarding auditioning for Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022.
The title was do you have what it takes to be the next Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022? I vividly remembered I was sitting on the couch and actually asking myself that question, and I thought to myself “Hey why not give it a shot?”
I’ve never tried anything challenging, ever. I’m usually the sort that loves to be in my comfort zone, and wouldn’t like any big changes.
But ever since I became a wife, and a mother of four children, I often encourage my kids to be more adventurous and to do what they’d like. I decided to sign up for the audition, and Mrs. Justina Quek promptly replied and arranged for an interview in the Lumiere’s office and from there on out (some questions, and catwalk), I was selected as the Top 15.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
This is my very first official BIG pageant. What encourages me was really... my family,
husband, and children. I would like to leave behind a memory or an inspiration - something that my family, my husband and my children will remember me of. Not just a daughter, wife, mother but a QUEEN that can do it all too!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
As a Malaysian being in Singapore for more than 10 years, I considered Singapore as my home country too!
This is the country that I landed my first job, the country that my husband and I met, and got married, the country that we decided to raise our children, and the country that we are so proud to call home.
Hence, to compete for Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022 was definitely an honour and a way to give back to Singapore. I am so proud to be able to represent Singapore to make it to the internationals at Mrs. Global Universe platform, I aim to make Singapore proud!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
The pageant that I’ve joined was Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022. It’s a Mrs. competition hence any woman who is/was married, she’s eligible to join the competition.
Mrs. Singapore Global Universe platform is organized by Lumiere International Pageantry and founded by Mrs. Justina Quek, from Singapore. Lumiere International Pageantry is/ was also a proud organizer for other internationally-known beauty pageants including : Miss Lumiere International World, Miss Bikini Worldwide, Little Miss Lumiere International World, Miss Tourism Worldwide, Mrs Asia Pacific, Mrs Worldwide, Asia Pacific Queen of
Substance etc...
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition?
During the competition journey, we were being judged on catwalk, poise, personality, stage performances, talent, Q&A as well as the charity that we’re passionate about.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
Honestly, it was a whirlwind of emotions. You named it... The excitement, nervousness, joy,
compassion, the highs and the lows...
Many assumes beauty pageants are just based on the pretty face, the height, the figure, the catwalk. But it is more than just that. It’s a whole package. It’s how you carry yourself (in public and in private), how you interact with others, how you touch the hearts of many, how authentic you are, and definitely the inner beauty that overpowers everything else.
My most fond memories were visiting the orphanage in Batam, Indonesia with my pageant sisters, founder Mrs. Justina Quek, and other beauty queens from the Lumiere group.
During that trip, I brought along my two young boys (a toddler, and a pre schooler), and what amazed me was the compassion and empathy I witnessed from my own two kids.
Without Lumiere, I wouldn’t be able to spread the joy that big, and to see how happy those kids’ faces were in the orphanage. Up to the competition, there’s countless hours of practices and trainings (catwalk, dance, Q&A, voice projections etc...) They were long.... but worthwhile.
The trainers at Lumiere were nothing but fantastic! I applaud them for such dedication.
We had a pre-judging two weeks before the finale, and it includes catwalk, poise, some rounds of Q&A, as well as talent performances. During the finale, we had an opening dance, and self introductions.
Then we were judged by our stage performances, Q&A, as well as our catwalk. What a journey! Definitely an experience that I will treasure in my heart for a very very long time.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
The platform that I am passionate about is for the Foreign Migrant Workers (FMW) in Singapore. I collaborated with a non profit organization named It’s Raining Raincoats in Singapore, and they are a platform that helps FMW in various ways.
During my pageantry journey, I’ve visited their construction work site to chat with them, to find out what ways I could help in improving their lives here in Singapore...
As the workers were mainly from India and Bangladesh, and mostly hindu-vegetarian, I tried my best to provide them with balanced hearty diet vegetarian meals so that they are all energized and fueled-up.
Majority of them were fathers to young children, and haven’t had a chance to be with their children as they need to work abroad to provide for their families back home.
As a parent of young children, I felt the ache, yet admire their hardship and sacrifices.

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
Currently I am building my youtube profile (cherylweelim), and in hopes of doing more youtube in the future in terms of grooming, make up, tips to be a beauty queen, and definitely keen to inspire more girls/ women out there that they could be what they dreamed to be! There’s nothing more important that knowing what you aspire to be, and go forth to
fulfilling it!
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
My biggest and proudest achievements are being happily married to my greatest supporter, my husband! And with that, we have two beautiful boys, aged 2 and 4 this year. I am also a bonus mom to two fantastic bonus children, they are 16 and 18, and I couldn’t be prouder.
At a young age and being a mother of four kids, some days were really challenging, but mostly rewarding. To be a mother has always been my dream, and to be able to live in it, are blessings and everyday I thank God for a healthy family, doting husband and loving kids...
In 2022, I was crowned as the Grand Winner of Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022/23. Receiving the title was my greatest honour. I was also awarded the Asia Pacific Queen of
Substance, which I hope from here on out, I could do more for the community, and people in need to the best of my ability.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
I believe everyone is beautiful in their own ways. I honestly feel, inner beauty speaks louder than anything. Everyone defines beauty differently. For me, it is the sincerity, kindness, being humble and how you carry yourself triumphs everything over just physical beauty. I am so fortunate and grateful to be in the same batch of 14 other beautiful girls/ women during my
competition. I think I stood out from other contestant in terms of being my true self, and not portraying someone I am not. It is definitely easy to be carried away and change your own personality when it comes to a competition, as everyone was there to win or succeed. However, from the day that I joined the competition I had a mindset of going into the competition with an open mind, be my own genuine and authentic kind, and let everything else fall into places. And I think that’s what made me stood out from other beautiful girls/ women.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
I was surprise and shocked at the same time. Because it was a really tough competition amongst us all. Every single women in my batch were amazing, and very very beautiful. I worked very hard for the competition, and gave my all. I was pretty confident that I would be in the top 8, but I did not expect bringing back the crown as the Grand Winner of Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022/23, and representing Singapore to the international platform in 2023. It was definitely a big whirlwind moment.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Beauty queen often being labelled or stereotyped as someone who’s glamorous, attractive, or oh-so- pretty. What a true beauty queen means to me, is definitely how you carry and portray yourself in public and behind closed doors, how you go through the rough to help others, how your inner beauty shines over your outer beauty, and lastly beauty that comes with intelligence. A true beauty queen doesn’t always live a glamorous perfect life. I remembered visiting orphanages that has nothing, but the pure joy and contentment in these little kids’ lives really humbles me, and that experience definitely bring me back to my roots, and allows me to learn even more about empathy.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
Frankly speaking, I am still ME! After winning the grand title of Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022, I went to have a great celebratory dinner at our favorite dining place with my family, nothing fancy but just so comforting that I have my whole family’s full support during the pageantry journey. Besides that, my two year old has been calling me “My Queen” or “My Champion” since I won the crown. This pageantry journey had opened up a whole new world for me, in terms of giving back to the society. I am so blessed to have Mrs. Justina Quek (Lumiere family) in organizing charity events, and to invite Lumiere queens to participate in such great causes.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?
With or without joining the pageantry, I have been my very true self. Being a mother, I’ve been through extreme body changes, mostly to accommodate my babies growth when I was conceiving them. To be very honest, I wouldn’t change any bit of that, as women’s body is so powerful (we, literally make babies!). It was a lot of work going back to pre-pregnancies body, let’s not forget that our age is slowly hiking up, and our metabolism doesn’t work so effectively anymore as compared to our younger days. Being confident in your own body, is the way to go.
That said, living a healthy lifestyle, exercising, keeping your body in shape takes a lot of work and determination. Having the correct mindset will help you kickstart and accomplish your goal, mentally and physically.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
I am very fortunate and humble to have this opportunity to inspire girls/ women. I’m definitely still learning each day. My everyday queen inspiration quote is “be the queen who fixes another women’s crown without telling the world it was crooked”. Be the queen and
be kind.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
I’ll say this over and over again, it’s being genuine and sincere. Nothing beats those two qualities.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition?
I love keeping notes, mostly on my phone. As a busy hands-on mom, I don’t really rely on my
mental notes when it comes to something important. Hence, I drafted my self introduction, Q&A’s, tips etc. on my phone’ notes and I go through them before I sleep every night. My family helps me out in terms of giving feedback when I practice my public speaking, my dance recital, as well as my catwalk. It is also useful to video record each session of catwalk practice and look back to improve on any areas. Deciding on what to perform during the talent round is ultimately important too, as that contributes to the scoring as well. Finally, keeping fit, staying positive, healthy and hydrated the whole time helps with performances, and the whole competition.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Funny story as I am not a person who wears heels very often. I’m a mother of two active teenagers that love anything sports related, and two younger boys that are very energetic - so, I am definitely a sneaker mom! However, because of the pageant, I had dedicated 1-3 hours per day, walking in heels. The best practice for me, was to walk on uneven surfaces (but please be careful!). It takes a lot of courage, and persistence to strut a good walk.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
The best way, is to try as many dresses/ gowns! Ultimately, this gown is going with you to the finals, and for the winnings! So firstly, know your body, the shape, the proportion. Then, move on to the selection of the dresses/ gowns: the colour, the design, the length, and whether it
comes with a train/ no train. Bear in mind that you would need to be able to walk comfortably and gracefully with high heels while donning on the dresses/ gowns. Lastly, also visualize the make up and hair do that you will have while wearing the dresses/ gowns, as the overall presentation is extremely important.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview?
I lived by being authentic. Be a real queen! Interviewers are able to figure out when one is
insincere. You are worthy, unique and special in your own ways. And that is what sets you apart from others.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
Mistake are inevitable when it comes to experience. And the best part about making mistakes are learning from it, and it allows us to be better. I was a little nervous during the Finale of Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022. During my self introduction, I froze for a second and forgotten about what I wanted to say. Nonetheless, I remembered all the valuable advise our pageant trainer, Mrs. Michelle Lim had given us, the encouragement from my husband, and the love from my family... - I smile, carried on and be my very true self, and got through the self introduction in a bliss. If I could go back and redo it, I would remind myself don’t sweat it, smile and just be myself. It was a self introduction, and I know myself the BEST, hence whenever I am myself, I’ll definitely nail it!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
Throughout the pageantry journey, I think the common mistakes we made as contestants were our catwalks. As this is a “Mrs.” competition, most of us ladies are not in our teens, or young adults anymore. Furthermore, we’re married, mostly moms, and probably have been in the “real” busy world. I guess the most challenging for all of us, were the poise, how to walk daintily without tripping in evening gown with long train (and let’s not forget that we’re actually walking in the official pageant heels which were 6 inches high!)... Besides that, the common mistakes we made as contestants were probably our lack of confidence in speaking in front of public. With that, some of us tend to speak too soft, overly lengthy, extremely fast, or stutter.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience?
I did some modelling in the past, during my teens, and young adulthood. I was featured in a Chanel event promoting their collection Plume de Chanel which means “feathers”, I was fortunate to be able to model in a couture gown covered with premium feathers painstakingly handmade by the Chanel Haute Couture’ designer. I had also joined a couple modelling contest in the past, and they were some great experience especially to build my confidence and public speaking.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2022 as a Queen?
My plans are to inspire more girls/ women to join the pageantry journey if that’s what they want. I am happy to take on the role of guiding in various ways for these aspire women to reach their goals, and ultimately I wish to set a great example to the next generation in terms of giving back to the society. I am also hoping to reach out to more non-profit organization and working with them to promote and raise awareness of their great cause in helping those in need.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I would like to set an example of what a true queen could be, by leading the life of being kind and authentic. I truly believe “kindness is free to give, but priceless to receive”. The world will be a better place with kindness.
National Director: Mrs. Justina Quek Siew Bee
Your Local Director: Mrs Tan HuiLin
Pageant website:
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Cheryl Wee Mrs. Singapore Global Universe 2022/23, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski
Owner/Editor in Chief
Mr WorldClass 2023
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Platform: Women Empowerment
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