World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Chanda Thapa TKS Mrs. Asia Pacific 2018.
Full Name: Chanda Thapa, Giri Title /Year: Mrs. Asia pacific 2018 Previous title: Mrs. Nepal International 2018 Pageant system: Ribbon Mrs. Nepal International TKS Mrs. International Age: Twenty-Eight Zodiac Sign: Aries Hobbies: taking pictures, web surfing, learning new things, designing new clothes.
Platform: Campaign Against Human Trafficking Years Competed: 2018 Countries Visited: Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, INDONESIA and India Likes: Spending time with creative and people with positive attitude. Dislikes: Being surrounded by negative people Status: Married
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
A mother of two, highly passionate about work, and has tenacity of learning, supported by a joint family, who loves creating new design in the sector of fashion. “It is not that I am so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer” by Albert Einstein is a perfect quote which narrates me. J
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?
Women empowerment means an active participation of women in every field with equality and respect.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
Mrs. Nepal international organized by Ribbon Entertainment is the very first pageant that I stepped into which helped me flourish myself in this particular sector, which also reinforces me in daily events of my life. After being crowned I participated in TKS Mrs. International, from where I was crowned title Mrs. Asia Pacific back home Nepal.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
I always believe in learning, when I got to know the details that I will get to learn in the training period is what inspired me.
E.g.: Public Speaking, Personality Development, Ramp Walk, Mass Facing etc.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
After I won the national beauty pageant I was chosen to represent my country in an international platform i.e. TKS Mrs. International and I believed on my caliber that I can make my country proud. I find this pageant inclined towards making women independent with the mission of equality.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
Pageant system trains us to tackle every pattern of our life by helping us to boost confidence and to foray in every movement. Beauty pageants trains us to work under pressure, it teaches life skills, self-love, and trust in ourselves and helps to set definite goal in life.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
Judges in the beauty pageant are dignitaries from different field so we are judged in category of their province, in my perspective the points that we are being judged is confidence, elegance, and of course the answers that we give.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
It was absolutely wonderful experience with excitements. The best part was I got to know various cultures and colorful hearts with the feeling and groove for their country.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for?
Being crowned with the title, I have been actively participating in campaign against human trafficking. I got to interact with many trafficked victims what shook me to know how terrible the mentality of people can be to earn shortcuts for wealth. I volunteered for TKS Mrs. International’s project crown for compassion for old aged people. I feel so blessed and happy from the core of my heart to be able to make their life more meaningful.
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
I have done much appearance like campaign against human trafficking, spreading the positive message on health, education and women empowerment to the deprived categories, visiting orphanages, judging multiple beauty pageants etc. I will be actively involved in various activities in my upcoming days.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
After being crowned on International platform, Sagarmatha awards felicitated me; I was honored by my own birthplace where I belong. I was working under Maiti Nepal organization (CNN hero awarded org) on various awareness programs, which is the biggest achievement so far in my life.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
There is no hard and fast rule or strategy to win the judges over. With the positivity if we are able to match the vibration with the judges we can win over the judges and the audiences.
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
According to me every one are uniquely different, like roses and sunflower they are different but have their own specialty, which makes them distinctively beautifully. My innocence and willingness to reshape myself according to the situation is what makes me stand out tall.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
I was extremely joyous to see my director’s happy face. I was called Nepal before my name it was more proud moment to me. Yeah I was in cloud nine.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Being beauty queen is being a voice, now my voices are more approachable to people, so being beauty queen is a part of socially responsible citizen to make an impact fully positive change in others life.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your life?
Competing in pageant helped me a lot form being confident, outspoken, walking on heels, it helped me to become expressive and it taught that life is really beautiful and helped me build the leadership quality on me.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?
It has helped me a lot moreover finding myself, my identity, my existence and also looking for the sunny side in life for every thing.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
I feel grateful that my small actions are making a change in peoples life. So I the feeling is like walking in the spring of life throughout the year.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Basically one should be very true to them self, and their presence should reflect the calmness and beauty inside out. So being confident and smile as it is the only key to open everyone’s heart.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
Try to wear the dresses that you are comfortable in, if you are comfortable your confidence won’t flounder. One should be very cleaver choosing the silhouette depending upon the day/ program at the same time remaining on the criteria that pageant requires.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?
Speak your heart and answers needs to be realistic that should reflect the genuine you.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
The preparation was very intense; I put my heart on it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
I took the pageant too seriously, I wish I would have enjoyed every single day rather than being like cat on hot bricks. So if I could change I would taste every drop out of it in fun way.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
Trying to fit in others shoes and trying to impress judges being someone different, which looks unnatural which does reverse than convincing judges.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
Yes, few ramp modeling and will soon explore in the field of acting as well, as I am passionate about it.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2019 as a Queen?
There are a lot many to do lists, making people’s world shine would be the main focus, by any means possible would be my main agenda. And there’s a well-said quote by Benjamin Franklin: “ action speaks louder than words” so I would like to work than settling with plain words or immobile plans.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
The legacy I would like to leave behind is that the life doesn’t ends after marriage it can also be the bright and fruitful beginning. I want to make people’s heart twinkle when they think of me. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview.
Chanda Thapa TKS Mrs. Asia Pacific 2018, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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