World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Cassandra Wallace World Class Beauty Queens North America Ambassador 2021 to our World Class Royal Court.
Full name: Cassandra Wallace
Title/Year: World Class Beauty Queens North America Ambassador 2021
Pageant System: Miss WorldClass
Previous title: Ms World International Mrs, and Ms World America
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hobbies: traveling, riding motorcycles, and volunteering
Years competed: 3
Countries visited: Morocco, Senegal, The Gambia, Uganda, South Africa, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Aruba, Saint Martin, and Haiti.
Likes: lattes, stilettos, and dressing up
Dislikes: cleaning bathrooms, chocolate, and horses.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are already a World Class Celebrity Cover Girl. Please tell us about all your amazing World Class Covers.
Each one felt like a complete dream come true. My very first one was
World Class Queens of Washington Issue 1, December 2019. This one holds a very special place in my heart because it was the first time I ever was a cover girl. It also was the first issue of World Class Queens of Washington so that felt amazing to be a part of that historic issue. I started a tradition where I would bring anyone who was involved in making the magic of the cover with me a copy as soon as the magazine was released in print. At Ulta the hair salon I attend, everyone would also get so excited when I would come in and request to have my hair styled and curled because all the stylists wanted to be the one who ended up with the magazine, with their hair style on the cover. My makeup artist, hair stylists, photographers, friends who accompanied me to the photo shoots, all receive magazines from me. It is such a fun way to capture a memory.
World Class Beauty Queens of North America Magazine, Issue 1, January 2020. One of my favorite memories about this magazine cover is that my son had started at a new school and was feeling unsure about the transition. He really wanted me to go to school and stay with him. I was explaining to him that he needed to do this and would be just fine without me. After his first day he came home and was like “mom, we can bring something in to share with the class. I want to bring you in to share with the class”. I was able to connect with the teacher and start volunteering to read to the children. Just to make it a little extra fun I brought in the issue of the magazine to show the little girls and read to them with my sash and crown on. It was really magical to be able to talk to children and encourage them about the value of education and also following their dreams. It completely melted my heart that of all the things my son could bring to introduce to his class like his favorite toy, or book, he wanted to bring me in to share with his new friends.
World Class Beauty Queens American Royalty Magazine, Issue 5, February 2020. I was blown away at the size of this magazine. It is 100 pages. This magazine goes down in my memory as my favorite one being a cover girl. There was just something so special about it, I can't really describe it other than to steal Derek’s quote, "dreams do come true."
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Issue 121, August 2020. For this photoshoot I had to get very creative. I had ordered so many gowns but because of lockdowns all of them were delayed in shipping. Many of the local stores I would normally shop at were closed. I tried borrowing dresses from other beauty queens, but there was nothing in my size that would work. Growing up my mom made a lot of my clothes, so I know how to sew. But, I didn't have a sewing machine. I took a look at cocktail dresses and other items in my closet and went to the fabric store and modified items I had to come up with gowns to wear for the photoshoot. I laugh every time someone asks me where did you get that dress?
World Class Beauty Queens: How does it feel to accomplish so much?
Honestly, it is very motivating. It feels really good to reach a milestone, like OMG I'm a cover girl. But at the same time, I then have this feeling ‘ok I've been on one cover, I want to be on more’. I want to take all the volunteer work I have done and bring it to a whole new level. I'm very competitive with myself. I look at where I was the prior year in regards to my appearance, professionally, personally, volunteer wise, and whatever else I was doing and I'm like ‘ok that was awesome, I worked incredibly hard and felt like I gave it my everything. But now I'm going to have to dig deeper and find a way to improve myself, and bring everything to the next level’. There is no ‘oh yeah I made it, lets just enjoy this and stay here’. I'm always looking for opportunities and ways to better myself, and to improve how I can help those around me.
World Class Beauty Queens: Which Cover is your favorite and why?
All of them are special to me in a unique way. This is like asking which child is your favorite. They all are my favorite. But, if I must pick then it would be World Class Beauty Queens American Royalty Magazine, Issue 5, February 2020. I really love children ,and playing dress up. An acquaintance found out I was a beauty queen, she told me her daughter's dream was to be a beauty queen one day. She asked if she could bring her over to meet me. I of course was thrilled and said yes, absolutely. This 9 year old sweetheart shows up in a full gown and looking like a princess. She was so nervous to talk to me. I asked her if she liked magazines, and she said yes. I pulled out this magazine and gave it to her. I said you can keep it on one condition, when you grow up and you’re on the cover of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine I want you to mail me a copy. Connecting and interacting with people and touching lives is what being a beauty queen is all about it.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about World Class Brand.
World Class Brand was established in 2016 by Derek Tokarzewski in Chicago, Illinois, USA with focus to Empower, Educate, Inspire. One of the divisions is World Class Brand Publishing which covers 5 areas of entertainment: Pageantry, Fashion, Modelling, Film and Music. There are over 50 different World Class magazines.
Out of those 50 magazines 25 are pageant magazines. With World Class Beauty Queens Magazine being the biggest print pageant magazine in the world with 125 print issues. What's special about World Class Beauty Queens Magazine is each issue features at least one Beauty Queen from every continent giving it true global reach and presence. There are also other World Class pageant magazines for every continent and different countries.
World Class Brand focus is to Empower, Educate and Inspire readers around the world through interviews with amazing and talented people. With strong focus on women empowerment and recognizing the humanitarian work that lives in the hearts of Beauty Queens.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about World Class Ambassadorship.
World Class Beauty Queens Ambassadors and Miss World Class Ambassadors are invited at large by our Director Derek Tomaszewski to represent our country, region or state.
Each Ambassador is required to fully promote their platform through appearances, volunteering and submitting articles related to their platform to further educate the audience.
Big part of Ambassadorship is a mentorship program established to help individuals focus on their personal and professional growth through their platform development. There are 3 core areas of the program: guidance, encouragement and awareness.
World Class Ambassador represents World Class Brand through amazing and sparkly crown and sash.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us why did you decide to become World Class Ambassador?
I had seen in the various magazines that the World Class Brand had Ambassador's. I inquired to get more information and once I heard that it was a way to continue using the sash and crown to give back and make a difference and promote your platform I was incredibly excited and really wanted to do it. It is by invitation only so my fingers were definitely crossed. Once I found out that it was an option I was seriously over the moon. I didn't know what title I would get and I was secretly hoping for USA. I was driving when I found out that was not the title I was going to be given. I pulled over, got out of my car on the side of the road and totally started screaming, I thought my wildest dream would come true being World Class Beauty Queens Ambassador for the USA, but turns out I got to be World Class Beauty Queens Ambassador for North America!!! I'm so grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to using the title to find unique ways to give back and make a difference in the world around me.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any upcoming appearances that you hope to make as the Ambassador?
I would love to be a pageant judge. This is not something I have done before. I think it would be incredibly challenging to do, but extremely rewarding. I am always looking for unique ways to volunteer and give back so if anyone has a charity that you love and want to promote, or need a volunteer for the event please reach out to me and I would love to connect and support you and your cause. I am so ready for everything to open back up. I would love to be able to attend parades, live galas, and fundraisers. So much of my reign this was not possible. I did not get to attend a single parade even though I was scheduled to be in so many but because of lockdowns everything was cancelled. I'm hoping to get the opportunity to do some more traditional pageant events and charity work.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Ambassador?
I had the incredible opportunity to attend the US Inaugural Ball in January where I met Assal, the founder of the Academy of United States Veterans. This nonprofit focuses on service, community, and unity for veterans. She invited me to come and present an award at the 7th annual Vetty's in DC this July. This is the annual awards ceremony that honors and celebrates public service at its best within the military community and areas in which the impact of public service saves lives and ensures a sustainability of community health. Veterans do so much for our country and coming from a family that many members have served it is an honor and a privilege to meet and thank these incredible people who sacrifice so much. In the fall I am also going to volunteer with International Volunteer HQ in Belize helping with marine conservation. Volunteers are based on a private island 16 miles off the coast of southern Belize and have the opportunity to help local scientists with a range of scuba diving tasks to conserve the environment and protect marine life. I've never done this type of volunteer work before but I'm excited at the challenge and opportunity and I can't wait to bring my World Class Beauty Queens sash and crown and represent.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your previous pageant experience and titles.
I was Mrs. Poulsbo, (the town I’m from), then Mrs. Washington World International (state I live in), then Ms World America, and finally Ms World International Mrs. and now I am World Class Beauty Queens North America Ambassador 2021.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
I was actually in a bikini contest and one of the judges was Mrs. Washington. I won the bikini contest and went up to thank her and she asked me if I had ever thought about being in pageants. I honestly had no idea that you could even be in pageants once you were older and had kids. This was the first I had heard of it. She pointed out that passion for volunteering would fit in perfectly with pageants, so I decided to sign up. I love any excuse to get dressed up and I am very passionate about giving back so it seemed like a perfect fit combining two things I enjoyed.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
Fishline, a local food bank in Poulsbo that operates as a grocery store style food bank, along with packed lunches for school age kids, emergency housing, and even has an onsite garden community members can volunteer to grow items to be donated to the food bank. I am passionate about volunteering at the food bank because, as a child, my family received food from that food bank and I know firsthand that you need a full stomach to get the most out of school. I am grateful for the people who invested in me and helped me get to where I am. I want to help people in my community succeed, follow their dreams, and live up to their full potential, starting with a full stomach.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
My greatest achievement will always be my three boys, Brycen, Brodi and Bronx. They are beautiful souls who are so caring and thoughtful. I told Brycen, who was 6 at the time, about Operation Christmas Child, where shoe boxes filled with toys and supplies are given to children who have nothing. He was very concerned that some children did not have toys, so he took his allowance he had been saving to buy toys for himself and used the money to buy toys for children he has never met. It was a proud mom moment. I offered to match the boys toy donations. We ended up leaving the store with several bags of toys. I thought when we got home and it was time to give up the money from their money jars they might change their tune. Instead with big smiles on their faces all three boys gave me their savings and were very pleased that some child somewhere would now have a toy.
I recently also have had the privilege of partnering with PG Spirit Paris who created a perfume designed and named after me, "Ms World America". It is one of those things that I feel like I need someone to pinch me, it feels too magical and wonderful to be true. I am looking forward in July to attending a photoshoot with PG Spirit Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris to promote my perfume line and his gown collection.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image?
Honestly, I have a very difficult time with body image. I am not someone who thinks of themselves as beautiful or pretty. Being in pageants dramatically helped my self-esteem and body image. I have come to accept my flaws as part of what makes me beautiful instead of something that makes me ugly. It has helped me reframe my perspective and realize that beauty is not just what you see on the outside of someone, it shines brightest from inside. If you can glow from within, the outside will follow suit.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
Vulnerable. I was recently asked what piece of advice I would give. This was coming from a teenage girl at a charity auction I attended, who informed me she read my bio and was following me. This caught me a little off guard. I had not been prepared to hand out advice to someone who already knew so much about me, and I knew nothing about her. I just went with the biggest lesson I have learned this year. Do not be afraid to fail. If you don't try you already failed. Chase your dreams and goals and if you fail, learn from what went wrong, take your new wisdom and persistently pursue your dreams. I have been a tax accountant for 13 years and never took the enrolled agent exams because I was afraid of failing. I let my fear of failure win. This year I studied for the test most days three hours a day, in addition to working full time, mom of three little boys, wife, and beauty queen. I took all three exams and passed on the first try. The people who inspire me are vulnerable and share their experiences and struggles and I want to do the same for other girls out there.
World Class Beauty Queens : When you compete what is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
Smile and be myself. My story, my passion, my goals only I can share and represent to the fullest. I always keep eye contact, and try to be as animated in my facial expressions while keeping my head still. This is hard for me; I tend to move my head too much when I talk. I find when I am passionate about the subject matter it shows in my face and voice and being able to give the judges a taste of my vision is my strategy. People are drawn to what is real and genuine and being able to present yourself in a way the judges can connect with you and your authenticity gives you the winning edge in the competition.
World Class Beauty Queens: How do you prepare for your competition?
I watched lots of u-tube videos, video taped myself walking, asked myself interview questions while looking in the mirror. Usually my kids would come in and laugh at me for talking to myself in front of the mirror. So I would also practice with them, they enjoyed the pageant prep journey with me. I also focus on my weaknesses, and areas I know I have a challenge with, and work on these areas as much as possible so I will have the confidence to feel like I have taken a weakness and turned it into a strength. I also try to find the most critical person I can. Then I like to have them critique my walk and ask me interview questions. I know this person will give it to me raw and uncensored. We all have this person. Use their honesty to build you into a better version of you. Totally applies to pageant prep as well.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Video tape yourself practicing your walk. Wear your shoes, do everything to break them in. It is much easier to do your perfect walk when it is second nature to you. Practice in front of people. I have a large front porch and I would spend time every night practicing my pageant walk for the neighbors walking by and my children. I tried to find the most difficult people to please in my life and I asked them to comment on my walk. You are looking for someone not afraid to point out your weakness. It sounds harsh, but really it helps in the long run.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress?
Become an expert in you. Different dress styles look better on different body types. Find a style that accentuates your best features and hides your flaws. Color is everything. A perfect color to your skin complexion, compared to stage lighting, can make or break your look. Honestly, I never wear white. Ever. But, on stage with the lighting and my skin tone the color was perfect. A fun tip for picking a dress for the pageant is to go shopping at boutiques where they have open dressing rooms and ask the opinions of the other ladies trying on dresses. You will get honest feedback from people who are not just trying to say what they think you want to hear.
World Class Beauty Queens : What are your tips for winning an interview?
Smile, keep eye contact, be yourself and relax. People calm themselves down differently, find what makes you most at ease and so that the judges can see you and your passion, and not your nerves. I found sharing personal experiences helped me to connect with the judges and make it feel like I was talking to a friend instead of trying to win over a handful of strangers in 5 minutes. I have a few quirks in my mannerisms when I talk, instead of hiding them I went with it, it is part of me and the package of who I am and I would like to think it helps me come across more genuine in my answers and less rehearsed.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any Modeling experience?
I recently was in 2021 New York Fashion Week where I modeled for WoW Wear in their show. New York city is such an experience in and of itself. It was amazing to be able to feel all the excitement and energy of the show. This was my first runway show and I remember thinking how fast it was over. This is definitely a huge contrast to when I've done photoshoots and it is an all-day event. It was fun trying something new and I was grateful for the opportunity to meet the designer and so many talented models.
I modeled for a wine and champagne company in Haiti and they used several of the video clips for tv commercials and I am currently up on several billboards in Haiti. I've also modeled for several wedding dress designers and a gun manufacturing company.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any acting experience?
At this moment no, I have no acting experience. Ask me in a few months the answer will be different. I have a small role in an upcoming film. It's just a one liner but I am very excited and can't wait to share all the details of this once I'm allowed to. I really enjoy trying new things. I never thought I would want to act but the opportunity presented itself and I am going to give it my all and see what happens.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
I have a 8 year old and 6 year old twin boys. I try to find volunteer opportunities where they can attend so I can show them firsthand the importance of giving back. You can typically find me in a ballgown wearing my sash and crown, my twins dressed in superhero costumes, running at local 5ks runs benefiting local charities and causes. It is a great way to spend time with my family and help others. I don't want to just tell my kids the importance of thinking of others and giving back, I want to actively do it with them, so it will be like second nature to them. You can make a big impact as one person, but if you can motivate and encourage others to give back your impact is magnified.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Cassandra Wallace World Class Beauty Queens North America Ambassador 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

World Class Pageants, Fashion Modeling, Film and Music magazines.
Miss WorldClass and WorldClass Ambassadors.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine Facebook link.
Titles are for one year but Covers are for Ever! Dreams do come true with World Class Pageant Magazines. 96 print pageant magazines and our amazing Cover Girls.
