World Class Models Magazine would like to welcome amazing model Cassandra Wallace.
Name: Cassandra Wallace
Height: 5'5
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Bust (in inches): 36
Waist: 24
Hips: 35 1/2
Shoe size: 7
Age: 34
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hobbies: traveling, finding unique ways to volunteer and give back, and paddle boarding.
Years modeling: 17
Countries visited: Canada, Senegal, The Gambia, Morocco, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Mexico, Haiti, and Costa Rica.
Likes: coffee and hanging out in my hot tub.
Dislikes: cleaning bathrooms and chocolate.
Status: single
World Class Models Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.
I'm the current Ms World America and Ms World International Mrs. I won both titles in 2019 but because of lockdowns the pageant was suspended for a year and I was lucky enough to get to keep my titles for 2020 as well. I'm going to be featured on the reality TV show "Queen of the Crowned" which is a reality TV show about pageants. I am a mom of three boys ages 8,6,and 6. Being an all boy mom and twin mom keeps me active and always moving. Occupationally I am an Enrolled Agent which is similar to a CPA. CPA's have state designations, whereas an Enrolled Agent is a federal designation that specializes in the IRS tax code. I own a small tax practice where I enjoy strategizing ways for people to save money on their individual and business taxes. I partnered with PG Spirit Paris last year, Pascal the perfume designer watched many interviews of me and got to know me and designed a fragrance that he felt matches my personality. It's truly my scent. The perfume is called Ms World America.
World Class Models Magazine: Please tell us about your modeling experience.
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If yes tell us about it. No, I have never done a modeling interview before, this is my very first one and I am very grateful and excited for the opportunity.
World Class Models Magazine: What made you decide to become a model?
I am from a large family and one of my older sisters used to model. Growing up my friends would see her pictures and be totally captivated by her beauty. I remember looking at her modeling photos and thinking how glamourous she looked and how that must be the most wonderful job in the whole world. For countless reasons I really looked up to my older sister and wanted to be just like her. She was Miss Washington Pre Teen and I went on to be beauty pageants. She modeled and I wanted to be just like my big sister. I'm grateful I had such a positive role model in my life to look up to and to aspire to be like.
World Class Models Magazine: How were you discovered?
I've always been fascinated with how a photo captures a moment in time and keeps it. I wanted to model but I was not sure how I would ever go about modeling. I'm naturally quite shy so I thought it would be one of those things that was just a dream and never actually happen for me. I was working as a barista when I was 17 and a local photographer came to order coffee and asked me if I would like to model for him. He was shooting school photos and wanted to update his sample photo that was sent to all the local high schools. It was such an incredible experience. It was terrifying and exciting all wrapped into one and I absolutely loved it and was instantly hooked. I will never forget the moment when my face was on all the flyers going home for everyone to order their school pictures, it was so magical and I knew this was something I loved and would do again in the future.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your favorite style of modeling and why?
I prefer print modeling. The reason why, is because you have so much more time, hundreds of photos get taken and you have the time to think about posing and what you are doing. Runway is so fast and it is over so quickly. I prefer being able to take my time with the process.
World Class Models Magazine: Do you have agency or do you freelance?
Tell us why. I don't have an agency, I freelance. I want the flexibility to be able to pick and choose who and what I model for. I feel like working with an agency would take it to a level of pressure that would probably make it less enjoyable for me. I do not want to feel like I have to model non stop I want to choose something that has meaning and I feel strongly about and model that.
World Class Models Magazine: Have you modeled in any fashion shows?
I recently was in 2021 New York Fashion Week where I modeled for WoW Wear in their show. New York city is such an experience in and of itself. It was amazing to be able to feel all the excitement and energy of the show. This was my first runway show and I remember thinking how fast it was over. This is definitely a huge contrast to when I've done photoshoots and it is an all day event. It was fun trying something new and I was grateful for the opportunity to meet the designer and so many talented models.
World Class Models Magazine: Tell us about some of the photoshoots that you've done so far?
I love to laugh. Doing photoshoots for magazine covers where I am in a ballgown or some beautiful formal always ends up in laughter. In the off chance that you have never put on a ballgown with five different layers that all have to pulled just so, or else the dress won't look right, let me tell you this can involve some serious laughter and time. Like trying multiple times to get dressed. I remember one time I loved this dress is was so elegant and stunning. It however took almost 10 minutes for me to get into and my friend helping me get dressed refused to ever help me get in the dress again because it was such a pain. It actually took two additional people to help me get in and out of it. But it was so pretty. I still tease her that I am going to wear that dress again...
World Class Models Magazine: What would you consider your biggest achievement as a model so far?
Honestly, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine Cover Girl. It's so glamourous getting to be dressed up in a pageant gown and wearing my sash and crown. You get the added element of the fun and excitement of modeling paired with feeling like a queen. It truly is a dream come true and something that I will never forget. World Class Models Magazine: How do you prepare for a photoshoot?
I always make sure to get a good nights rest the night before and to eat a really big dinner. I find I'm usually so nervous the day of that I can't actually eat anything. So I make a point to eat a lot the night before. I like to mentally prepare too, I think about all the different poses and movements I will need to be doing, along with the outfits, and my facial expressions and how I want everything to look. I practice a lot in front a mirror. I also like to record myself it's easier to watch how I look in a video and then think in my mind during the shoot how different movements and expressions looked and I use that to help guide me.
World Class Models Magazine: Any modeling tips for girls that would like to model in your area?
The best piece of advice I can give is be confident and be you. Nothing looks better than someone who feels good in their own skin. Your radiance from feeling 100% based on you and what you bring to the table with you looks and personality is something that is uniquely you and if you can embrace it, this will take you far. World Class Models Magazine: Any video commercial or film experience?
I modeled for a wine and champagne company in Haiti and they used several of the video clips for tv commercials. I've been offered a small part in a movie that starts filming at the end of this summer in London. I was on season one of "Queen of the Crowned" a reality tv show and I will also be on season two.
World Class Models Magazine: What is your personal fashion style?
I really enjoy dressing up. My personal fashion style could probably be described as being over dressed to everything. I love wearing high heels and dresses to every occasion. Something about being dressed up makes me feel confident and beautiful. It also is just so fun to get all dressed up.
World Class Models Magazine: What would you like to accomplish as a model in 2021.
I have always wanted to model in my bikini. One thing I wanted to accomplish as a model in 2021 is actually something I get to do! I'm super excited to be in Miami Swim week. I am so looking forward to it as it seems like a dream come true.
World Class Models Magazine: What are some of your non modeling achievements?
I am the 2021 World Class Beauty Queens Magazine North America Ambassador. 2020 Pageant Planet Top 10 Best of Fitness and 2019 Pageant Planet Top 10 Best of Fitness. Pageant achievements I was Mrs. Poulsbo, Mrs. Washington, Ms World America, and Ms World International Mrs.
World Class Models Magazine: Do you volunteer for any cause?
Volunteering is my passion. I feel so fulfilled any time I get an opportunity to volunteer and give back. I am the US Ambassador for the youth football league in Haiti. I had the incredible opportunity of being able to help find sponsors for girls to play football in Haiti at no cost to them. Girls often get left out of opportunities and being a small part of helping girls get opportunity is so amazing. I also volunteer with the local Boys and Girls club. Children are the future and being able to provide a safe space for children to learn and have access to computer, libraries, and meaningful adult relationships can be so life changing. The local food bank, Fishline is also a place I love to volunteer and promote. You can't live up to your full potential without a full stomach. Feeding the community to help them reach their full potential is critical and although it sounds so simple and basic it is so vital. I also volunteer as the CFO for Global Dignity which operates in over 81 countries and helps promote global kindness. Teaching children how to be kind to one another sets the tone for the future and guiding children to think of others can have a lasting world wide impact. World Class Models Magazine: What would be your ultimate modeling dream job?
I love wearing bikini's. My dream modeling job would be Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
World Class Models Magazine: Where can we learn more about your work?
The best way to learn more about me would be on social media. I usually post about my modeling, volunteer work, and my self in general on Instagram @Cassandra.Bannon.Wallace or on Facebook at Cassandra Wallace.
World Class Models Magazine: How can someone hire you for modeling jobs?
If you want to get ahold of me to hire me for a modeling job please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook.
World Class Models Magazine would like to thank for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Models Magazine.
Cassandra Wallace, World Class Models Magazine, Photographer David Scarola
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr WorldClass 2021 Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

World Class Pageants, Fashion Modeling, Film and Music magazines.
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Titles are for one year but Covers are for Ever! Dreams do come true with World Class Pageant Magazines. 96 print pageant magazines and our amazing Cover Girls.
