World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Brittany Nichole Porter Miss Ohio Petite 2020.
Full name: Brittany Nichole Porter
Title/Year: Miss Ohio Petite 2020
Pageant System: USA Petite
Age: 20
Education Level: Current undergraduate student
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Hobbies: Crafting, outdoor activities, and motorcycles.
Platform: Ambitious over Anxious
Years competed: One
Countries visited: United States
Likes: Trying new foods, learning, racing dirt bikes, and exploring new places.
Dislikes: Negativity and math
Status: Engaged
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.
As a little girl, I dreamed of becoming America's Next Top Model. I would have my cousin announce my name as I walked into the living room for fashion shows, concerts, and dance performances. Dreams and ambition continued on but the desire to help others grew stronger. After highschool graduation, I decided to pursue the medical field. I plan to become a licensed practical nurse then continue my education and become a registered nurse. Mental health is very important to me and I believe everyone deserves a place with relaxation and understanding. Looking forward, I would love to build a nonprofit spa to help those struggling with their mental health.
World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about your education.
I attended a public school, Wheelersburg, until my junior year. From there, I attended Shawnee State University through a post-secondary option that Ohio Connections Academy offered. Ohio Connections Academy allowed me to complete my highschool courses through a college campus so that I could receive college credits. After graduation, I started working in behavioral health. During the first year I obtained my CPR certification, behavioral health training, Google Ads certification and Ohio medication passing certificate. From here, I decided to dive deeper into the medical field. I finished my phlebotomy program with straight A’s. Now, I start school in the fall to become a licensed practical nurse. Beyond this, I plan to continue my education as a registered nurse and eventually open my own spa.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment mean to you?
Women Empowerment is encouraging and building confidence in other women throughout any and everything. I believe it is necessary to share uplifting content, confidence building comments, and inspire other women to be themselves. Bullying and jealousy will destroy the most beautiful, immaculate, and beneficial opportunities. One of my sister queens shared this quote that says, “Don’t be mad and don’t put yourself down. It’s nothing you did or didn’t do. It is simply their time to shine.” Women empowerment is encouraging, kind, loving, and understanding beyond all measures even if you aren’t the one in the spotlight.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.
When I was ten, I placed first runner up in the Portsmouth River Days Little Miss. Aside from this pageant, USA Petite Pageant is the first system where I have actually competed. I decided to enter the USA Petite Pageant because I want to get my freelance yoga into the hands of those who truly need it. I love challenging myself and USA Petite was the perfect opportunity. As a bonus, I met so many amazing individuals.
World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
Since I was a little girl, I was constantly playing dress-up, putting on fashion shows, or modeling type games. Every photo of me below age twelve has the famous hand on hip, ear to shoulder pose. My mom thought I would enjoy pageantry with all the beautiful gowns, small heels, and people. She was my inspiration to be myself, own the stage, and have fun. At age ten, I competed in the local pageant, Portsmouth River Days.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
When I was twelve anxiety started taking over my daily life. But as a child, I didn’t know what anxiety was. Almost two years I spent walking around with an unknown physical illness, going doctor to doctor. I decided to take on this title to bring awareness of mental health in children to other families so their child isn’t alone. I also wanted to share things that have helped me along my journey for others to use at no cost. I believe that getting help and treatment for one’s mental health shouldn’t drain your bank.
World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?
The USA Petite Pageant system was founded to empower petite women 5’6’’ and under. The main purpose is to celebrate the accomplishments and encourage other petite women worldwide. Even though we are short, we are capable of big things. USA Petite is more than a pageant system, it is a sisterhood.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?
USA Petite Pageant scoring is broken down into four categories. Thirty-five percent of your score is based on the interview. During the interview, four to five judges ask you questions based on your personal biography within a four to seven minute span. Twenty-five percent of the overall score is based on the swimsuit/fun fashion portion where the judges look for posture, grace and confidence. An additional twenty-five percent of scoring is based on the posture, personality, execution, and overall stage appearance during the evening gown competition. Finally, fifthteen percent of your scoring is based on the vocabulary, personality, confidence, and values within the on stage question.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.
Leading up to the competition our director, Jenna, was beyond informative. She constantly made sure that everyone knew what to do and what to bring. Then walking into the competition, you are welcomed with open arms. I personally had three girls help me do my makeup the day of finals competition. A few girls helped me take my shoes off and on backstage. We touched up each other's makeup, zipped those gowns and helped wherever we could. I even borrowed an evening gown and shoes from two different contestants. This pageant system has built an ongoing sisterhood that I am so thankful to be a part of.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
Being diagnosed with anxiety at a young age was scary. I had so many questions. I didn’t understand anxiety or how I got it. Now nine years later, I have found different ways to understand and manage my anxiety. A wise man once told me, “It is okay to be afraid. But do it anyways. You can’t allow fear to control every decision you make.” This is where my platform “Ambitious over Anxious” took flight. No matter how scared you are, be ambitious. Let your ambition lead the way, not your fear.
World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, in person appearances happen to cease during my year. However, I used the world of technology to influence my followers. I held a mental health guidance meeting, on Zoom, to talk about positively influencing your mental health and the signs of anxiety and depression. I hosted a freelance yoga class for anyone to join via Zoom. During February, I sent Valentine's Day cards to the organization “Cards for Hospitalized kids.” A fellow queen and I purchased backpacks for the organization “Develop Africa,” that sends school supplies to the needy children in Africa. Finally, I read a bedtime story about kindness to children through Zoom.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?
In 2019, I finished my phlebotomy program with honors. I have been featured in The Story Cover magazine and the Golden Hour magazine. I have also made the cover of The Photograp(her) Magazine. Also, I was selected into the licensed practical nursing program that starts in the fall of 2021.
World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?
I am very organized and passionate with everything I do. I believe having a full understanding of what you’re doing and why, you can accomplish anything. My personality is understanding, compassionate and bubbly which allows me to speak to individuals easily. I stand out because I am entirely authentic and motivated to make a difference.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
I was actually announced as the first runner up. However, I still consider this to be a win. As the emcee, Marc Busko, said “Make your way to the front of the stage,” I realized there were only two contestants and I was one. My heart began beating rapidly. The former Miss New England Petite, Lindsey, and I stood at the start of the stage holding our hands out waiting for Marc to announce the next USA Petite Miss. All I could think is “our hard work has gotten us so far and now one of us will be announced as the winner.” Then I heard “Miss Ohio first runner up.” I was overwhelmed with excitement that I instantly started crying. But as I saw the tears on Lindsey’s face as she announced the USA Petite Miss, I just wanted to hug her. Even though I didn’t win the title, I believe I still have plenty of opportunity to grow my platform and accomplish my goals.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Being a beauty queen is more than a pretty face, outstanding wardrobe and great posture. You have to have a compassionate heart. Anyone can donate time and money to charity events, but a beauty queen does those things because she truly cares about the ones she’s helping. The reason behind every queens platform is the passion that drives them to help others.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life?
Pageantry is a life changing experience. I have gained confidence in who I am and where I want to go, while making many friends along the way. Before competition you must know why you have grown into the woman you are today and where you want your future to go. Without fully knowing yourself, you may not choose the right platform or give the judges a true understanding of who you are. Then, you are constantly challenging yourself by being in the spotlight. Appearances, speeches, hosting events and on stage performance are all things you typically wouldn’t do without a title. Lastly, you meet over one hundred talented, selfless, strong, and inspirational women that you build lifelong friendships with.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image?
Honestly, at first it is scary. You are constantly challenging yourself by being in the spotlight to receive judgement. Creating a platform is the biggest help because you have to dive into your journey through life and know yourself. Knowing who you are builds your confidence in unexplainable ways. As far as body image, being comfortable with who you are plays a big role. Although, meeting all the other women does help. Naturally we tell ourselves, “I’m bigger than the other contestants,” “I have acne,” or “I have stretch marks that might show,” but everyone else has those thoughts too. When your brain points out an insecurity, tell yourself “I am beautiful.”
World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
It is breathtaking. I start to cry everytime someone says that. When I was little, I always had my mom and grandparents encouraging me to be myself and follow my dreams. Looking back, I wouldn’t be here today without them. I love that I get to inspire others the same way my family once inspired me.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?
Confidence is key. You have made this far and no matter what happens, own the stage. The judges may think you are scared or uncomfortable if you are looking down, have poor posture, walking super fast, or not having a pleasant expression. You have spent so much time and money into your on stage wardrobe, so take your time and show off what you’re wearing.
World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?
I started by making a pageant binder. I organized the binder by starting with the delegate packet, a list of all the documents needed listed by date, an expenses chart listing where money is going and coming in from, a list of sponsors, wardrobe list, followed by different pageant prep. I practiced walking and posing in my living room with a big mirror wearing my heels and bikini. Every morning I watched the youtube channel of Dani Walker or Alycia Darby. I signed myself up for daily emails with both of those youtubers and the coaching webpage “Commit to the Crown.” I joined in on the “Win a Pageant Summit,” hosted by Alycia Darby through facebook. Then lastly, I purchased a thirty minute one on one coaching session with Ally Bowen from “Fit to Sparkle Queen.”
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?
Practice in the shoes you will be wearing. Work with a pageant walking coach one on one, even if it is for thirty minutes. If coaching is out of the budget, watch a pageant walking coach on youtube, record yourself, have someone critique your walking, and critique yourself based on the recording. Setting up a wall with full body mirrors, wearing my shoes, wearing my bikini while recording myself helped me practice my pageant walk the most. I wore my bikini so I could see how my entire body was moving. I do strongly recommend a minimum of one coaching session because a coach can point out things that you didn’t know to look for.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?
My first tip is to make sure you’re looking at age appropriate dresses. I know sometimes as a teen contestant who may be nineteen, they want to wear a high slit or more risque evening attire. However, you are in the teen category and most pageant systems don’t deem those things as teen attire. Secondly, google past winners or the past top five associated with that system and examine the style of those dresses. Each pageant system has their own style. Lastly, pick something you love. Say you bought the 2019 winners gown but you hate it on yourself, the judge will know. You should be head over heels with the gown you plan on wearing.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?
Be yourself. No one wants to meet someone that pretends to be someone else. If you lie and a judge knows you’re lying, they immediately lose all interest in you. Also, know why you want to win, why you are competing, and what your goals are in the future. For instance, if you are the judge, you wouldn’t want a contestant to lie or have no plans for their year with the national title. Interview is the judges learning about you and how well you communicate with strangers. It can be intimidating, but be authentic no matter what.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?
I wish I had practiced more in my evening gown. Sadly, I had only worn my evening gown four times. I didn’t have a lot of space in my home to practice so I put on my dress during alterations and to show my family. When I got on stage for prelims, my strapless dress was heavy due to the attached skirt, it started slipping. Luckily, no one noticed. However, I had to borrow a gown three hours before finals from another sister queen. I will forever recommend practicing in your evening gown before competition because you never know what could happen when you’re actually moving.
World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?
A common mistake made by most contestants is not practicing their walk. On stage pageant walk is different from runway or browsing the city. Each division has a different expectation and each pageant system has different rules. As a contestant, you have to know how to properly walk across the stage for your division. Another common mistake is not smiling. Contestants get so focused on their walk that they forget what facial expressions they’re making.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?
When I was fifteen I started working with a local photographer, Andrew Dodson. After high school, I branched out to other photographers and started working with Pro Model and Talent Agency in Cleveland, Ohio. At PMTA, I took a four month class to improve my body movement, runway and acting skills. I have been featured in two magazines and made the cover of one. Now, I am currently working with a local photographer, Aparo Price. I plan to audition for PMTA and work as a commercial runway model.
World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Queen?
As for 2021, I plan to launch a freelance yoga YouTube channel to teach those struggling with mental illness how to calm their minds through movement and breathing. I will be hosting a free evening yoga class once a month for students at various local highschools. I plan to raise a least a thousand dollars to help fund nonprofit organizations looking to help those struggling with mental illness. Even though I did not win the USA Petite Miss title, I still plan to accomplish all of my goals I had set for if I was crowned the winner.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
When people remember me, I want them to remember how authentic and kind I am. I never want to change my morals or character based on my status. At the end of the day, no one remembers the amount of money you make or the number of likes you get. But, everyone does remember how you treat other people before, during and after fame.
Director: Jenna Kienbaum
Pageant website: https://www.usapetite.com/
Photo by Aparo Price owner of Looking Glass Images
Thank you to my sponsors
I want to thank so many of you for your continuous support through my journey as Miss Ohio Petite. I want to start by thanking my mom for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and supporting every decision I make. Thank you to all my family and friends who have encouraged me with every step. To my silent sponsors, you are amazing and I’m so thankful for you. Thank you to everyone associated with the USA Petite for making the beautiful production possible. Fit to Sparkle Queens, coach Ally, thank you so much for advising during pageant week. Thank you to everyone helping us get ready. Thank you (Brittany Link Pageant Photography, Fit to Sparkle, Puresk, Marc Defang, Just Right Cosmetics, MTS Nutrition, MantraBrand, Crown Couture Collection, Ellie L Illustrations, BeautyCounter, HOP Models & Talent Agency, Go Bling Yourself, Portillo Jewelers, WRK, J Cherie Couture & Designs, STS, GoldSheep, Commit to the Crown and SlimFast) for sponsoring the pageant and making this experience possible. I’m so thankful for the judges taking the time from their schedule to judge this event. Lastly, thank you to all my sister queens. You girls are inspirational and I don’t think I could’ve put my shoes on backstage without your help. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Brittany Nichole Porter Miss Ohio Petite 2020, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Looking Glass Images
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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