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Asha Grigg Miss Charity Australia 2021

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Asha Grigg Miss Charity Australia 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Asha Grigg Miss Charity Australia 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Steve Nuske Photography, Makeup: So. Makeup Artistry Hair: Fabulous Darling Bassendean

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Asha Grigg Miss Charity Australia 2021.

Full name: Asha Grigg

Title/Year: Miss Charity Australia 2021

Pageant System: Charity Pageants Australia

Age: 24

Education Level: High-school Graduate

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Hobbies: Modelling, Gym and Reading

Platform: Heart Health: Awareness and Support

Years competed: 1.5 years

Countries visited: Indonesia & America (non-pageant visits)

Likes: Pink, Personal Development, Glamour, Photoshoots

Dislikes: Negativity, Eggs, Snakes, Hospitals

Status: Engaged (To be Married 21st November 2021)

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

I am a 24-year-old Project Officer and Freelance model from Perth, Western Australia. I am a driven and stubborn woman, whose aim in life is to inspire and make a difference, building a world that not only accepts differences but celebrates them. I am working to overcome the hurdles life throws at me and look good while doing it! World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about your education.

I graduated from High school in 2014, attending a Private school in Perth, Western Australia, excelling in English and Indonesian and Dance. During my high school experience, I was faced with hurdles due to physical health issues, and this led to me missing out on experiences and also meant I had to work even harder to excel.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment mean to you?

To me, Empowerment is to influence and inspire people to believe in themselves, love themselves and to support them to follow their dreams. Female Empowerment is a crucial aspect of my life, as I strive to support and inspire women around the world to fight for what they want, and to believe they can achieve their dreams.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.

I competed in my first pageant in Jan 2020 where I was the 1st runner up and fell in love with it instantly. I then entered my second pageant shortly after, and completed in November 2020, where I was crowned Miss Charity Australia 2021.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

I first entered pageantry in 2019, when I saw an advertisement on a Model Casting platform, until this point I did not realise that there were WA based pageants. I had always dreamed of the opportunity to experience a pageant, the sisterhood, and the opportunity to give back to our community was so aligned with my beliefs and goals.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I chose to compete in the Charity Pageants Australia system as I was wanting to take my platform to the next level, I wanted to give myself the opportunity to reach more people and continue the work I had begun surrounding Heart Health. I also felt it would be a fantastic opportunity to meet more like-minded women, and expand my network, to support others in their journey.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

Charity Pageants Australia was formed to be a pageant system to inspire and empower women of all ages, from all walks of life. This system has a mission to promote a positive environment; one that encourages its contestants and queens to give back to our community, to support one another and celebrate our differences.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

Whilst competing for a Charity Pageants Australia title, in the lead up to the pageant you will be judged for your charity fundraising, community appearances and personal brand (how you present yourself through social media and at events). The first area of competition during pageant weekend is your interview, this is then followed by your on-stage judging: Personal Introduction, Fun Fashion, Active Wear and Evening Wear.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

Whilst competing for the title of Miss Charity Australia, I was fortunate enough to meet so many amazing women, connecting with one another. My experience was challenging yet heart-warming and inspiring, I felt like I was able to truly make a difference.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

My platform is Heart Heath; Support and Awareness, working to raise funds for the Heart Foundation Australia and raise awareness and supply support to people around the world suffering from Heart Disease. I chose this platform as it is a cause very close to my heart, at age 17 I was diagnose with a form of Heart Failure after suffering a cardiac event that resulted in my heart stopping. From that moment I struggled to find the support and understanding for what I was going through as it was “unusual” for someone of my age to receive this diagnosis. I am working to change this so those suffering can find support no matter their situation.

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

Since being crowned in November 2020, I have attended the local Children’s Hospital; donating toys for the children, and have been able to attend multiple small local events; meeting women and children from my community and surroundings. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Miss Western Australia Pageant and the Premiere Elite Pageant in Western Australia. With months left of the year, I am excited for the opportunities that are to come.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

Since enter the world of pageantry I have been able to achieve things I hadn’t thought possible; I have been published on the cover of a local magazine, with a feature article sharing my story of living with heart failure, I have been interviewed on a handful of podcasts raising awareness for my platform and even launched my personal website. I have been able to run a toy drive for the Perth Children’s hospital, with over 200+ toys donated, and raised more funds for the Heart Foundation Australia.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I feel I stand out from everyone else as I have a drive and motivation unlike anyone else, I have met. Not only am I motivated to make a real difference in the world, but I am also motivated to be the best version of myself. As someone who is constantly battling with my inevitable future of needing a Heart Transplant, I am that much more motivated to excel and make a difference now as I know I may not have the opportunity later.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

That moment when my name was called, I felt so many emotions all at once; I was thankful, happy, and proud. I knew then that all my hard work has paid off, and that I was going to be able to continue the work I was doing at a higher level, be able to reach more people and be a true role model for women.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

To me, being a Beauty Queen, is about being the best version of yourself, being a role model for people around the globe. To be a Beauty Queen, is to inspire, support and empower not only those around you but people from all walks of life.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your life?

Competing in pageants gave me the final motivation I was looking for; it was like I had found the missing piece. Pageantry introduced me to the world of successful women working together to have influence, to support one another and it reminded me that I was more then just a pretty face.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants help your self-esteem and body image?

Pageantry helped me believe in myself, it taught me that even as 1 person I was able to be the difference I wanted to see in the world, that despite my personal struggles I can be extraordinary.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

It honestly feels a bit like a dream, it is such an honour to be in the position I am in. Knowing there are people around the globe that may look to me as an inspiration makes me want to work even harder to be the best role model possible.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over?

For me, confidence and connection are key, without confidence judges will not be able to connect with you. If you are not confident it is so much harder to communicate with the judges, how can you be a role model for others if you are not confident in yourself?

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

Research, practice, and hard work. Before I compete, I research everything, the pageant system, current style trends, winning gowns, current events and more. I do everything I can to leave nothing to chance.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walks?

I learn from the best, by connecting with a coach or current title holder. Practicing and taking on all feedback, I am always working to improve. Ensuring I have the appropriate walk for each area, and practicing in the gowns / clothing I will be competing in.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress?

I personally research before even looking at buying a gown, knowing what others have been successful in, the current style trends and what is appropriate for the pageant system and for your division. Once I have a clear understanding of the above, I search for a dress that matches the criteria, ensuring to always try it on, and walking in each gown before buying.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning an interview?

I believe information is so crucial during an interview, to prepare I always make sure I know the information surrounding my platform and ensure I stay up to date on current events. I don’t like to rehearse my answers too much as I never want it to sound scripted so I focus on knowing the information so I am prepared for anything to be thrown my way.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you have made during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

The biggest mistake I have made and wish I could redo, and have learnt from, is taking down time before the on stage part of the competition, I got so caught up in preparing that I didn’t take the time to be in the moment, and found myself having to remind myself after each section to breathe and believe in myself.

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

I feel that sometimes girls can make the mistake of over rehearsing, to the point they no longer look or sound natural and are then unable to adapt to change.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modelling or acting experience?

I began modelling at age 10, signed to an agency by age 14, and became a freelance model at age 19. Modelling has been a critical part of my life for so long now, and it has moulded me into the person I am today. I have been published in numerous small magazines, been apart of events and worked as an ambassador for fashion and beauty brands.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2021 as a Queen?

As Miss Charity Australia, I am working alongside my National director to prepare for National finals and help to take the system to the next level, reaching even more women across the country. I am also planning small fundraising initiatives and a larger scale charity event to raise funds for the Heart Foundation Australia. I will be continuing to work with podcasts and other media to raise awareness for Heart Disease and for my pageant system.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I hope that I can leave a legacy of empowerment behind, inspiring both men and women around the globe to reach for their dreams and work to achieve their goals. I hope I will be a reminder for years to come, that you can achieve amazing things, despite suffering from illness or other personal struggles.

National Director: Emma Connor

Your Local Director: Emma Connor

Name of the Photographer and other credits: Steve Nuske Photography, Makeup: So. Makeup Artistry Hair: Fabulous Darling Bassendean

Thank you to my sponsors: I’d like to thank my sponsor Miss Lush Locks, for always making sure I am looking my best and for your ongoing support.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine

Asha Grigg Miss Charity Australia 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Steve Nuske Photography, Makeup: So. Makeup Artistry Hair: Fabulous Darling Bassendean

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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