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Aleah Belton Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Aleah Belton Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, , Photo by  Angela of Wild Child Photography
Aleah Belton Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, , Photo by Angela of Wild Child Photography

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Aleah Belton Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador.

Full name: Aleah Belton

Title/Year: Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador

Pageant System: Beauty Contest

Age: 20 years old

Education Level: High school diploma and college certificate for early learning and childcare level 2

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Hobbies: piano, coloring, hip hop, figure skating

Platform: indigenous and Métis cultures in Canada. I myself am Métis as I represented in the pageant. I got my Métis sash presented to me as a ceremonial gift from an indigenous elder at my high school graduation. In the future I will be getting my Métis status card. I want to learn more about my culture which this pageant has really helped me with that. I also want to make more Métis and indigenous groups more public for everyone. I would really like to see more people know who they truly are and learn about their cultures especially those who are indigenous because they were the first people in Canada.

Years competed: 2023

Countries visited: only Canada however been to Hawaii. Travelled all of Canada though

Likes: piano, drums, music, dance, animals, spending time with family and friends, rodeos, Paris (Eiffel tower), stitch Disney character

Dislikes: drama, negativity/hatred, being late, math

Status: in a relationship

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.

I am 20 years old. I am a caring, friendly, trustworthy, enthusiastic young woman. I work at a daycare as a kindergarten and pre k educator and have done daycare work for the last year. I am very passionate about my work with kids and completed my schooling at Red Deer polytechnic in December 2022. I live with my boyfriend of two years with our two little cats in our cozy home. I was born and raised in sylvan lake Alberta and moved to red deer in 2021. I am an only child, sister in law, aunt in law, friend and many more. Alongside from my daycare career, I also work as a server and just at Boston pizza in Gasoline alley red deer. I thoroughly enjoy both jobs. I just recently bought my first car on my own by financing. This is my first year of pageantry and I truly loved every minute of it. I met so many awesome ladies and made so many friends and a very close sisterly bond. Although it was my first pageant, I think it will be the start of something new for me. I plan to continue with pageantry and see where it takes me. It has helped me with my self confidence issues in so many ways and I’m so thankful for it. Before pageantry, I had never publicly spoken, performed a talent in public or been confident in my self and my beliefs. It made me a stronger woman and the best version of me I can be.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education.

I went to college for two years starting in 2021 at Red Deer Polytechnic (Red Deer College). I went for early learning and childcare certificate and finished with my level two. I have learned a lot and expanded my knowledge of children and their growth and it has made me the best educator for young children and their developing needs. It showed me I want to work with kids for a long time

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you?

To me it means everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways and woman are some of the strongest creates on the planet. We are so nurturing and supportive. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without certain woman in my life.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history.

I have never known much about pageants or even had an interest in them until this year. A lady I know introduced me to my pageantry career and I couldn’t be happier. At this point in my life I wouldn’t have learned to be confident in myself or met such amazing and supportive girls. Although I’m new I will forever have my title from my first ever pageant in 2023. Miss multicultural red deer ambassador.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

I really wanted to gain more confidence in myself, gain more friends and meet new people. I also really wanted to go way out of my comfort zone and learnt to public speak and play piano in public and face all my fears. I also really wanted to try something new for myself. Lastly I wanted to learn more about my culture and be able to comfortably express it.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I wasn’t competing for a specific title, I truthfully didn’t expect to win anything being that it was my first pageant and I had no experience but I just wanted to win something and be proud of my self for exploring my new self.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

Multiculturalism and how everyone is beautiful in their own skin and how Canada is so accepting of anyone no matter what culture you are.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes your director different from others?never had others to compare to. But they were amazing staff to work with for my first pageant they were all very caring and supportive and helped me one on one in times when I was struggling the most.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition? Confidence, eloquence, presentation, modeling skills and talent

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

I was extremely nervous but had the best time I ever could have. I felt pretty and empowering and beautiful in my own body for the first time ever in my life. I felt on top of the world

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Who would you recommend your system to?

Any friends looking at trying a first time pageant or young woman and girls looking for a support system in their lives

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.

I haven’t done a lot of volunteering recently since graduating high school however l am always willing to help and try new things and always willing to step up for volunteer positions.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title?

Nothing yet but will be joining events when they come up

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements?

Getting my first aid certification basic level and child specific. Winning miss red deer ambassador, completing my college certificate and receiving my high school diploma.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I am my own unique person and none of the girls are the same. Everyone has their own differences and beliefs. However, I would say I stand out because I’m very new to pageants and have little to no experience therefore I stand out compared to the others who have lots of experiences with pageants.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

I was so excited. I kept my self very calm and collected and professional on the stage but when I heard my name, it took everything in me not to jump around and cry and scream of joy.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

To me it means showing your true colors and letting you be you. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and it means to be confident and presentable. I also think it shows a strong woman who is inspiring and empowering for younger woman.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life?

It has helped me see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty before. It has given me the most confidence in myself I have ever had in my entire life. It made me feel beautiful inside and out and it helped me out of my shell with lots of other things. It helped me publicly perform and put my self out there and it helped me to bring awareness and positivity to and about my self and lessened my self pitty and hatred.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image?

Although I still have body image issues, it has made me love myself more than ever and it has really made me aware that we can’t change how we are and we were created just as we are . The body I was given is the body I need to live in and live in with confidence.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

I feel like I can help other girls with the same self positivity issues I had. I believe I can make girls feel beautiful inside and out through my experience

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

Looking into their eyes every chance I get and giving them a look like I know what I’m doing and they should choose me because I look confident in what I’m doing even being I had never done it before.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition?

Self soothed, talked with fellow competitors, did a group prayer, lifted each other up

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

I myself still need to improve my walk however I was trained by having a stick in my back to prop myself up and keep the good posture. It really helped me a lot and worked wonders for my improvement from the beginning to the end

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

Choose what you like and what you feel beautiful in not what others think. Go above and beyond and out of your comfort zone and try something new and flashy for the stage.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview?

Think quick on the spot, be true to yourself and your interviewees, be honest, and answer to your full potential and ability.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

Not panic and Redo the walks I messed up on

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

Everyone struggled remembering our formations

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience?


World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2023 as a Queen?

Register for 2024, keep practicing my walk to get better and show off my crown and bring awareness to multicultural productions

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Once a pageant queen always a pageant queen. I want to be known for being super new with no experience and still trying and never quitting to follow through with my goals and plans. Always try hard and never give up on everything you do

National Director: Multicultural Productions

Your Local Director: Multicultural Productions: Malou Esparagoza, Lana Villanueva, Abegail Bermillo

Name of the Photographer and other credits

Angela of Wild Child Photography for the magazine photoshoot, Evangeline Pastor of House of Fiori for the location shoot, Gil Froilan for the pageant photos, Jerwin Suratos for the media exposure, Florence Haro for my hair and make up for this magazine and during the talent competition, for the pageant walk training with stick and the opportunity to be featured in a prestigious World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Eduardo Haro for my hair and make up during the pageant and most of all my family, boyfriend and friends who supported my first pageant.

Thank your sponsor

Big Thank you to Molyz Nature’s Best and Make up by Flo for the choice awards.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.

Aleah Belton Miss Multicultural Beauty 2023 Red Deer Ambassador, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, , Photo by Angela of Wild Child Photography Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr WorldClass 2023 Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
World Class Queens of Asia Magazine


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